The advent of E-cigarettes has prompted many serial smokers to jump onto the vaping bandwagon. There are numerous benefits that you can accrue from vaping as opposed to smoking cigarettes. Physicians worldwide concur that vaping is better than smoking – this Mighty vaporizer will provide you with the perfect introduction, owing to its affordability and ease of use.

Here are the 5 things you need to know about buying a vape:


  • Parts of an E-Cig


First-time vapers often struggle to figure out how vapes (or E-Cigs) actually work. Although their construction might look complex, E-Cigs are actually simple to put together. They consist of a mod/battery, a tank and coils. The primary function of the E-Cig is to convert the contents therein into vapor that can be inhaled. Vapes are usually powered by a powerful battery – the coils then heat up and vaporize the liquid which is then inhaled by users.


  • Vapes come in many forms


Since their inception, vapes have developed into diverse forms. Today, you can get wide-ranging colors, shapes and designs of E-Cigs. The mouth-to-lung vape varieties, for instance, vary widely with the direct-to-lung models. If you’re vaping for the first time, you’ll probably cough for a while. However, you will quickly get the hang of it. Some state regulations prohibit people from vaping indoors, so ensure that you stick to the laid-out laws before you start vaping.


  • You’ll need to replace the coil over time


Although vapes are great inventions, their coils wear out quickly and require a prompt replacement after some weeks. Once you notice a burnt taste when vaping, then it’s time to replace the coil. The coils of most E-Cigs are easily available online, so you needn’t worry about their accessibility. There are many types of coils: some are ceramic while others are constructed using stainless steel. Replacing the coil is an easy endeavor that shouldn’t take much time. Always replace your coils when they wear out to improve your exquisite vaping experience.


  • Vaping beginners vs gurus


It’s important to consider your vaping experience before purchasing a vape. If you’re a beginner, commence with the starter kit and slowly upgrade as you advance. Vaping pros have a keener, more refined taste – they might benefit from customized E-Cig models that can be modified with ease. Luckily, vaporizers come in many shapes and forms. You can even purchase disposable vapes that cost as little as $10 if you feel like trying something new.


  • Vary nicotine strength according to your liking


If you prefer vaporizing nicotine, it’s crucial to understand your preferred nicotine strength level. Former cigarette smokers will probably choose a higher nicotine content compared to newbies. Smokers should limit their nicotine intake between 6 and 12 mg/ml for the best results. E-liquids are used to turn nicotine and other compounds into liquid form so they can be vaporized. They comprise of two key ingredients: Vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol. It’s important to learn how these two liquids interact and how they can affect your vaping experience.

If you enjoy vaping, try out a variety of vape flavors and figure out what you really like.



Regardless of whether you’re maintaining a small business or you’re just beginning your venture toward building an enterprise, it is safe to assume that most entrepreneurs are on the hunt for better ways to develop their businesses. Small businesses make up around seventy percent of jobs abroad and create enormous growth in the economy. Therefore, when the small business associations win, everybody wins. However, it is well known that economics varies from time to time. Economics may be cyclical, and hence it’s vital to capitalize during the good times.

Small business owners should ensure they are adequately insured in case of any emergencies (especially during tough economic times). During economic crunches, many business owners are often caught unawares. They barely have sufficient knowledge on the best financial measures to use. Small business owners ought to implement relevant economic measures for the growth of their businesses. If you desire to increase your Facebook followers, check out this guide to Facebook advertising.

Here are four economical tips for small business owners:


  • Establish different businesses


Getting satisfied with prospecting while things are smooth mostly when you possess a large number of clients is very easy. Additionally, if you are thriving well you may feel as if too much has been achieved. However, there may be a possibility that you wish things to be good as there were there before in a few months. To avoid remembering the good days, small business owners should diversify their enterprises by coming up with new business just in case one enterprise is affected by the economic conditions. Establishing new enterprises also helps in replacing the few customers who may be affected.


  • Never hold back on your marketing


The essence of prospecting goes hand in hand with being firm on marketing. It may seem cheaper and more comfortable for the small business owners to reduce marketing in the short term, but they should always consider the long term effects. As long as you are on the right track, marketing will have a reconstructive return, and the cost will be less than the money earned through marketing. Therefore, small business owners should invest heavily in marketing. Coming up with a built up marketing strategy will help them endeavor in the market during hard economic times. Marketing gets more bang for the small business owners’ buck.


  • Build strong relations with the current clients


In any economy, keeping the existing customer is much advantageous and more natural than obtaining a new one. Reading your customer as a small business owner is a cost-effective tool and significant economic advantage even during the tight economic condition. A small business owner should ensure their customers are esteemed and search for means of developing their relationship. Developing loyalty to current customers increases dividends when introducing new prices or even new products.


  • Lowering cost ideas


The miserable economy may cover unusual ways of saving money for small business owners. To avoid these, business owners ought to decrease the running costs. The business owners may make use of economic situation as leverage while selling their products. Small business owners should show their ability to pay their lenders on a timely basis for them to get lower prices for the products for sale. Additionally, business owners can lower costs by adopting technology measures in expanding the market. This can be achieved by using various technology channels such as websites and blogs to reach customer needs.

In conclusion, developing small businesses during a tough economy may be hard. That is why it is essential to establish other enterprises, strengthen your marketing strategy, lower costs to outdo the competitors and create a strong relationship with current customers.



baby feet

Being a father is the most amazing and important thing a man will ever be in his life. It comes with a lot of joy, happiness, and respect. It is an important stage of a man’s life where he steps into maturity.

However, as great as it sounds, it comes with responsibilities a man will ever face in his lifetime. Here are some of the baby tips for dads by Best For Mums.

1. Loving and Caring.

Love is a very essential aspect of human lives, especially to little innocent growing kids. As a father one is expected to love his family that is his kid and wife included unconditionally. A father should shower his family with a lot of love and care. However hard the situation gets, a father should always put his family first.

2. Should be Responsible.

As a father, one is expected to be fully responsible for his family. He needs to be there for them always. A growing kid needs a lot of attention, a good father should spend a lot of time with his kids.

Time is so precious to mankind, so a good father should always spend a lot of time with his family. Doing so will create a strong bond that will last a lifetime. This creates strong and important memories between a father and his family.

3. A good role model.

Growing kids are very delicate and hence require proper upbringing. Kids learn so quickly and always emulates whom they spent time with. A good Dad is expected to be at his best of behavior when around his son or daughter.

He should teach his kid good morals and the idea of respecting people and property. These are important qualities to possess in society. A good father is expected to be careful with whatever he does in front of his kids since they learn first and whatever they see is what they emulate. So, if kids learn from their father’s actions, let it be beneficial to their growth.

4. Should be a go-getter.

As a family man, one is expected to provide for his family ever. No matter the circumstances, no matter how worse the situation can get the family should eat, wear good clothes, wear good shoes and a good shelter where they can call home.

A good father should be dedicated to his day to day activities so as to ensure his family gets all the support they need. He should be able to provide good food at any given time.

5. Should be sober-minded.

A responsible dad should be almost a 100 percent clean of any drugs. Being a father and the head of a family so important such that he shouldn’t be mixed up with any form of drug abuse at all.

For his family to stand firm and for him to establish a healthy relationship with his family, he needs to think straight and make great decisions for his family. This can be achieved so easily by staying clean and staying alert.



We all need a good night’s sleep. Failure to get quality rest often tends to affect our mental and physical states negatively. Our bodies will normally start to develop health problems when we go for too long without quality sleep. It is, therefore, necessary to try everything you can to make sure that you get to receive quality sleep.

You can start practicing the following tips to help you get started:

sleep tips

1. Come Up with a Sleep-Wake Schedule

Human bodies have a unique circadian rhythm. What this means is that your body is set to go to sleep at certain times and wake up at certain times as well. The sleeping and waking times will normally vary from one person to another.

However, it is necessary that you try and maintain a consistent schedule if you are to remain refreshed and energized when awake. Important tips that can help you achieve this particular fete include:

• Ensuring you go to sleep at the same time each day

• Trying to wake up at the same time

• Resisting the urge to sleep in during your off-days. Just because it is the weekend does not mean that you should adjust your sleeping habits.

• If you want to take a nap, ensure that the nap will not last for more than twenty minutes

• Try and maintain alertness after taking a heavy meal. It is common for people to become drowsy after eating. You can maintain alertness by engaging in activities that will ensure that you remain stimulated at all times.

2. Control Your Exposure to Light

Very few people are cognizant of the fact that exposure to light helps control the melatonin levels in the body. The fact that this hormone is in charge of regulating the wake-sleep cycle makes this fact very important. Your body tends to produce more melatonin when you are in a dark environment.

For this reason, it is extremely important to make sure that you get to limit your exposure to light, particularly during night hours.

The following tips will come in handy when trying to control exposure to light:

• Try and expose your body to bright sunlight during the morning hours

• Allow natural light to infiltrate your residence

• Try to spend as much time as possible in the outdoors during the daylight hours

• Try and limit your exposure to bright lights, e.g., from a PC or smartphone at least one hour before you turn in to sleep.

• Make it a point to stay away from the TV set during the late hours of the night

• Do not use a backlit gadget when reading in bed

• When the time comes for you to sleep, make sure that your bedroom is as dark as possible

3. Create a Proper Sleeping Environment

There is a lot to say about this particular factor. But the most important thing to keep in mind is that you need to have a comfortable bed. Also, try and arrange the items around you before turning in to sleep. The arrangement around you helps determine how fast or slow you fall asleep when you get to bed.

4. Get Yourself a Comfortable Mattress

It is common for people to assume that they already own a good mattress that will help them fall asleep easily. But the reality is that this is not always the case. If you are to get quality sleep, you will need to invest in a top of the line mattress. The bed frame does not matter as much as the mattress does.

For this reason, it is recommended that you get your hands on a quality mattress from Casper Mattresses. The brand has notable celebrity investors like Felicity Hayward, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Toby Maguire.

Casper Mattresses are widely renowned for their special memory foam that makes it easier for you to relax and enjoy your much-needed rest. So what makes these mattresses so snooze-worthy? The difference lies in its design. The following helps describe these mattresses to a tee:

• Use of an innovative ergonomic design. It is a mattress designed to help your body align for a deep and restorative sleep.

• It makes use of premium foams for luxurious comfort. Some manufacturers and retailers use fillers as opposed to high-quality foam. It is the reason why some of us cannot seem to catch a break when it comes to rest.

• Breathable and cool. Many foam mattresses available in the market tend to sleep hot. But the Casper mattress comes with a set of airy layers designed to ensure that you will remain nice and cool for the rest of the night.

5. Create a Good Sleep Environment

The only way to come up with a good sleep environment is by making sure that your bedroom is cool, quiet, and dark. Try and minimize the noise present in your room. You will also want to ensure that it remains cool for the rest of the night. A cool room makes it easier for you to fall asleep.

You also need to make sure that your bedroom is only used for sleeping purposes. The implication here is that you should not bring your laptop to bed with you to catch up on your emails. This is also not the time to check what is on late night television.

6. Start Exercising frequently

Exercising helps you sleep better during the night. Additionally, you are less likely to fall asleep the next day while at work or school. Although studies have intimated that vigorous exercises are the best for those with sleeping problems, you should not overlook the benefits that come with engaging in light exercises.

Walking for a few minutes each day will do wonders for your health. Taking a short walk a few times in the day will help you live a much more sedentary lifestyle. If you are having some sleeping problems, you can always try to engage in a timed exercise session.

Working out helps boost your body’s metabolism. Working out in the late afternoon or late at night can also contribute to your enhanced sleeping issues. The best thing you can do for your body where exercises are concerned would be to work out in the early morning hours.

7. Change Your Diet

What you eat during the day will also have an impact on your sleeping habits. This is more so when you choose to eat your meals close to your sleep time. Carefully consider everything you are eating or drinking. The following nutrition tips will come in handy to a person looking to adjust their nutrition habits:

• Limit your caffeine and nicotine intake before bedtime. The two can negatively affect your sleeping patterns, especially when consumed too close to your sleep time.

• Resist the urge to take a big meal at night. Try to take your dinner in the early evening hours. If possible, make sure that your dinner time occurs at least two hours before your bedtime.

• Stay away from spicy and acidic foods

• Do not take alcohol before you turn in to sleep.

• Do not take too many liquids. Taking too many fluids means that you will have to wake up multiple times to go to the bathroom.

• Reduce your overall intake of sugary foods and carbs.


From the seven factors discussed above, it is clear for all to see that there is a lot that goes into determining whether you get quality sleep or not. You should, however, note that there are instances where you are likely to experience sleep problems regardless of what you engage in before going to bed. If this happens to you, consider visiting a physician. The physician will help determine whether there exist underlying issues that may call for medical intervention.



Most parents put their kids in childcare for convenience. It gives them the space to go about their daily activities without having to worry about the child’s wellbeing. However, this shouldn’t be the only reason to put your child in childcare. There are lots of other reasons why it makes sense to take your child to a child care center. Most of them are related to your child’s growth and development, others are just out of pure necessity. To make it clearer for you, here are 4 benefits of putting your child in child care.

  1.    It prepares them for school

When a kid goes through child care, they learn how to interact with other people early enough.  These are social skills that are important once they join a school where they will be interacting with other kids from different backgrounds.  A kid who is already used to a school environment has an easy time once they join kindergarten. This gives them a head start, and allows them to focus on building other important skills such as creative thinking among others. A kid who goes straight from home to kindergarten might struggle with these skills, and may end up falling back in developing such skills.

  1.   It helps the child with cognitive and language development

Care centers play a major role in a child’s cognitive development. That’s because, at care centers, children are introduced to creative thinking skills such as coloring and alphabets. In fact, the best care centers such as Explore & Develop go the extra step of finding each child’s key strengths and nurtures them. This can help the child’s brain development at a faster pace than a kid who stays at home until they go to kindergarten. On top of that, child care centers engage kids in songs and other spoken word activities. This expands their vocabulary and helps in language development.

  1.    They develop social interaction skills

There are very many adults who are socially awkward and find it hard to communicate effectively in social gatherings. Child care centers can help your child avoid such problems later in life. When a child attends a child care center, they learn how to communicate with a large group of people from a very young age. This builds in them the confidence to speak in public, and express themselves coherently. Public speaking is a skill that can open doors in adulthood, and the earlier it is nurtured, the better for your child.

  1.    They are healthier

Kids tend to catch the flu among other viral ailments during the first few days of attending kindergarten. That’s because, they suddenly start interacting with lots of people, and this overwhelms their immune systems. For a child who has passed through a child care center, their bodies are already exposed to pathogens from their interactions with other kids at the center. This means that, by the time they attend kindergarten, they are less susceptible to common colds and other ailments that affect kindergarten kids. That’s a good enough reason to take your kid to a child care center. Besides, at care centers, they get to play a lot, which is important to the development of their immune systems.



Recently released in theatres, Julia Roberts stars in the new movie Ben is Back. Starring as a mother of an addict, Holly (Julia Roberts) unexpectedly welcomes home her addict son for Christmas. While Holly is overcome by happiness and a series of other emotions when seeing her son Ben (Luca Hedges), many people close to Holly are conflicted about his early return home from rehab. The movie touches upon very delicate topics such as the unconditional love a mother has for her son. Characterized by raw emotions, Ben is Back shifts from a serio-comic story of a blended family to a thriller about the mean streets of Suburbia. While Ben is Back was only recently released in theatres, it is already available for streaming on Chili.

Ben is Back is set in a single 24-hour period on Christmas Eve when Holly finds her son standing in her driveway and must suddenly welcome him home from rehab. Ben, her teenage son, has been struggling with an opiate addiction ever since taking painkillers following a snowboarding accident at the age of 14. When Ben comes home he is 77 days sober and has been allowed by the rehab to spend the holidays with his family.  While Holly welcomes her son home with a hug, his sister Ivy (Kathryn Newton) is instantly suspicious as she recalls pervious encounters with Ben which didn’t end well. Ben’s stepfather Neal (Courtney B. Vance) who took out an extra mortgage to pay for Ben’s rehab feels similarly and is skeptical to welcome Ben into their lives. 

The movie touches upon a series of difficult and important topics, such as the intricate and strong bond between a mother and a son. The director does a wonderful job of portraying a woman who so desperately wants to help her child that she is blinded by the fact that he may very well be manipulating her. As for Ben, you can never really tell if he is being sincere or if he is playing a part to simply satisfy his addiction. With its wry humor and shifting realities of an ‘everyday’ family caught up in a difficult situation, the movie begins to bear a pleasing edge of a thriller. Holly initially agrees to let Ben stay if he agrees to take a drug test and never leave her sight.  The plot then slowly escalates as Ben encounters people he previously knew when using drugs, some of which thought he was dead and others who sold him the exact drugs he used. A series of events such as home robbery and a dog kidnapping test Ben’s sincerity and Holly’s trust. Another important topic the movie touches upon is the pain and shame of recovery of facing one’s past.

Directed by Peter Hedges who is known for exploring family dynamics in many of his screenplays, Ben is Back carries a powerful message about family bonds and makes no attempt to inject humor into this subject, highlighting the films prominence. A movie that I highly recommend for any mother, Ben is Back is certainly not lighthearted or easy to view but is certainly and important story to follow, plus Julia Robert’s performance is truly amazing.

Let me know if you’ve seen the movie and what your thoughts are!



Butlins High Chairman

Everyone, including smokers, knows that tobacco is one of the biggest threats to health. But some smokers don’t really worry about that unless their habit starts affecting their loved ones. Passive smoking also poses health risks. If you smoke, you’d better quit before your non-smoking spouse or child develop some disease because of it. To boost your motivation, keep reading and learn all the risks you put your family. In case you choose vaping as a quitting method, you may also want to know whether vapor can harm bystanders and what of the two activities is safer.

What is second-hand smoke?

Second-hand smoke is a mix of mainstream smoke (exhaled by a smoker) and sidestream smoke (that a burning cigarette releases).

How dangerous is passive smoking?

To understand what is a better option – a regular cigarette or the best ecig uk, let’s compare the ingredients of smoke and vapor and the effects they cause.

Tobacco smoke consists of more than 4,000 chemicals. At least 40 of them are carcinogens: chemicals that cause cancer. It contains tar that coats airways. There’re also many chemicals with varying degrees of toxicity, for example:

  • Cyanide – a well-known poison used in rat poison;
  • Arsenic – another poisonous heavy metal;
  • Ammonia – an ingredient of household cleaning products used to clean floors and toilets;
  • Cadmium – a toxic heavy metal commonly used in batteries;
  • Formaldehyde – a chemical used to preserve dead animals;
  • Methanol – an alternative fuel for internal combustion and other engines.

How does second-hand smoke harm your children?

If you have kids, you’d better puff your cancer stick outdoors. The same refers to an electronic cigarette.

Children’s lungs and other organs are still developing, so they can be easily damaged. Inhaling anything other than air is undesirable. Besides, infants breathe faster than elder children and adults, so they can inhale more smoke.

Your harmful habit can cause one of the following health problems in your children:

  • Smoking while being pregnant increases the risks of miscarriages, premature birth, and baby’ low birth weight.
  • Babies who are regularly exposed to second-hand smoke are twice more likely to die from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) than those who live with non-smoking parents;
  • Second-hand tobacco smoke exposure may provoke a respiratory illness, such as colds, coughs, wheezing, bronchitis, bronchiolitis, and pneumonia;
  • Second-hand smoke can contribute to the buildup of fluid in the middle ear causing ear infection.
  • Children are more likely to develop asthma when exposed to second-hand smoke.
  • They are also more likely to get sick on cancer: leukemia, brain cancer and lymphomas (especially if the pregnant mother smokes).
  • Passive smoking is especially harmful to children with already existing chronic lung conditions and asthma, as it only worsens the health conditions.

How does passive smoking harm your partner?

Even if your partner has never smoked, he or she can develop any of the diseases that threat you. Kind of unfair, isn’t it?

Passive smoking may lead to the following health problems:

  • respiratory problems;
  • coronary heart disease, heart attack, and stroke;
  • lung cancer;
  • other types of cancer.

How safe is vaping?

What is there in an e-vapor? Typically, e-liquid consists of a base of either Propylene Glycol (PG), Vegetable Glycerin (VG), or a combination of the two, nicotine, and food-grade flavoring. PG and VG are commonly used in food, beauty and care products. PG is an ingredient in asthma inhalers.

It seems that vapor is quite safe except for the nicotine. And several studies prove that. The researchers from the University of California, San Diego conducted an interesting study in 2017. They measured the indoor air quality in 193 family houses. It was found out that smoking of tobacco and marijuana, cooking, and burning candles reduced air quality even more than vaping.

However, some studies still found harmful chemicals in the e-vapor. Often, these are the particles of metals like lead and mercury. To avoid this, don’t buy cheap vaporizers. The best e-cigarette uk that is made of heat-resistant materials will ensure you vape without risks.

However, vaping can’t be called totally safe. This phenomenon is rather new. It’s problematic to find out its effects on the health of both users and non-users.– In regards to the effects on your skin, Misumi has a lot to say about these, like the relationship between vaping and acne, you may find out more about misumi here. One of the components studied was diacetyl, which although it does not directly cause acne, it can surely contribute to a chain reaction leading to it.

How to keep your family safe from second-hand smoke and vapor exposure?

Quit smoking.

It’s the best way to ensure a healthy living environment for your family. You should also do it if you don’t want your children to become smokers later in life. It’s a fact that children are more likely to take up smoking themselves if their parents do it. You’re a role model for your offsprings. If you can’t go cold turkey and still keep smoking or started vaping, here’re some other tips.

Make your home a no-smoking/no-vaping zone. The same refers to your car. If you have guests, ask them to smoke/vape outdoors.

Even if you smoke near the window, tobacco smoke particles cling to your clothes, furniture, floor, walls, and toys, staying in the room even after ventilation. It’s called third-hand smoke. Get rid of it by cleaning your house and car and washing your clothes.

Even if you have the best e-cig uk and fill it with a nicotine-free e-liquid, PG and flavorings can irritate the airways of those household members who have asthma or other respiratory problems.

Children don’t usually make a conscious choice about what they breathe. And a baby won’t leave the room if they don’t like the tobacco smell. Responsible parents understand that they should make this choice for them. If your kids are old enough, tell them to avoid being around someone who is smoking or vaping.

Keep your vaping gear, especially vape juices, in a place that is out of the children’s reach. Accidental consumption of an e-liquid can lead to nicotine poisoning with serious consequences.

So, there’s an abundance of evidence on the harmful effects of tobacco smoking and the lack of knowledge on vaping’s short-term and long-term potential consequences both for users and bystanders. The conclusion is the same for both cases – protect your family from them.

About the author:

Frances is a blogger and she wants to become a professional writer in her future. Now she is on the way to her dream. In the field of her interests are topics of healthy lifestyle, mental and physical well-being. In her posts, she focuses on the main problems of smoking and drug & alcohol abuse to suggest the most suitable solutions.



how to make poached eggs

Eggs are a versatile and popular breakfast around the world. An egg breakfast is quick and easy to prepare and you will get a protein-packed start just before the morning rush. Eggs are warm and nutritious and that’s the reason they are referred to as nature’s multivitamin.

Even though cooking an egg looks like a simple task, the wrong combination of oil, heat, and technique can result in a very unappetizing mess. If you’re always impressed by the perfect eggs prepared in restaurants but find your homemade egg recipes a burnt edge disaster, these 3 tips will help you cook the perfect egg.

  1. Get the Best Frying Pan for Eggs

One of the best ways to prepare the perfect egg is by using the right frying pan. There are many frying pans in the market today but it is important to buy a specific pan that is used for cooking eggs. Pans for frying eggs are typically smaller thus they heat up faster. These pans are also lighter making it easier for you to flip the eggs. A heavy pan can be difficult to carry and you might end up straining your arm while attempting to flip your egg.

Remember, eggs cook very fast and if your pan gets hotter on one side, your eggs will not cook properly and you will end up with an egg that is undercooked on one side and burnt on the other side. Secondly, a pan with individual slots for eggs is the best for a beginner since it will make the cooking process much easier.

  1. Use the Right Amount Of Heat and Oil

In order to cook the perfect egg, you will need the right combination of oil and heat. If you put too much oil on the pan, your egg will spread out over the pan. Ideally; one teaspoon of oil is enough for one egg.

Avoid pouring your egg into cold oil. Set your pan and oil on medium heat. While your pan is heating, crack your eggs individually into separate bowls. For the perfect sunny side up egg dishes, turn down the heat to ensure that the egg yolk cooks properly. Let it cook for about 5 minutes before sliding it on your plate using a spatula.

  1. Do Not Cook Right Out Of the Fridge

Many people prefer to refrigerate their eggs to keep them fresher for longer. However, one of the most common mistakes people make when cooking eggs is attempting to fry straight from the refrigerator.

Eggs should always be cooked when they are at room temperature, therefore, ensure that you remove them at least three hours before cooking them.  If you intend to use leftover raw egg whites that you had refrigerated earlier, cover them with cold water to prevent them from drying. Drain the water before cooking.

Remember to always cook fresh eggs to avoid contamination. Check the expiry date on the egg carton and if you notice that the yolk is runny when you crack the egg, it could be an indication that the membrane has weakened and that egg is no longer fresh or nutritious.



PB & J overnight oats recipe

You have probably heard the saying that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Others will tell you to have breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and supper like a pauper. Well, the one thing that is clear to all is that breakfast is really important. It determines your performance throughout the day and also helps in maintaining your health.

Many people want to enjoy a good breakfast but never really want to do what it takes to make one. However, making a great breakfast doesn’t have to feel like work for you anymore. Here are some tips you can use to make the best breakfast every day for yourself and your family without any fuss.

  1. Have the Right Equipment

Just like making anything else in the kitchen, to get the best breakfast means you need the right equipment. You will need to have toasters, pans, whisks, blenders, coffee makers, kettles, tea maker and everything else necessary to get things right.

Most of these items are affordable and easy to get. While some will only be useful during breakfast others you will be using when preparing other meals also. You can get high quality appliances online at Village Bakery.

Having the right equipment makes the work easy for you even if you have to make breakfast for the entire family. You also get to enjoy making healthy and good breakfast because it will not feel like a chore, first thing in the morning.

  1. Learn Some Recipes

Eggs and coffee have become synonymous with breakfast for most people. While it is advisable to start the day off with a lot of proteins, eggs are not the only thing you can make. To get your breakfast right just like the rest of your cooking, you have to put in some effort and learn some recipes.

The recipes you can have for breakfast are endless really. Consider having every food group in your breakfast and a fruit too.

  1. Consider Your Kids

Children are selective when it comes to what they eat. They only want things that are sweet and they have no consideration for health unless that is coming from an adult. It is important therefore that you learn to cook things that will be healthy and enticing for your kids to have.

Cereal and milk is not the only breakfast that they should have. Try making a healthy smoothie for instance or juice. The growing body of the child needs nutrients and fuel. Giving them breakfast ensures that they are unlikely to snack on junk food, lose concentration and focus and become cranky or stressed.

  1. Consider Healthy Food

Breakfast just like the rest of your meals should be healthy. Your breakfast should be full of healthy proteins, fibers, fats, vitamins and carbs. This provides the body with the energy it requires to get through the day.

The fibers and proteins keep you full for long reducing the chances of overeating later on or snacking on high carb, high sugar items. When you have a healthy breakfast it overall improves your health and that of your family.

Breakfast is important and should be made a habit for the entire family.



If you’re thinking about having matching shirts made up for a group of people, such as team members for a restaurant or some other business, then you might be wondering what type of shirts you’ll need to be looking for. You might have heard the terms “custom shirts” and “tailored shirts,” but what is the difference between them? Granted, they are similar in nature, but there are some key differences between the two that can make deciding which one is better for your project a bit easier for you.


Perhaps the main difference between custom shirts and tailored ones is the way they are made. Custom shirts are simply shirts that are all made in the same manner with the same design. Tailored shirts, on the other hands, are shirts that you buy and then have tailored to fit the same. Tailored shirts are usually tailored towards each individual’s measurements to make them fit on the individual the way that they are supposed to. Tailored shirts can sometimes make for a more uniform look in the way that the shirts fit and the way the design is displayed. Custom-made shirts, on the other hand, are not necessarily tailored to fit each individual the same way. Rather, they are all designed exactly alike, and each individual wears them to create a sense of unity and to match.


Perhaps one of the most deciding factors in which type of shirt you’ll go with is the price. If you want to design your own custom t-shirts, this method can certainly tend to be less expensive than the tailored one. Custom shirts can be ordered online, and they are usually cheaper when you order them in bulk. Sometimes the more of a custom shirt you order, the cheaper each unit will be. Tailored shirts, on the other hand, usually cost more than custom shirts because each individual shirt must be tailored to specific measurements for each individual. This takes more time and care since a template must be changed for each shirt.

Which Type of Shirt Do I Need?

Determining whether you need custom-made shirts or tailored shirts consists of evaluating your needs as well as your budget. First, determine what your shirts are going to be used for. If they are going to be the shirts for a relatively casual fast food restaurant with laid-back vibe, then you can probably go with custom shirts. If they’re going to serve as matching shirts for a kid’s baseball team or other youth group, they can probably be custom-made. However, if the shirts are going to be matching ones for a legal team or four- or five-star restaurant, then you might want to consider going with tailored ones that will ensure they fit each individual the way you want them to and give you entire unit a polished look.

Making the decision between custom and tailored shirts is not always easy, but it doesn’t have to be overly difficult as well. Evaluate your needs and your budget to make the wisest choice.



Raising kids is hard, and raising them alone is even harder. That means you’re going to have high standards for your perfect car. It needs to be big enough for a growing family, have the best safety features available, be reliable and easy to maintain, easy to drive and handle and of course have kid friendly upholstery and the latest family friendly features while all at a single parent price.

By M 93 – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0 de

1. Hyundai ix35

The Hyundai ix35 is a great choice for a family car. It’s relatively cheap to buy and offers fantastic value for price. One of the best things about it is its space. The Hyundai ix35’s boot is one of the largest in its class which makes it perfect for soccer mums and dads and those with young children who need to fit in the stroller and groceries in the back. The Hyundai ix35 is easy to control, with light steering and responsive pedals. In a 2014 JD Power customer satisfaction survey, the ix35 came 23rd out of 109 cars, and 5th out of the 15 off-roaders in the survey. Hyundai i30 may give you a unique feature as well that may fit your lifestyle.

Tokumeigakarinoaoshima [CC0]

2. Honda Odyssey

The Honda Odyssey is an award-winning minivan, so it’s no wonder it features on this list for the top cars for single parents. If you have a lot of messy kids, this is the car for you, with an in-built vacuum system. It’ll keep you and the kids happy on longer journeys with a rear-seat entertainment system and SiriusXM Radio. Of course, a family mini-van wouldn’t be complete without the best safety features and the Honda Odyssey doesn’t disappoint. It comes with a 5 star overall safety score from NHTSA and was recognised as a Top Safety Pick by the IIHS.

TTSK.14 CC BY-SA 4.0

3. Kia Sorento

The Kia Sorento, like the Honda Odyssey is perfect for larger families or single parents who frequently chauffeur their children’s friends around too. It has 3 rows of seating so perfect for larger getaways or big school drop offs. Like the Hyundai ix35 it’s relatively cheap and great value for money being just shy of $20k. If you love this pick and have a little more money to spend, you can also opt for the optional panoramic sunroof and DVD entertainment system.

Alistair Fernandez CC BY-SA 3.0

4. Buick LaCrosse

While many parents are now opting for SUVs, minivans or wagons, the humble sedan is still an excellent choice for parents on a budget and for those with smaller families. The Buick LaCrosse is just under $35k and is a lot of fun to drive with a sporty and luxurious presence. While a humble sedan, the Buick LaCrosse is still super roomy with a spacious back seat and a large enough trunk to haul sporting equipment, strollers and groceries. It also offers premium convenience features so you won’t be left wanting.

MTSRider18 CC BY-SA 3.0

5. Volkswagen Atlas

The Volkswagen Atlas is the perfect choice for larger families with a passenger capacity of 7 and a car seat capacity of 5. It has loads of legroom for your family’s comfort even in the third row and is easy to manoeuvre, handling like a much smaller car. Installing car seats is super simple with lower anchors. For those with mummy brain, you can check if your doors are locked and see where your car is parked with the Atlas Car-Net App. The standard warranty also covers 6 years or 72,000 miles – double that of many other brands.



Starting a business and making it grow successfully is not an easy task that can be accomplished overnight. In fact, statistics indicate that most businesses fail within the first few years of start-up. This doesn’t only apply to fresh entrepreneurs trying their luck in business – it also applies to veterans who have seen other businesses grow.

There are a few fundamental aspects you ought to learn in order to grow a business. These include resource management, business skills, having a vision and implementing a working strategy. However, for a business to grow, you need help and support from different stakeholders such as the government, financial institutions, social media, suppliers and partners. You can also get impressive invoice factoring services with ease. Contact Key Factors if you’d like to find out more.

Here are four ways you can get help with a new business:


  • Get funding


For a new business, funding may be insufficient because there are no profits as of yet. To finance your new business, you can get a loan from a bank, government or lending institutions. You can use the loan to cover expenses, reinvest in the business, keep the cash for future use, pay off employees, buy new equipment for the business or use the loan to hire new staff. However, ensure you consider the interest rate of the loan before applying for one. Some loans can overwhelm the business due to high interest rates.


  • Invoice financing


This is a unique business model that allows businesses to borrow products or take on loans using money that has not yet been paid in by their customers. Invoice financing helps to improve cash flow in a business, pay salaries or reinvest the money to promote more growth. Delaney Street is a premier invoice financing company you can trust. They can help your business to pay unpaid employees and suppliers. This is an easy and convenient way to get help for your business without getting into debt if the customers are taking too long to pay for the goods or services.


  • Use the internet


We are living in an age where everything is interconnected within the worldwide web. Creating a strong presence online will help your business to get an audience. It is from this audience that customers who are interested in your products and services will come from. Creating a community using social media networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube or LinkedIn will create a sense of belonging and loyalty with your customers. The internet is a powerful and a very cost effective tool that can help your business to grow if used skillfully.  


  • Hiring the right staff


Most business owners want to do everything for their business, from accounting, human resource, sales and marketing, technician and any other task related to the job. They own the vision and at times find it hard to trust it with other people. However, having one person do everything for a new business can be tiresome and overwhelming. To help your new business to grow, get the right people to do the work for you. You can outsource for tasks that are not daily business operation. Training the staff and orienting them in the business will help them to get the vision and make your business to grow.  
