This post is in an advertisement feature in conjunction with Boots UK. All thoughts are my own.

It’s official, Halloween and bonfire night are out the way and in my mind that means one thing – CHRISTMAS!

If you’re a Christmas scrooge type who doesn’t even like to get a whiff of a mince pie before December 23rd then you might want to look away now as I’m going to be taking you on a festive rollercoaster ride of Christmas joy.

Because that’s the thing for me – Christmas isn’t about one day of extravagant gifts and gorging, it’s about a whole festive period of lots of lovely things, little joys that brighten up each day, literally and metaphorically. Christmas for me is the smell of spices and pine trees, meeting up with friends, surrounded by Christmas lights, and getting cosy under blankets watching films about the children of competing Christmas tree farms falling in love and living happily ever after.

That’s not to say I don’t love buying and wrapping presents, in homemade Christmas wrapping paper if I’m feeling extra wholesome, but it’s about everything else besides. It’s also about making those gifts count when money is tight and thinking about how to use gift-giving as a way to create special moments for other people, without breaking the bank. It’s why the new Little Joys Christmas campaign from Boots is perfect for me – meaningful gifts on a budget, that show people you care, whether it’s small secret santa gifts or big presents for under the tree.

No more googling ‘Christmas gifts for him‘ and buying the first golf themed shaving kit that pops up, let’s put some thought into it this year people.

To help you get into the proper Christmas spirit, I’ve pulled together a few ideas for ways to find those little joys at Christmas…

Get yourself an advent calendar

There is no simpler way to make Christmas last a whole month than to buy yourself a decent advent calendar. I know the world has gone a bit crazy with advent calendars lately, but I don’t think you have to open a bottle of craft gin every day, or try a different artisanal bag of pork scratchings – I am a fan of a good old fashioned chocolate advent calendar.

A couple of years ago I got myself a Ferrero Rocher advent calendar and I’m telling you, the Ambassador has it spot on. I’m spoiling myself again this year. Thank you Boots.

Ferrero Rocher advent calendar View Post


People often use the term “family planning” to refer to birth control, but this is only part of what it means. Many people don’t realize that there is a lot to family planning that they probably don’t know, even though it’s important for any adult in a sexual relationship to know as much as possible about family planning as they can. 

It’s possible that the word itself is wrong. Even though it says “family,” many people won’t want to start a family at that time, so they won’t feel the need to look into family planning. They won’t think it’s for them. This can lead to some problems and mistakes that are hard to deal with. 

Family planning is a very important part of life, no matter if you want to start a family or not. It’s there to help you plan to have a family, but it’s also there to stop you from starting a family if the time isn’t right or if you don’t feel like you’re in a relationship that would be good for a family. So, keep reading to learn more about how important family planning is and why everyone should learn more about it.

 family planning tips

Family Planning Is Good For Maternal Health

A woman’s body has to carry a lot of weight when she has a baby. It puts a lot of stress on the mother and can lead to health problems, some of which are permanent and won’t go away after the baby is born. Even though most of the time the mother is healthy, being pregnant and giving birth are still very hard on her body and mind, especially if she already has a long-term illness.

So, family planning is important to make sure as much as possible about the health of mothers. Too many babies in a short amount of time can be a problem, so it’s best to space out pregnancies so that the mother has time to fully recover from the last one. Even if a woman wants to have a lot of children, she should still space them out. This can be done so that health is put first with good family planning.

Family Planning Is Good For The Baby’s Health

Sometimes a baby can be unwell before or after the birth. This could be because the mother’s body hasn’t fully healed yet and isn’t healthy enough to provide all the growth and nutrients a growing fetus needs.

By using family planning and spacing out pregnancies more carefully, there is a much better chance of having a healthy baby who grows and does well. This is good for both the baby and the mother since a healthy birth is better for both. Do not underestimate how hard it can be on your mind and body to have a hard birth or a sick child.

Stop Unwanted Pregnancies

The best way to avoid getting pregnant when you don’t want to is to plan your family. This is true whether you are in a long-term relationship or not. There are as many reasons for a woman or couple not to want a child as there are for them to want one. But not wanting to have children shouldn’t stop you from having sexual relations if you want to. Even though the two are obviously linked, they can be kept separate if family planning is done well.

Of course, unplanned pregnancies do happen sometimes because no method of birth control is one hundred percent safe. In this case, family planning centers can also help in other ways, and if necessary, they can even help with an abortion. A clinic like this can help in many ways, and it’s a good idea to talk to the experts to learn more about your options, no matter what you’re going through.

Beneficial For Finances

Bringing up kids is expensive, and the more kids you have, the more expensive it will be. Some families would lose a lot of money if they had a lot of children, which is why family planning can be so beneficial. 

When starting a family, it’s a good idea to look at your finances and figure out how much you can spend on a child. By doing this, you can figure out how many children you can afford to have. Once you know this number, you can use family planning to help you start a family and then stop having children once you’ve reached your financial limit. This way, a family that is already struggling financially wouldn’t have to deal with the extra stress and burden that a pregnancy could bring.

Prevents Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Again, the term “family planning” may be too narrow and not tell people everything they need to know about what a deeper look into this area can do. When you hear the word for the first time, you might think of planning and stopping pregnancy. But family planning can also be used to have safe sex and keep STDs and other infections from spreading

The best way to avoid STDs and STIs is to use contraception, like condoms, to have safe sex (male and female). Many methods of birth control that are only used to prevent pregnancy, like the pill or the coil, won’t stop the spread of disease. If you’re having sex with people whose backgrounds you don’t know or with whom you’re not in a long-term, monogamous relationship, it’s best to use extra protection.

Learn More About Reproductive Health

Most people don’t know a lot about reproductive health. After all, they don’t have to think about it all the time, and it’s only important when they’re trying to stop or start a pregnancy.

But whether you’re a man or a woman, the more you know about reproduction and reproductive health, the better it is for your health as a whole. The only way to know if something is wrong is to know how it should be, and if you don’t know much about reproductive health, it will be hard to spot the symptoms of illness and make an appointment with a doctor. This could have bad effects in the long run.

Fewer Teen Pregnancies 

Preterm birth, defined as the delivery of a baby before 37 weeks of gestation, is more common among women aged 10 to 19 than it is among women aged 35 and older. There is an increased risk of neonatal death for a child born to an adolescent mother.

Teenagers who use family planning and, more especially, contraception are less likely to experience the negative health, social, and economic effects of an unintended pregnancy.

Although society is a lot more forgiving than it once was, there is also still a stigma attached to a young woman becoming pregnant. This can be something that affects her mentally and emotionally for many years to come and could even derail her plans for life. With some information about good family planning, this does not have to be the case. 

Family Planning Makes Women Empowered 

In developed countries, where women’s rights have come a long way faster than in other parts of the world, the birth control pill was one of the most important steps toward women’s rights and female empowerment. With the pill and other forms of birth control, women can choose if and when they want to have children. This gives them the freedom to plan.

Female empowerment is crucial. Women’s empowerment can be defined in many ways, such as respecting women’s opinions or making an effort to find out what they think. It can also mean improving women’s status through education, awareness, literacy, and training.

Women’s empowerment gives women more power and lets them make life-changing decisions when there are problems in society. They might be able to rethink gender norms or other roles that are similar, which could give them more freedom to go after their goals.

Family planning has everything to do with empowering women, which is a basic human right and a key part of making the world more peaceful and prosperous.

Reduces Population Growth 

High population growth slows economic growth in poor countries because more people are trying to get the same limited resources, like food, housing, schools, and jobs. Rapid population growth that can’t be controlled makes societies less stable and can lead to more civil unrest. This might sound rather dramatic, but it is, at its core, an issue that the world is facing, at least to some extent. 

Since good family planning results in fewer unwanted pregnancies, this will help to slow population growth and ensure resources are available for those who need them. 

Final Thoughts 

Family planning has benefits and is important even for children who haven’t been born yet. This is why it’s important for couples to talk about family planning.  

Each couple may have their own reasons for deciding when to have children. No matter what their reasons are, the best way to enjoy and get the most out of the benefits and goals of family planning is to talk about contraception and other methods.

There is no right age or time for a couple to start a family. The best time for them to have kids together is when they are both ready and ready to take on the responsibilities that come with having a family.


It’s easy to let your finances spiral out of control if you’re not careful. Before you know it, you’re in debt and struggling to make ends meet. This can be a challenging situation to get out of, but it’s not impossible. If you’re willing to put in the effort, you can stay on top of your finances and keep them under control. Here are some tips on how to do just that:

keep finances under control

#1 Learn How To Stick To Your Budget

Creating a budget is the first step to keeping your finances in check. It’s crucial to ensure that you set aside money for essential expenses like rent, utilities, food, and transportation costs. Once these essentials have been taken care of, use the remaining funds to save or pay down debt.

Creating a budget is one thing, but learning to stick to it is another. It’s essential to be disciplined and stick to your budget as closely as possible. Try tracking your spending in a spreadsheet or an app to easily track how much money is going out each month.

#2 Make A Plan For Paying Off Debt

Debt can quickly spiral out of control if it’s not managed properly. To ensure that you’re keeping on top of your debt, you must create a plan for how you will pay it off.

Start by organizing all of your debts into categories such as credit cards, student loans, and personal loans. Then, create a plan to pay off each one. Start with the highest interest rate first or the smallest balance to see progress quickly. Make sure to keep track of your payments and adjust your budget accordingly so that you can stay on track with paying off your debt as quickly as possible.

#3 Seek Help Form A Financial Advisor

If you’re struggling to stay on top of your finances, it may be time to seek help. A financial advisor can provide valuable advice and guidance to help you get back on track. They can also review your budget and debt repayment plan and make recommendations for how you can improve them.

However, knowing which questions to ask a financial advisor in the first meeting is essential. Make sure to ask questions about fees and services, investment strategies, and any other advice they may have.

#4 Sign Up For Automatic Payments

One of the best ways to stay on top of your finances is by signing up for automatic payments. This will ensure that all of your bills are paid on time each month, and you don’t have to worry about forgetting a payment or incurring late fees.

You can also set up alerts in your banking app to know exactly when payments have been made or when funds are running low. Regularly checking your accounts is a great way to ensure you’re staying within budget and not spending more than you should.

It’s essential to stay on top of your finances and keep them in check. Doing so will help you prevent debt from spiralling out of control and give you peace of mind. By following the tips above, you can ensure that your finances are always in good shape.


The end of a relationship is always going to be complicated. No matter how happy you are with your partner or how much time you spend together, if you can’t see your future together, it’s time to let go. Breaking up with someone isn’t always easy and can leave a mark on you for a long time. So, what do you do when the relationship doesn’t work out? Do you try to find someone who will make your heart sing and your soul happy? Or do you give in to self-pity and wallow in sadness until the pain becomes bearable enough that you feel ready to move on?

Returning to the dating scene after a bad breakup won’t be easy. Everyone has their own way of handling these situations. And that can change from day to day. But if you want advice on how to go about dating again after a bad breakup, keep reading. 

How to heal heartbreak

Reflect And Heal

If you are in the middle of the healing process, you will feel everything much more intensely than someone already over it. That’s normal, and everyone goes through it. You might feel like you are in a daze or just going through the motions. Instead, try to reflect on what you are going through. It will help you process everything. And gives you a chance to get a better perspective on things. If you feel you are obsessing over your ex-partner, try taking a step back. You might feel like you are actively trying to forget the person, but obsessing over them will only make you feel worse. Reflecting allows us to heal and then reprogram the heart so we can look for love again. 

Focus On Yourself First

Not everyone will get back into the dating scene after a bad breakup. And before you do, the most important thing to focus on is yourself. It is easy to get lost in the why of your separation and forget that you are a valuable person. Having time to focus on yourself will help you remember that you deserve to be happy. Take the time to get back in touch with the things you love if they’ve fallen by the wayside. This will set you up to be more confident when you step back onto the dating scene

Take Things At Your Pace

There is no right or wrong way to move forward after a breakup. Everyone has their own pace, and what you do will depend on your comfort level. Before you date again, make sure you know yourself well enough to know when you are ready. Because if you want to have a casual fling, you might be ready tomorrow. But being willing to get back into a serious relationship, you might not feel prepared for months. This is something that only you know. Someone trying to pressure you into a relationship isn’t someone you want to be with. Everyone goes through their own pace of healing, and that will be reflected in when you feel ready to date again.

Practice Conversations Again

Before you can move forward, you have to remember how to start conversations again. It might feel awkward initially, but it is vital to get back into talking with people. The easiest way to do this is to find a group activity or hobby where you can get to know new people. If you’re not ready for that, you can talk to people on something like a gay trial chat line. Slowly start to introduce the idea of hanging out with new people. This might sound silly, but it makes all the difference in the world. 

Have Hobbies You Love

Hanging out with friends and doing activities you once loved can help you remember what it feels like to be happy again. This can be as simple as doing a craft project or eating at a restaurant. Being with other people who remind you of your life outside your old relationship can be a great way to process everything you are going through. Once you are happy and healthy, you might feel a stronger urge to find love again.

And Always Set Boundaries

Bad breakups can happen to anyone. So if you are ready to date again, set boundaries. This might mean setting rules for yourself or your family or friends. Set rules around who you date or where you go. This can help you feel more confident about dating someone new. If you follow these tips and take things at your own pace, you will return to the dating scene in no time. 


The family vacation can be a stressful time. Trying to find the perfect deal is challenging, to say the least. Fortunately, there are plenty of people now embarking on the possibilities of alternative travel, and many websites that offer reviews on various experiences. There are so many different ways you can explore new destinations with your loved ones that are new, exciting, and not your typical holiday. 

unusual holidays with kids

Plan ahead

Planning your trip ahead of time will save you time and money, but it also means you have to be a little more decisive. You’ll have to decide which destinations are right for your family and what activities they’re going to enjoy most. Once you know your family’s interests and preferences, it’s easier to narrow down the options and find a trip that will suit everyone. For example, if your whole family loves the outdoors and loves to hike, you can probably narrow down your options and look for trips that include hiking.

Check for flight and hotel specials

The best way to save money on travel is to look for flight and hotel specials. While it might seem obvious, many people don’t take advantage of these offers. If you’re traveling to a new destination, try searching for flight and hotel specials for that city. There are often deals that pop up for cities you haven’t visited yet.

Eat at local restaurants

Another way to cut down on costs when traveling is to eat at local restaurants. You don’t have to spend tons of money eating at fancy restaurants. You can eat at local restaurants in your city that are inexpensive, or you can try going to places that offer food that’s typically not found in your area. If you’re traveling to another city, try to find a place that serves foods that are similar to what you’re used to. There are a ton of travel blogs out there about food and travel, so you can also look for a recommendation.

Go off the beaten path: scuba, rock climbing or biking

If hiking and spending time in nature sounds like a dream, but you don’t want to spend a ton of money to make that happen, try going off the beaten path. Outdoor tourism is endless fun for a family and can be an experience unlike any other. Traveling off the beaten path can lead to exploring new experiences that are cheaper than spending tons of money on activities. If you’re traveling to a new destination, consider visiting a city that you don’t typically visit. This is a great way to explore a new city without spending money on transportation.

Alternative holidays with kids

Stay in camps or hostels

Hostels are a great option if you don’t want to stay in a hotel. They’re usually much cheaper than hotels and you can meet a ton of interesting people while you’re there. There are also kid-friendly hostels available. 

Also, camping is a very cheap way to find accommodation. There are campsites everywhere, each with its own specialty. You can easily find Swedish campsites, camps in South Africa, or all the way down to Australia. They are often guarded to ensure safety and have a very small fee to stay. 


The family vacation can be a stressful time. Trying to find the perfect package and deal is challenging, to say the least. Fortunately, alternative travel options have made it easier than ever before to have a carefree stay without breaking the bank or spending endless hours researching and planning. There are so many different ways you can explore new destinations with your loved ones without sacrificing one for the other. 


how to onboard new employees

Onboarding new employees is one of the most important aspects of running a successful business. It can be challenging to find the right person for the job, but it’s even more difficult to make sure that they are properly trained and integrated into your company culture. This blog post will discuss a comprehensive guide on onboarding new employees and cover everything from preparing for their arrival to making sure that they are productive and happy in their new position!

1) Preparation is key

The first step in successfully onboarding a new employee is preparation. You’ll need to spend time identifying the specific needs of your company and the best way to integrate the new hire into your existing team. Make sure to communicate with all members of your team so that everyone is on the same page and knows what to expect.

In addition, you’ll need to gather all of the necessary materials that the new employee will need to be successful in their role for your Digital learning strategy. This might include a company handbook, job descriptions, contact information for key team members, and anything else that will help them hit the ground running.

Also, take some time to review your company’s policies and procedures with the new hire. They should know about things like attendance, dress code, and other vital topics. This will help them feel more comfortable in their new environment and prevent any misunderstandings down the road.

2) Make sure they feel welcome

One of the most important things you can do to ensure a smooth onboarding process is to make sure that the new employee feels welcome. Be sure to introduce them to everyone on the team, show them around the office, and help them get settled into their new workspace. It’s also a good idea to take them out for lunch or coffee on their first day so that they have a chance to get to know you and the rest of the team in a more informal setting.

Also, be sure to touch base with them regularly during their first few weeks on the job. Check in to see how they’re doing, answer any questions they might have and give them feedback on their performance. This will help them feel like a valued member of the team and will make the transition into their new role much smoother.

3) Train, train, train

Proper training is essential to onboarding a new employee. You’ll need to spend time teaching them about your company culture, values, and expectations. In addition, they’ll need to be trained on the specific tasks that they’ll be responsible for in their new role.

Don’t try to overwhelm them with too much information at once – break it down into manageable chunks and allow time for questions and practice. It’s also a good idea to have someone else on the team serve as a mentor or coach so that they always have someone to turn to if they’re feeling lost or confused.

What does proper training entail?

The goal of proper training is to ensure that the new employee is fully equipped to perform their job duties and responsibilities. This might include providing them with a company handbook, job descriptions, contact information for key team members, and anything else that will help them hit the ground running.

In addition, they’ll need to be trained on the specific tasks that they’ll be responsible for in their new role. Don’t try to overwhelm them with too much information at once – break it down into manageable chunks and allow time for questions and practice. It’s also a good idea to have someone else on the team serve as a mentor or coach so that they always have someone to turn to if they’re feeling lost or confused.

4) Set expectations

One of the most important things you can do during the onboarding process is to set clear expectations. This means communicating your company’s values, culture, and expectations for the new employee’s role. It’s also important to touch base regularly during their first few weeks on the job to check in on their progress and give them feedback.

Additionally, you’ll need to create a performance management plan so that you can effectively measure their progress and identify any areas where they need improvement. This will help ensure that they are successful in their new role and will make the transition into your company much smoother.

5) Celebrate successes

Be sure to celebrate the new employee’s successes, both big and small, during their first few weeks on the job. This will help them feel appreciated and motivated to do their best work. It’s also a great way to build team morale and show everyone that you’re invested in the success of your new hire.

Some ideas for celebrating successes include taking the team out for lunch or coffee, sending a congratulatory email to the entire company, or giving the new employee a small bonus. Whatever you do, make sure that it’s something that will make them feel appreciated and valued. You can also use this as an opportunity to give them feedback on their performance and areas where they can continue to improve.

5) Encourage socialization

A big part of successfully onboarding new employees is making sure that they feel like valued members of the team. One way to do this is to encourage socialization and networking within your company. For example, help them get to know their co-workers by organizing after-work activities or hosting regular team lunches. You can also help them connect with other professionals in your industry by joining relevant trade associations or attending networking events. Not only will this help them feel more connected to your company, but it will also give them the opportunity to build valuable relationships that can help further their career.

Onboarding a new employee doesn’t have to be a tedious task. By following these simple tips, you can set them up for success and make the transition into your company much smoother. In addition, investing the time and effort into onboarding will pay off in the long run by ensuring that you have a talented, productive, and engaged team.


Children are all unique in their own way and the activities that they’re interested in will vary from one child to another. Reading is a fundamental tool that helps a child’s development as they grow. There’s a lot that they can learn from reading, whether that information is real or made up.

Reading should be embraced by all children from a young age, but some may find it more challenging than others to engage with. Here’s how to make reading enjoyable for all children at any age.

how to get kids to read

Pick the right books

What typically piques the interest of children when it comes to books are those that match their personality or interests. Perhaps they love the outdoors and therefore would appreciate a story on exploring the outdoors? It could be a child who expresses a lot of love for their family and therefore would engage more with a family-orientated story.

In order for children to be interested in what they’re reading, they must first be interested in the book itself and its appearance. Be selective about the books that are picked out.

Utilize online resources and educational programs 

There are plenty more resources available nowadays, which makes it easier to help teach and encourage children to read.

The internet, for example, is a wonderful knowledge base when it comes to the science of reading. For those that are struggling to engage their children, it’s well worth taking a look online to see what resources may be helpful to read up on or show to those children that are struggling.

Read with them

A lot of kids can benefit from having their parents be involved in the activity they’re doing. While it’s important to let them play and learn on their own, it’s also good to assist them and make learning fun by getting involved.

With that in mind, read the books with them. Perhaps take it in turns to read the book and then slowly release the responsibility to reading so that the child becomes the main storyteller. 

Act out the story

Still struggling with them staying focused? Why not act it out? Even those who don’t have an acting bone in their body can make reading fun with a funny voice or big hand gestures.

The more exciting and fun that’s made out of reading a book, the more they’re going to want to do it at home. Get them excited about reading by adding some visual interactions to the story.

Create the right environment for reading and learning

It’s all about the environment that’s created when it comes to reading. Create a little reading nook in the home to help them focus and ideally, keep out any technological devices that are going to cause a distraction. That is, unless, the book is being read on a tablet or Kindle.

Making reading enjoyable is easy enough with the right tips. As a pretty important skill to have as an adult, it’s necessary to do everything possible to encourage reading at home.


log cabin for the garden

Wondering if you should buy a log cabin for your garden? If you have a large one, installing a small cabin is the perfect way to add storage space, create a new room or office, or simply an area to relax while you’re closer to nature. One of the biggest log cabin advantages is their versatility: depending on what you want, you can have a space that perfectly suits your needs. Our article lets you know more about log cabin purposes, their benefits and what to consider when choosing one. 

One of the most common uses for log cabins is storage. It is not only perfect to keep all kinds of garden tools, outdoor furniture during the winter or other items that benefit from being closer to the garden, but also to store other belongings you have in your house, thus adding more space and comfort at home.

Another common use for log cabins is as a garage. But the list can go on and on. Log cabins can serve as a room for your guests, giving them more privacy, a playroom for children or even a home office. With the trend of remote and hybrid work, having a dedicated workspace at home is one of the main reasons why people are buying more log cabins. After all, installing your home office in a log cabin gives you a space away from the house noise, improving your focus whether you’re working or studying. This room can also be dedicated to your hobbies or leisure.

Now that you know some of the main purposes of log cabins, you can move to the next stage: choosing one. There are many options, especially when it comes to size and capacity. The smallest usually measure four to ten square metres and can store garden utensils or others. But there are larger ones, up to forty square metres or more, and you can give them various uses as extra rooms.

When choosing a log cabin, you should have a few aspects in mind. A lot of them come with wood treated with fungicide and insecticide products, which are also made to resist humidity. However, they are also sold untreated, and those need to be varnished and given fungicide treatment to avoid pests and deterioration. This is especially important if you live in a place with high humidity.

Some companies provide transport and installation services, and those can free your mind from additional concerns. However, if you feel like you are up for the task of assembling your cabin on your own, you should know that they should be placed on stable ground, and about half a metre away from any hedges and trees to avoid humidity or other problems. Usually, log cabins come with simple wooden panel mounting systems that are quick to assemble. Both in assembling and maintenance, you should follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Periodically, log cabins will need some treatment to prevent them from damage, or even a coat of varnish or paint.

Now is the time to start browsing! Take a look at some modern and stylish log cabins at and pick your favourite.


Sending your child off to university can be a daunting experience. But there are things you can do as a parent to help them transition into this new phase of their lives. With so many things to learn in the classroom and out, it can be overwhelming for them to adjust to their new surroundings and responsibilities. That is why it is important to have open communication with your child so they feel comfortable coming to you with any concerns or issues. Here are seven tips to prepare your child for university:

How to prepare kids for university

Help Them Choose The Right Course.

There are so many courses available at universities these days. It can be hard for your child to decide what they want to study. Sit down with them and help them research the different options available. Look at things like job prospects, entry requirements, and cost. This will help narrow down their choices and make the decision-making process a little easier.

Teach Them How To Budget.

One of the biggest challenges for students is learning how to manage their money. Help your child by teaching them how to create a budget. This will help them stay on top of their finances and avoid getting into debt. There are plenty of helpful resources that you can use for this; a quick online search will help you find one that works for you and your child.

Help Them Find Accommodation.

If your child is going to be living away from home, you’ll need to help them find somewhere to live. This is also the case if they are moving to study in another country. There are lots of different accommodation options available, from student hostels to privately rented houses, and if they are moving abroad then as well as being able to use the university website for help, you can do a quick search for the best student accommodation in Paris France (or wherever your child is looking to study). Do some research with your child to find out what’s available and what would suit their needs best. With so many online rental sites out there, you’re sure to find a suitable fit in no time! 

Get Them A Car And Insurance.

If your child will be driving around once they are at university, it’s important that they have the right car and insurance. Sit down with them and look at their options in terms of what kind of car would best suit their needs and budget. You could also make this a special “off to uni” gift and look for PRIVATE PLATES for sale that you can put on the car to make it feel extra special. When it comes to insurance, it’s best to shop around for the cheapest deals and ensure they fully understand the coverage they are getting.

Give Them A Crash Course In Cooking.

Most students live on a tight budget, which means cooking meals from scratch is often out of the question. But even if your child isn’t planning on doing any cooking while they’re at university, it’s still a good idea to give them a crash course in basic cookery skills. That way, they’ll at least know how to make themselves a healthy meal if they ever find themselves in a situation where takeaways aren’t an option!

Help Them Stay Healthy.

University life can be pretty hectic, which means it’s easy for students to forget about looking after their health. Encourage your child to eat healthily and exercise regularly while they’re at university. This will help boost their energy levels and concentration, and it’ll also do wonders for their mental health too! Sign them up to a healthy living forum, where they can meet up with like-minded uni students to enjoy a healthy lifestyle with others. And if you’re worried about your child’s mental health while they’re away from home, don’t hesitate to reach out to their university’s counselling service for support. They should be able to provide you with advice and guidance on how best to support your child through this time.

Keep In Touch But Respect Their Independence.

It can be tough letting go when your child goes off to university, but it’s important to remember that they’re now an independent adult. Of course, you should keep in touch with them while they’re away, but try not to be too overbearing. Let them know that you’re there for them if they need you, but don’t be calling them every day or texting them every hour! Respecting their independence will give them the space they need to grow and mature into their new life as a student.

Preparing your child for university doesn’t have to be stressful! By following these simple tips, you can help your child transition into this new phase of their life with ease. From helping them choose the right course to giving them a crash course in cooking, you can set them up for success in no time. Watching them battle their way through the ups and downs of uni life can be daunting, but always remember that you’re there for them if they need you.



How to cut costs in your business

It doesn’t have to take much time or even effort to cut costs in your small business and develop systems that will cost you less money over time while growing. Making wiser decisions when allocating your small business cash is often the key. There are ways to reduce your overheads without feeling the pinch, such as adopting technology or going paperless. Whether it’s researching top home care management software or streamlining your office supplies, there are always ways in a business to increase efficiency and make savings.

Modernise your promotional activities 

Naturally, you don’t want to stop using paid advertising that is effective, but it may be beneficial to look at less expensive options to help you reduce your expenses. Create an email list for your customers and put a referral scheme in place. Traditional marketing strategies might not be as effective in generating sales as a referral from an existing client. Make eye-catching email marketing campaigns for your clients. Offer them unique deals and coupons only for signing up. More networking, less advertising Customers are more likely to hire a company whose face they are familiar with. They are more interested in learning about your brand’s history and inner workings than in hearing you pitch a product.

Benefiting from technology 

There is no disputing the positive effects of technology on workplace productivity; automating corporate procedures may boost effectiveness, save time, and boost client and customer happiness. Additionally, making use of the technology at our disposal might help to cut expenses without compromising the services your company can offer. A variety of corporate operations can be automated using technology – everything from booking holiday to using a paystubs generator. Digital software advancements have made it possible to perform duties with a few clicks in a variety of areas, including accounting, payroll, marketing, and human resources. By reducing the amount of time personnel must spend on these kinds of jobs, automation helps businesses cut costs by reducing the need for a larger workforce.

Make the appropriate hires

It’s crucial to choose the ideal employees for several reasons. You can choose staff members who are proficient in their chosen fields and have specific skills. Your staff will spend time learning about a task on your dime if they are unsure of how to perform it. That might be a waste of time and resources. You won’t have to worry about your staff’s skill level if you concentrate on employing the proper people. Additionally, you must consider cultural fit while making hiring decisions. Too much turnover can waste money, so you don’t want to have that.

Have good quality machines and systems

If you start with good quality things for your business they are more likely to last. It also means you won’t lose money if things break or go wrong. So things like having a reliable conveyor system and a good quality printer if you print a lot. 

Think about your office supplies expenses

Unexpectedly, a higher amount of your budget goes for supplies. Even while using the best pens and paper might seem essential, it’s amazing how much money you can save by making simple adjustments. Start by keeping tabs on how often your office uses supplies. The list of required supplies might be shortened once you determine what you use.


Whether you’re just about to get a new pet or you simply want to make your home better suited to the cat you already have, it’s never a bad time to make your home more pet-friendly. There are some things that you can do that will make things better for your cat or dog and plenty of things you can do that will make life easier for you as a pet owner too. So read on to find out about some of the changes you might want to make.

Consider the Flooring

First of all, you should think about the flooring you use throughout your home. The best type of flooring for the home is a type of flooring that isn’t going to be easy to scratch and damage by your cat or dog’s paws. Hardwood and tiles are good options. Carpet can get worn down quite quickly and your cat will be more likely to scratch and pull at it.

Invest in a Good Vacuum Cleaner

Investing in a good vacuum cleaner is a must when you have a pet in the home. The amount of hair you’ll be dealing with will be off the charts, and you don’t want that stuff to be making the home look messy and unclean. So make sure that you have a high-quality vacuum cleaner that can deal with all of that pet hair.

Avoid White

When you’re furnishing the home and choosing sofas and cushions and things like that, you should probably avoid the color white. White items will just get dirty once they come into contact with your pets, and they’re not going to be as easy to get clean again. So stick to colors that don’t show the dirt quite as much.

Is my cat happy?

Install a DIY catio

If you want to make sure that your cat is safe outdoors and doesn’t wander too close to any roads, you might want to consider building a DIY catio. This is a small enclosed space where they can spend time outdoors without needing to be supervised. It’s good for them to have that outdoor space without having to put them at risk in any way.

Know When They’re Ready to be Left Alone

It’s important not to leave your cat alone in the home before they’re ready for that. If you leave them alone before they can handle the separation, they might end up doing more damage in the house and generally feeling stressed out in your absence. Do it slowly and let them get used to being alone if they’re new to you and new to the home.

As you can see, there are plenty of steps you can take if you want to make your home a generally more pet-friendly place. Your pet deserves a space in which all of their needs are met and where they can be safe and loved at all times. The ideas above can help you with that, so make the most of them.


Money may not be everything, but if you don’t have enough of it or are bad at managing it, then you are going to suffer. Money problems can cause a whole range of personal issues. First, you will become stressed, and this can damage your physical and mental health in many ways. Financial issues can damage your relationships, they can cause you to make bad decisions, and they may mean you may have to make hard choices like whether to eat or heat your home. There are so many negative consequences of being bad with money that it is impossible to list them here. The good news is, though, that it is not necessarily how much money you earn that matters most. What really matters is how you manage your money. Although we are currently hitting hard financial times, there is a way through it for everyone. However, this does mean that you may need to make some difficult decisions. Let’s take a look at a few ways you can make the most of your money:

how to make the most of your money

Seek Help

One of the first things that should be said is that if you are struggling, if you have a lot of debts, loans, credit cards, balances on accounts, etc., then it may be best if you seek professional help. Burying your head in the sand is never going to make the situation better. Until you speak to someone, you just do not know what kind of help is available. If you owe money to your energy provider, for example, the best thing you can do is discuss it with them. There may be more options than you realise. If you have a lot of money issues, why not seek help from financial advisers? A problem shared is a problem halved, and sometimes just talking about it can relieve some of that pressure. You do not have to struggle alone. 

Be Realistic

A lot of people’s money woes come from trying to live a lifestyle that is just beyond their true financial reach. This can be seen in many ways, from having a state of the arc car that costs far too much each month and living in a city apartment which leaves you with next to nothing for everything else. It also means buying your weekly food shop at top-end stores instead of budget supermarkets. If you are struggling financially, maybe it is time you were honest with yourself. Are you really living within your means? Maybe it is time you made some cutbacks, having your hair coloured once every six months instead of once a month or even doing it yourself. There are many ways you can adjust your lifestyle to make it more manageable. However, the main issue here comes from your own sense of well-being. But is it really better to have debt and all that stress rather than admit that you can’t afford something?

Spending Awareness 

Another big reason why people tend to overspend and end up in their overdrafts and inevitably lose money is that they are simply spending money mindlessly. It is very hard to keep track of how much you are spending at the best of times. However, with the new ease of buying things online and tapping your card at the stores, it is easier than ever. If you are one for discovering far too late that you are in your overdraft, then you need to become more financially aware. There are a few easy you can do this. If you haven’t already, download a banking app and make it part of your daily routine to see how much you have. It may be best to do this in the morning before you have a chance to spend money. If you are close to your limit, you know you shouldn’t buy that little item. You should try and avoid just popping in places, too, like corner or convenience stores. Pretty much everyone spends more than they intended to in them, and if this is a daily habit, then you can see how easy it is to waste money. Try and set a budget each week and only buy your food in the supermarket. Another way to keep track of your spending is to go to the ATM and withdraw what you want to append that week. Being able to see the money flittering out of your purse will keep you aware of your finances. 

Delayed Gratification

Just because you are trying to be better with money does not mean you have to deny yourself all the things you want. In fact, this may not be the best strategy as you may end up resentful. Instead, try a little delayed gratification. Instead of seeing that beautiful handbag and impulsively buying it on credit, stop yourself. Take a picture of it and then save up for it. Saving up for it and buying with cash mean your debt has not increased. You may also feel that the initial impulse you had to buy it has gone, and you don’t want it. So, you have money to save. Saving money starts with delayed gratification, and when you start to see that bank balance rise, perhaps you will think of something better to buy with that money or even look to invest it.


Yes, decluttering can help you make the most of your money. If you have too much stuff in your house, then decluttering and selling things is a great thing to do. There are so many benefits to decluttering, and boosting your finances is one of them. Decluttering can even add value to your home. With all the stuff you want to get rid of, you can try selling online or going to a car boot sale. There are so many options available to you. Don’t wait for everything to go rotten or lose its appeal. Sell now and bank the money. 

Savings Account

If you do not know that the interest rates have recently increased, then you must be living on another planet. No, but seriously, interest rates increasing is bad news for people in debt. Mortgages, for example, are rising across the board and causing issues for some homeowners. However, what is bad for some is good for others. If you happen to have some money in your account, then you may be able to benefit from the best interest rates in years. It is definitely in your best interest to do some investigation and discover the banks that are offering the best savings accounts. You will have to decide if you want something that you can access easily or an account where the money is not accessible until the period is over. The fact of the matter is that you will save money more in an account you cannot access you will benefit from a better interest rate. There are also ISA’s to consider as well. Like anything, it helps you do your own independent research and discover an option that worlds best for you and your situation.


If you really want to make the most of your money, then you should consider investing. Investing can seem quite daunting for those who have never invested before. But once you get the hang of it, the potential earnings from investments are far superior to any savings account, even if the interest rate is higher than it has been in a long time. Investments can come in many forms from the stock market, property, bonds, collectibles, currency, and cryptocurrency, etc. Whatever food of investment appeals to you, it helps if you do a lot of research. This is important because you do not want to sign up for an investment you don’t fully understand. Another thing to bear in mind, is never to trust the sure thing. No matter how well-meaning your tip offer is, they may be mistaken or taken for a ride themselves. So, investigate. Bonds can be a great option if you have never invested before. There are government bonds and corporate bonds. Banks have bonds you can buy, for example. Bonds work by you buying a certain amount of bonds from your chosen organisation. Then you receive interest payouts throughout the term of your investment. When the investment duration ends, the bonds mature, and you get your initial investment returned. You have bonds for a fixed-term contract, and these can be anything up to as much as 30 years or more. Bonds can be good investment choices because they are relatively low risk and can whet your appetite for other types of investments. The stock exchange can be a very lucrative form of investing as long as you research your chosen investments. Property is another great way to make money. You can buy to rent out or buy cheap homes that need doing up and cash in that way. This can be particularly good if you are in the construction business and can do a lot of the renovation yourself. Just remembering that most investing requires work.   

