6 Self-Care Tips for Busy Moms

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Whether you’re still changing diapers on your firstborn or you’re shuttling several kids between appointments, practices, and playdates, motherhood can be overwhelming. In fact, there are many days when your child’s voice is the first thing you hear in the morning, and their soft breathing is the last thing you hear before it’s light’s out yourself!

With responsibilities like these, you can’t exactly run away to Monaco at the drop of a hat. However, making time for self-care each day can help you find a little freedom and relaxation in your daily life.

How? Follow our top 6 self-care tips. As the effect adds up, you’ll have more energy for your kids—and for your own self-care game.

#1: Stock Up

First things first: set the conditions for self-care. That means a week where you don’t have to run to the grocery store a hundred times for a bunch of parsley here and a roll of toilet paper there.

If you’re not already in the habit of buying in bulk, stock up with a two-week (or more) supply of:

  • Diapers
  • Paper products (paper towels, TP, etc.)
  • Soap, laundry detergent, and multi-purpose cleaner
  • Dried grains and beans
  • Oils, vinegars, and spices
  • Fresh, canned, and frozen vegetables

Another life hack? Buy a grocery subscription or invest in a CSA box. Then, invest in reusable Tupperware and plastic bags so you can cross those things off your to-do list forever.

As well as groceries and household products, think about investing in additional products including supplements that can help to keep you in optimal health and mean you have as much energy as possible. Take a look at Gold Bee Nutrition for example for a range of natural products based on raw honey, which could be a great addition to a healthy diet.

Now that you’ve freed up some precious minutes and hours, start enjoying them!

#2: Make the Most of Your Evening Routine

After your kids are all tucked in, you have a few precious moments to yourself.

It’s tempting to plop down on the couch and turn on the TV—and we don’t even discourage you. Just take a few steps to take care of your hair, skin, and nails first.

You don’t have to invest in spa-quality products to pamper yourself. Common household ingredients can help you save money and nourish your skin at the same time.

For example, you can use coconut oil as:

  • A hair mask
  • A body oil
  • A cuticle softener

Integrate it into your routine by rubbing warm coconut oil in your hair before you watch an episode of your favorite show. Let it sit for 25 minutes. Then, hop in the shower, wash and condition your hair, and give your body a quick rub-down with more coconut oil. Push back your cuticles if you have a minute to spare.

See? That wasn’t so hard. You may even have time for another episode.

#3: Hack Your Sleep

When you’re parenting, getting shut-eye can be a struggle. Find more by upgrading your sleep routine. Consider the following:

#4: Spend Time in Your Garden

Entertain yourself and the kids alike in your soothing garden environment. Growing plants from seed to sprout can help connect you with nature and serve as a biology lesson all at once!

Try out family projects like bringing color into the garden, planting a new herb, or creating mosaic tiles.

Don’t have the space for a full-blown garden? Create a corner of green on your windowsill or patio to appreciate plants’ soothing powers.

#5: Get Moving

We know—it may feel like you’re already in constant motion. However, adding the following kinds of movements can help you feel more comfortable in your body every day:

  • Spine lengthening to get rid of the crunch in your lower back
  • Gentle stretching to soothe tired shoulders and arms
  • Joint circumduction to keep your joints healthy
  • Core stabilization to make every movement more fluid

Online fitness videos make it easier than ever to find a routine that works for you.

#6: Call a Friend

If you haven’t talked to an old friend in a while, you may feel guilty calling them while on a last-minute pharmacy chore. We assure you that they’ll be happy to hear from you, no matter how scattered your mind and limited your time!

Reconnecting with old friends reminds you that there’s a life outside your kids. As lovely as they are, they can’t help you manage the challenges that come up in adult life. For that, you need support from your peers. Give them a ring!

Baby Steps

At first, you may feel selfish for taking time to yourself.

But your family needs you energetic, relaxed, and loving yourself. And as much as we hope you get to take that trip to Monaco, for now, the little moments you can spend on yourself are precious.

Take advantage of each one so that you have more bandwidth for everyone else!


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