How to make rainbow toast + avoid thoughts of death

Why would you have boring old plain toast when you could have RAINBOW TOAST?? It’s easy to make as long as you’ve got a few food colourings and it makes for a fabulous activity for either:

  • Kids
  • Middle-aged perimenopausal women with too much time on their hands, who have been parents for so long that they’re not even sure what they like anymore and are concerned that death is imminent and that there’s no time left to start anything new

Can you guess which category I fall into?

It’s about four years ago now that I first wrote about my midlife unravelling. It had been creeping up on me for a long time and it was a while before I mustered the enthusiasm to question it, but when I finally did and started HRT, it did help to put things back together a little bit. I’m not saying I’m full of Zest For Life, but nowadays I can open my laptop without crying and don’t spend large chunks of the day staring out the window, so that’s good. I still cry at films but it’s reassuring to know I wasn’t just having a complete mental breakdown.

What I’ve really noticed though since the unravelling is that I’m much more conscious of DEATH. Sometimes I can be driving the car and I will imagine crashing and dying and I realise that would be FOREVER and it is terrifying. When you die, life STOPS. Isn’t that scary?? When I’m not having these brief but intense existential crises, I swing the opposite way and paint bread in the colours of the rainbow, because honestly why the hell not. We’re all going to die anyway etc etc, might as well paint stuff pretty colours in the meantime eh?

rainbow toast

To make the ‘paint’ for your rainbow bread you just need a little milk mixed with food colourings. I made a variety of colours with just red, yellow and blue and would recommend an ice cube tray for mixing.

Use a clean paintbrush or pastry brush to apply your paint. You don’t have to do a rainbow – kids might like to be given free rein to paint whatever they fancy. As might the middle-aged women. That bit’s up to you.

Once you’re happy with your pattern, pop your rainbow bread in the toaster and turn it into rainbow toast. I was worried I would lose the rainbow and that everything would turn ‘toast’ colour, but it didn’t at all. If anything it made the colours more vibrant – see below for proof.

I told you it was easy.

If you like this then you might also like the toast I made last week using letter stamps and an oak leaf. I very much enjoyed that. I was distracted from thoughts of dying for a good half and hour.

Feel free to leave a comment with other ideas for toast-inspired activities you’d like to see me try.

how to make rainbow toast


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