Review: The Cozy Mum and Me baby wrap

Today I have a review of the Cozy Mum and Me baby wrap from Bee and baby Joey, who is now over three months old! Can you even imagine? I’ve been a Granny for over three months! Bee was very kindly gifted a baby wrap from Cozy Mum and Me, and here’s what she and Joey think.

When I was pregnant I was a bit of a sceptic when it came to baby products. I was so desperate not to fall into the new parent trap of over buying loads of fad items that I was more on the unprepared side if anything. I pretty much just bought a multipack of vests and a second hand Snuzpod (which he never wants to go in, typical) and apart from that I was lucky enough to have my mum picking up loads of clothes at new to you sales for me and I also received some really nice gifts.

Two gifts that I definitely couldn’t have lived without have been my breast pump, which I use all the time and could never have afforded, and our Cozy Mum and Me baby wrap.

I’d never been particularly interested in using a wrap because I didn’t think they were all that useful and I didn’t understand how they worked – how does just one strip of material secure a small baby to your body with a few folds?! But our Cozy Mum and Me wrap has been an absolute life saver.

Once you get the hang of it and realise that the baby isn’t suddenly going to drop out of the bottom of it, a wrap is really useful even if you don’t use it as your every day way of carrying your baby. As well as being able to get on with things around the house, you can use them on walks outside and also just as a way to comfort and bond with your baby at home. It’s a really easy way to get some quality skin to skin time in while still being practical enough that you have a bit of freedom to do other things too.

Cozy Mum and Me wrap review

Apparently you can also breastfed in them but I think that’s probably more logistically possible for someone who doesn’t have ridiculously large breasts.

I struggled a bit with the wrap at first because I’m quite short of torso and half of that torso is taken up with the aforementioned massive boobs, so having an extra baby on my front doesn’t come naturally to me as the most comfortable thing in the world, despite him living inside of me for eight months. The extra weight on my front also has a habit of worsening my back pain after long periods of time which I would say is the only downside of the wrap for me, but if you don’t suffer from existing back pain I would say this probably wouldn’t be a problem.

The beauty of this kind of wrap is that it’s so flexible, and there are so many ways to put it on, that you’re bound to find one that’s comfortable for you. There are loads of great videos on YouTube that take you through wrapping tutorials as well if you’re not confident that you’re doing it right, including Cozy Mum and Me’s own wrap tutorial. If you are thinking of getting a wrap, I would suggest doing your research on how you’re going to wrap it and experiment with different methods.

I can’t tell you the number of times that we’ve only been able to calm down Joey by putting him in this wrap. He falls asleep basically as soon as he gets in it, which is really useful because while it’s not exactly like he’s sleeping nicely in his bed, it’s a great comforter and handy if you just want a few hours to yourself to get some stuff done or watch a movie or something, all the while knowing he’s safe and secure.

Review Cozy Mum and me wrap
What I love about the Cozy Mum and Me wrap in particular is the material – a soft, organic cotton. It’s so easy to work with, with the perfect amount of elasticity that you can safely and gently bounce the baby while they’re in the wrap without worrying about the wrap slipping or getting weighed down. I have quite sensitive skin so was worried that the bulk of material would irritate my neck and chest area but it’s actually way softer than all of my clothes and it feels really nice to have around me.

It’s so easy to wash too, which is a bonus if you have a reflux-y baby like I do who is sick all the time – it’s machine washable and dries really quickly when hung up so you don’t have to go a day without using it if you don’t want to. It retains its softness wash after wash and doesn’t crease or get all wrinkly but stays completely smooth so you don’t need to iron it or worry about ruining the look of the fabric.

If you’re worried that you’re not going to get much use out of it before your baby grows up, you can even use the wrap on your back with older babies and toddlers in, so it really is a good investment even if you only have one child. Wraps can also make a great gift if you know someone who is about to have a baby because they’re super practical but also have that luxury feel so will make you seem really thoughtful and great at gift giving.

At the time of writing the Cozy Mum and Me wrap is only £39.99, down from £59.99, so it’s not even like it’s going to break the bank.

I would definitely recommend this wrap to anyone who is looking for a way to comfort a clingy baby while still getting on with life, (my mum played a whole 18 hole crazy golf course wearing Joey in it so you really can use it for just about anything), or if you’re just looking for a convenient way to nip to the shops with the baby without having to take the whole pram with you.

Cozy Mum and Me is a small independent business and have lots of other lovely products on their website so go and have a browse!

Cozy Mum and Me wrap review

This is me at the crazy golf! He’d just got in, but was asleep in about 90 seconds and stayed like that the whole way through golf AND lunch at Bella Italia. It was one of my best afternoons EVER. 


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