Top tips for travelling with kids

When I asked the lovely people of Twitter for their top tip for travelling with kids, several people advised that the best thing to do was to leave them at home. This may often feel like the sensible option, but actually there are a lot of benefits to travelling with children.

  • You get to pack lots of fun snacks, take regular toilet breaks and go to bed early, all with the excuse that it’s ‘for the kids’.
  • You can do fun things like ride on steam trains, build sandcastles, play crazy golf and eat candy floss, because you’re selfless like that, and always thinking of the children.
  • Travelling with children actually gives you a completely new and fascinating view of the world because they notice all the little, fun things that grown-ups always miss.

travelling with kids

Travelling with kids also means you end up at some really weird places. Would I ever have visited the Portreath Bee Centre for example if I hadn’t been looking for something to keep us amused in the rain? Or the National Wool Museum? I don’t even want to think about how my life might have turned out differently had I never visited Williton’s Bakelite Museum.

(I’m actually thinking of doing a blog post of ‘weird museums I have known’ – what would be on your list?)

That’s not to say that travelling with kids is easy, or that you don’t feel in need of another holiday at the end of it to recover, I’m just saying it’s good to see the positives too. In fact, when I’ve been away on my own, (which doesn’t happen that often), I usually find myself feeling at a bit of a loss. It really just isn’t the same eating an ice cream on your own.

Holiday Safe have put together some top tips from parents about travelling with kids, covering all of those safety and health things that are so important.

What would be your top tip for travelling with kids?

Family travel tips

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  1. 18 May, 2015 / 9:40 pm

    I once went to a Dolly Parton museum!! It was a long time ago so no idea if it is still open but I remember as a child I loved it – and there was a lot of pink!

    Some great tips and a lovely attitude to travelling with kids :)

  2. 19 May, 2015 / 7:41 am

    Suncream. You might have known that one would come from me. We should never be blasé about our children’s skin. One bad burn as a child can produce melanoma in later years. No-one wants to see a child suffer that.

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