The joy of sleeping alone

Ah, sleep. It’s that magical, elusive thing that we all crave but often sacrifice on the altar of parenthood. Before I had kids, I naively thought sleep was just about lying down and closing my eyes. Little did I know that once the little darlings arrived, sleep would become a complex negotiation involving midnight feedings, monster under the bed inspections, and the occasional toddler elbow to the face.

But today, dear readers, I want to sing the praises of one of life’s most underrated pleasures: sleeping alone. Yes, you heard me right. No tiny feet jabbing into my ribs, no snoring partners stealing all the covers, just me, my mattress topper, and the blissful tranquillity of my own bed.

Let me paint you a picture. Imagine a glorious Saturday morning where you wake up feeling like you’ve just won the lottery. You stretch out, luxuriating in the sheer space around you, and then realise, with a thrill of delight, that you don’t have to perform any parenting acrobatics until you’re good and ready. Ah, the serenity of an empty bed. It’s like having a personal slice of heaven, but with fewer angels and more Simba.

Speaking of Simba, let’s talk about the mattress topper. This magical creation is like a cloud made of marshmallows and unicorn dreams, strategically placed atop a mattress that might as well have been made of bricks. I got mine from Simba, and I’m convinced it’s what’s saving me from waking up feeling like I’ve been in a wrestling match with a herd of wildebeest.

There’s something inherently joyous about a solo sleep. You can toss and turn without worrying about waking someone up or accidentally elbowing them in the ribs. You can spread out like a starfish, indulging in the luxury of not having to navigate around a snoring partner or a wriggling child. Your pillow is all yours. The duvet is all yours. The entire bed is yours to command.

And let’s not forget the small, but significant, pleasure of having the whole bed to yourself for an entire night. There’s no competition for space, no one demanding that you swap sides because they’ve suddenly decided that the left side of the bed is “too warm” (even though they were the one who insisted on using all the covers in the first place).

So here’s to the quiet, solitary joy of sleeping alone. To Simba, for turning my bed into a sanctuary of softness. And to my mattress topper, for making every night feel like a mini-break.

If you haven’t yet experienced the bliss of solo slumber, I highly recommend giving it a try. Trust me, once you do, you’ll wonder how you ever slept any other way. And remember, while you’re lounging in your mattress-toppered paradise, I’ll be here, basking in the glory of my empty bed, dreaming of a world where every night is this perfect.

Sweet dreams, fellow sleep-deprived souls. Here’s to the joy of finding peace in the perfect mattress topper and the freedom of sleeping alone!


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