Dealing with Acne as an Adult: Advice and Tips

adult acne tips

Most people enjoy clear skin after outgrowing their teen years. However, there are a few that experience breakouts way into their 30s and later. Adult acne can be very frustrating and uncomfortable. Like teenage acne, breakouts in adults are mostly caused by clogged pores. The pores may be clogged due to excess oil, dead skin cells, dirt and bacteria. However, certain conditions may worsen your acne, like:

  • Hormone fluctuations
  • Increased production of cortisol due to stress
  • Outdoor pollution from dirt
  • Damage from UV rays
  • Use of oil-based products for acne-prone skin
  • Over-washing your face, which causes the skin to produce more oil
  • Conditions such as PCOS
  • Genetics

How to Prevent and Treat Acne

Here are a few ways to prevent flare-ups if your skin is acne-prone;

  1. Exfoliate using gentle products like mandelic acid and glycolic acid: these gentle exfoliators do not strip the skin of all the oil or cause irritation. They are also safe to use on sensitive skin.
  2. Unclog pores at least once a week by using a purifying face mask: this will help unplug stubborn dirt, dead skin and oil from your pores making them appear smaller. Make sure to use high quality products with good ingredients, like the ones among the Blue Lagoon skincare products, for example. Frequency of application depends on your skin’s needs, but it should be done at least once a week.
  3. Use spot treatments on the affected area: it is important to deal with the spots on your face that are causing inflammation. There are many spot treatments available but most of them contain benzoyl peroxide that is very effective in killing the bacteria that causes the breakouts. Always be careful with the product, as it is a little harsh.
  4. Avoid heavy creams: heavy creams tend to clog the pores, increasing the risk of experiencing a breakout. Go for lightweight creams, moisturizers, and gels to allow the skin to breathe while still providing nourishment.
  5. Keep your stress levels under control: stress causes the body to produce hormones such as cortisol, which increase oil production in the skin. Regular and long-term stress may cause excessive oil production, as well other negative effects.
  6. Never go to bed with makeup on: give your skin some time to breath by removing all makeup before heading to bed. Wash and pat dry the face before applying your usual night cream.
  7. Keep your diet in check: your skin may react badly to some food types, such as dairy, fried foods, and caffeine. Determine foods that cause breakouts and try to avoid them. A balanced, nutrient-dense diet also helps keep the skin supple and healthy looking.

Lastly, do not pick at your skin! Instead, visit a dermatologist to examine the breakouts to determine if there is an underlying condition. The dermatologist will also help create a skincare regime to prevent future breakouts.

adult acne treatments


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