A Guide On What To Do When You Find Out Your Teen Has Been Smoking

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In modern society today, we are all too aware of the dangers associated with smoking. But that hasn’t stopped the two-thirds of UK smokers from the beginning even before hitting 18. It’s especially hazardous to teens considering how their lungs haven’t fully matured to optimal lung capacity. So how best can you educate them about smoking and its effects?

As my friend as discussed in depth over here, there are some old-fashioned ways of stopping them from smoking, like forcing them to smoke until they fall sick or cigarette sandwich. But unfortunately, that doesn’t work, nor does punishing them do any good – it’s actually counter-intuitive.

And of course there are some modern methods of quitting such as using a type of medicine but any list of the possible side effects should be enough to keep you far away from these solutions. Then there are things like smoking hemp sometimes called CBD cigarettes that may work for adults but are hardly a suggestion for a growing young adult. But all these methods of stopping are a like a plaster on a broken leg, communication must be the key.

As a parent, the best thing to do when you find out your child has been smoking is to help them quit. Don’t overreact and throw a tantrum; you’ll only make them feel isolated, which may result in them being heavy smokers.

Take a more pro-active course of action that’s a bit practical and will still discourage him/her from smoking. Here are some tips to help them quit smoking:

Get Their Perspective

When you find out your teen is smoking, the first natural reaction is feeling disappointed and/or shocked and want to jump on them yelling and doing all sorts of things. Going on the offense on the trot will likely make your son or daughter retreat into defensive mode and possibly result in an argument. Try to look at the situation from their point of view. Try to understand what caused them to go down that road.

Find an ideal place and time to talk to them when you are less likely to get distracted. Make it more of a suggestion for them not to feel ambushed or boxed in. Don’t challenge their decision to smoke. Ask why they feel the tendency to smoke and how they feel afterward. Try listening to what they are saying and don’t challenge or interrupt them. They have to feel you’re willing to hear their opinions.

Give Them Facts

After listening to their view, it’s your turn to give them the actual facts while mentioning some of the myths. Don’t exaggerate or lie to them. Unlike previous generations, kids today are aware of things more than you think concerning some of the dangers. Lying to them will only aggravate the situation. So it’s good to talk it out with them about the real facts, so they fully understand the health concerns. Plus, you can both look up lots of info online or the local clinic.

Help Them Formulate A Plan

If they decide to quit smoking on their own, advise your child to write it down. This is the first step in teaching them about contracts and how important they are. Be realistic with some of the parameters and help him or her put it somewhere they can see every day and also add new things later. It’s an excellent way to ease out smoking since you can’t just stop all of a sudden. Help them establish a quit date and marked on the calendar.

Eliminate Temptation

Despite the of best intentions, your child may have to quit. There are certain situations they may find themselves indulging even before realizing. Advise them to throw out all their ashtrays, confiscated cigarettes, and lighters. If any of these temptations are around they won’t be able to quit even if they want to.

Get Help From Local GP

Talk to your teen about what his or her triggers are and the possible changes you can make  to ease the transition. Talk to your child and discuss the best solution, whether they want assistance from your GP and get gum, sprays, and nicotine replacement patches or something like wild hemp. Other substitutes of cigarettes include things like mints, toothpicks, lollipops, and carrot sticks.


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