Top 5 Side Hustles Available For Every Busy Mummy


make money online from home

There’s one thing that people without kids will never understand. Being a mummy is actually more than a full-time job.

Recently, Yahoo published a survey in which over 2,000 mummies took part. An average mom gets in charge as early as at 6.20 AM and clocks out at 8.30 PM. That’s 14 hours of hard work! No weekends, no sick leaves, no vacations. And no payment for sure.

The reason why mummies don’t burn out is the force of love. For most of us, being a mom is a proud vocation. However, child-rearing requires not only proper attention, but also money to keep your children safe, full, and well-educated.

But how to earn money having a non-paid 2.5x full-time job? Is there a job that requires only two, maybe three hours per day? We gathered four remote side hustles available for any busy mom, even without experience.

Start a Personal Blog

There is at least one niche you already have expertise in: motherhood. Every single mom can start blogging about motherhood and share precious pieces of advice with others.

And if you think this niche is overcrowded, you may create a blog for kids instead. As a mom, you closely get involved in your kid’s hobby, so why don’t you write about this? Nowadays, blog creation requires little-to-no investment, as it’s possible to build a website without coding skills using WordPress, Ning, or Wix themes.

After your blog grows in popularity, you can monetize it with advertising, selling paid materials, or joining an affiliate program.

Become a Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant is a quite versatile job position. You need to know a little bit of everything, but at the same time, in-depth knowledge is not required. Some small businesses need somebody to manage appointments, publish posts on social media, and do simple internet marketing. That’s exactly what a virtual assistant usually does.

Not all companies are seeking full-time specialists, you can apply to the job with just 10 hours per week or so. This position is almost always remote, so you can easily find job postings on Upwork and other freelance platforms.

Joining affiliate programs

If you have a blog with a decent number of visitors, you can monetize it by joining affiliate programs. Yes, there are a huge number of affiliate marketing programs out there that you can participate in and earn money.
This is a very simple side hustle that can make you earn money without too much effort. You just need to find the higher paid program that fits with your site niche, register and start participating.
You can join marketing affiliates such as home depot affiliate program and sephora affiliate program and get paid.

Teach English

Another area of your expertise you have “by design” is the English language. “But wait, I have never been a teacher!” — you may say. But darling, haven’t you taught your child to talk, to walk, to read, to do basic math and a bunch of other essentials? Other mums might worry that TEFL jobs involve travelling abroad, and while some do, and that in itself can be a fantastic opportunity, there are plenty of online jobs too.

Congratulations! You’re qualified enough to be an English tutor for kids, foreign students, and any other people who need to learn basic-to-intermediate English. To find such a hustle, visit VIPKID, 51Talk, Cambly, etc.

Launch an Online Store

Do you have an idea for your personal brand? Then it’s time to launch your website, but for selling purposes. E-commerce is getting easier over the years, so it takes no more than a couple of days to establish a basic online store. And using a drop shipping method, you can avoid that delivery hustle and bustle.

Of course, it may take time to promote your store and get your first clients, but if you succeed once, you might reach decent heights in terms of income.

The list of paid activities is not limited to the four ways we mentioned above. You can monetize your hobby, become a pet sitter, start a home bakery, or even promote yourself on social media and rise as a new Instagram star!

Fortunately for the kids of the 21st century, now mummies have almost unlimited possibilities to start earning from home, as 50% of our lives we spend online. You will never ever be forced to choose between parenting and working, and that’s probably the best news for today.

There are another 20 work from home jobs for mums over here at The Money Shed too, so no excuses!


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