In association with Thomas Sabo
I have this thing with rings.
I’ve always liked them, generally, but the thing started about eight or nine years ago one day in Glastonbury. I’d gone over to meet a friend for breakfast and we were talking about something rather exciting for me that had happened the day before. I’ve always had a terrible memory, but I knew I wanted to remember this particular thing, so I decided to buy myself a piece of jewellery to mark the occasion.
I bought myself a rather lovely silver ring made with abalone shell, which I love. I bought it to fit the ring finger on my left hand, not especially out of any kind of marriage related principle, but just because it looked nice there and I’m a grown up person and can wear a ring on whatever finger I like, thank you very much society.
(Gosh, that came out a bit stronger than I thought it was going to – maybe it was principle.)
Ever since then, every time I have wanted to celebrate something good happening in my life – like the first time I had a feature published in a national newspaper – or just wanted to remind myself why I am super cool and generally awesome, I’ve bought myself a ring. I wouldn’t say I’m especially materialistic and I’m definitely not one of those people who spends loads of money on clothes and shoes and handbags, but just now and then it’s nice to treat yourself. In fact, it’s somehow more special when it only IS now and then. (Plus you can spend more and feel less guilty.)
Jewellery is a bit of a funny one, as it’s often something you feel you have to wait to be given, especially women’s jewellery, which is strange in a way as it’s so personal – who knows what you love better than yourself?
Which is why when Thomas Sabo got in touch to ask if I would like to take a look at their jewellery, just as I was sending off the final draft of my debut novel, I had a browse through the ladies rings and chose this crown ring from the Kingdom of Dreams collection:
It’s a ring that looks like a CROWN because I am a QUEEN who can write an entire book and I belong in the Kingdom of Dreams. Yassssss.
I cannot tell you how much I love it, but I doubt anyone I know would ever have thought to choose it for me, which exactly why you need to buy things like this for yourself now and again. I love the colours and the sparkle and the smoothness of the inside as I spin it around my finger, but most of all I love how it makes me feel – like a real life actual QUEEN who deserves to wear a ring that looks like a crown.
I love love love it.
What makes me love it even more, if that were possible, is that it fits as an actual crown on the Sylvanian Family baby beaver that I have sat on some shelves in my kitchen. My sister and I played a LOT of Sylvanian Families growing up and the beaver family was our favourite. This baby beaver looks at me and reminds me of all of those happy memories.
Also now it doubles as a ring holder:
Don’t forget to keep your rings in tip top condition with regular routine cleaning or with an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner. Of course it is nice sometimes to give jewellery to other people, which is why I didn’t hog all the pressies and Belle is now wearing this gorgeous charm bracelet from the Generation Charm Club collection:
Belle has always wanted a charm bracelet. In her mind they represent everything she wants to be – that sassy teenage girl about town, who is quirky enough to be cool, but still cool enough to not have everyone avoid sitting next to her at registration. (I can remember that feeling so vividly – it’s an impossible balance at 16 isn’t it?)
Perhaps it’s that a charm bracelet is an easy way to be individual, a way to show your personality without showing too much personality?
Whatever it is, Belle loves them, and she especially loves the star charm on this one because it mirrors the star design on my ring and makes her feel like they are connected.
You can buy different styles of charm bracelets separately on the Thomas Sabo website, and then add gold or silver charms from their charm collection as you go. We have already looked through the other designs and Belle has picked out a charm that she wants for Christmas. I love the idea of being able to give these as gifts to add to her collection.
What do you think about the idea of buying yourself special pieces of jewellery? Do you have any pieces that you have bought for yourself and treasure?
Treat yourself (or someone you love) to a gift at Thomas Sabo now.
I think you and I might be related – I absolutely adore that ring, and totally would have done the same with the beaver! How awesome is that
Right?? My best bit :-D