How well do you know your children?
Reasonably well, I’d hope, but they can still surprise you. Yesterday afternoon, while Bee was visiting, I made mine fill out these 20 questions to ask your children from Shepherds Friendly. Have a look at the link and you can download and print off the list to do with your own children.
Here are our results:
Although it’s meant to be 20 questions to ask your children, I didn’t read the questions out. Instead they filled them out in secret and then made me guess what they had written. (I don’t know where they get their competitive streaks.) I did pretty well with a lot of the answers.
I knew that Belle would want to get married and have two children, as she has quite a traditional vibe about her, and I knew she’d want to go to Hawaii. I knew that Bee would put me down as her best friend and the place she would most like to go on holiday, and that she wouldn’t want to get married. She’s a bit more ‘melancholy poet’ about things like that, hence ‘the sweet release of death’ and ‘a fragrant satsuma’. I did wonder if she might want to adopt a cute baby for Instagram purposes though.
I wasn’t particularly surprised by any of the answers, which was reassuring. I would have been a bit worried if after 21 years I hadn’t realised that Bee was scared of snails for instance.
It was nice too to see that they both had a sense of humour, and interesting to be reminded of the fact that although they are similar in a lot of ways, they are also very different.
‘What car do you want to have when you grow up?’
‘None,’ said Bee, earnestly, ‘because they are bad for the environment.’
‘Belle?’ I asked.
‘A ferrari!”
20 questions to ask your children was definitely fun to do and I’d recommend it if you have children of your own, especially younger ones who are less likely to take the piss out of you and write that they think you are a car salesman for a living.
Download the 20 questions to ask your children now and share your answers on social media with the hashtag #ShepherdsTwenty.
Produced in association with Shepherds Friendly.
Ella (14 hmmmmm) sent me this post and told me we HAVE to do this…