1. 21 January, 2016 / 12:19 pm

    Haha, my bank balance is equally slender this month. January is the worst! I’ve made it my mission to be better with money this year, so thank you for this post. I’m usually pretty good but last year I went a little “LET’S JUST HAVE FUN’ crazy and, erm, now I need to catch up with myself. xx

    • Jo Middleton
      21 January, 2016 / 1:17 pm

      I know the feeling Fiona – I get waves of thinking ‘sod it, you only live once, let’s just enjoy ourselves’, followed by intervals of sobbing into a pile of bank statements.

  2. 21 January, 2016 / 11:24 pm

    I was really hoping to be able to save some money this month but that is looking increasingly unlikely as the month goes on. I’m really hoping to start saving more money in 2016 but I’m on maternity leave at the moment so there isn’t really much money available to save. I’ll definitely be checking out your posts though for any advice you can offer.

  3. 21 January, 2016 / 11:45 pm

    Oh this is quite exciting as I am with Nattiest and will be looking forward to seeing these new small changes to make keeping on top of your finances easier

    Laura x

  4. 21 January, 2016 / 11:56 pm

    This sounds like a really good (and useful) idea – we’re pretty good with money but don’t do any kind of budgeting or anything and I’m sure there’s loads of ways we could be smarter. I didn’t know you had an economics degree! x

  5. 22 January, 2016 / 12:09 am

    It’s good to hear that even people who are good with money can find it a struggle. Our balance isn’t looking as healthy as yours, though, even with the pending payments.

  6. 5 February, 2016 / 5:51 pm

    january is a nightmare isn’t it, your skint but its cold & grey & you want to buy things to cheer you up! x

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