Easy sock bunny tutorial

Seriously, what’s not to love? Read this post and learn how to make an adorable chum.

how to make a sock bunny

Here’s how to make a sock bunny of your very own:

Firstly, gather together everything you’ll need:

  • One sock – ideally a small one, to make it as cute as possible
  • Cotton in a colour that matches the sock and a darker one for the face
  • Stuffing
  • Scissors
  • Ribbon
  • A needle
  • A pen

Fold the sock flat, inside out, and draw on ear shapes, using the edges of the sock to make the outer edge of each ear. Stitch around the ears and then cut off the excess. It’s up to you how long you want the ears to be.

how to make a sock bunnyTurn the sock right side out again. Fill it with stuffing, being sure to push plenty down into the ears. It will take a lot more stuffing than you think, so keep on shoving it in until it looks about ready to burst.

how to make a sock bunny

Now you have to stitch it up. The easiest way I found to do this was to do a simple stitch, gathering up the bottom of the sock. When you’ve gone round once, go round again, this time gathering up the bits that stick out from the first gathering. This sounds confusing but it feels pretty intuitive once you’re doing it, honestly. Finish off make making the end secure and then poking the needle right through the sock bunny and out the other wise. Cut off the excess cotton.

how to make a sock bunny

Make the ears look super cute simply by pulling them together at the base with a length of ribbon. Tie a firm double knot to keep it in place and then a bow.

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Then all you have to do is get creative with a face. I did simple crosses for eyes and a V shaped mouth with dark cotton, but you could try different expressions or use buttons.

how to make a sock bunny

how to make a sock bunny

sock bunny tutorial






  1. 1 June, 2015 / 6:58 pm

    Oh my goodness he’s just too cute! I gave up with comparison websites a couple of years ago doing my car insurance. Got calls trying to flog me car insurance for weeks afterwards. Couldn’t be doing with it!

  2. 1 June, 2015 / 10:18 pm

    Yep like you I would be totally sucked in by a meerkat without thinking what is actually the best financial advise…and loving the sock money too! x

  3. 1 June, 2015 / 10:18 pm

    *whoops bunny..i mean bunny! Obviously money is on my mind now :)

  4. 1 June, 2015 / 11:49 pm

    Whoa! This craft actually seems really doable. That’s tomorrow night sorted for me! A bit of an eye-opener too. I’ve often relied on comparison websites.

  5. 2 June, 2015 / 1:44 pm

    Careful, you’re actually quite good at this crafting thing you know. My kids bloody love sock monsters but this bunny is even cuter! x

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