Tesco announce the shortlist for the Mum of the Year Awards 2015

Regular readers will know that this is the third year now that I’ve been involved in the Tesco Mum of the Year Awards.

Every year it is an absolute joy to follow the journeys of the inspirational women who are doing remarkable things to improve the lives of others. It’s a bit of an annual wake up call for me; a reminder that there is a lot more to life than posting funny pictures on Twitter and complaining about ridiculous things like having to walk all the way upstairs to get my phone charger.

(Although this picture that I posted today is very funny.)

The shortlist for the Tesco Mum of the Year Awards has been announced this week – 26 incredible women chosen from literally thousands, 26 women who have made a difference to their communities.

Tesco Mum of the Year Awards 2015To mark the fact that 2015 is the 10th anniversary of the awards, Tesco is donating £1,000 to a charity of each shortlisted mum’s choice. Since the Awards began in 2006, Tesco has helped over 80 mums raise the profiles of their charities and causes.

I will be following the awards and am already looking forward to the winners being announced early next year. In the meantime I’m going to try and think of these women the next time I leave my phone charge upstairs.

Disclosure: I am a blogger ambassador for the Tesco Mum of the Year Awards.


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