I remember one particularly ill-prepared Halloween; I had forgotten completely that it was October 31st and the house was definitely not well-stocked with suitably spooky sweet treats. Blissfully unaware of the ghouls that would be waiting for me, I happily opened the door when the doorbell rung.
Fortunately it was one of those groups of pre-teens who see Halloween as an excuse to wear a black coat and hassle vulnerable people for sweets rather than a collection of adorable five year old witches, so I didn’t feel so bad when I came back from my rummaging in the kitchen with a handful of apples. They did not look like the sort of children who considered fruit a ‘treat’.
Still, at least I made the effort to give them something. According to a recent survey from Webloyalty, over half of you aren’t going to even open the door. Worse than that, there are a small proportion of people who will actually open the door, get their visitors’ hopes up and then crossly send them away! Shame on you.
Alongside their extensive research into the nation’s Halloween plans, Webloyalty has produced this fun animation highlighting some of the most interesting findings.
I’d love to know what your plans are for Halloween. Will you be thoughtfully carving a pumpkin and fashioning yourself a hand-crafted costume or will you be of the 50+% of people closing the curtains tight and pretending not to be home?
This year I’ve decided I’m definitely going to be better prepared. I’ve bought apples and bananas.
Don’t forget – you still have until Monday to enter Webloyalty’s quick competition to win £50 to spend on Halloween fancy dress so go and enter now!
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We always buy sweets just in case people come knocking!
When we lived in London I had a few years of buying sweets, but eventually I stopped as no-one ever rang the doorbell and then, well, somebody had to eat them…
Now, we live in America in Russia (yes, really), so both my boys will be out trick or treating in our local neighbourhood along with every other child around. But – BUT – when / if we get back to the UK, I won’t be buying into it. It’s not really a British ‘thing’, is it? Or have things changed in the 5 years we’ve been abroad?