How reasonable is it to become emotionally attached to a piece of furniture?

On Sunday we said goodbye to our sofa.

Here it is, innocently sat in our living room just days before being bundled into the back of a van, destined for Juggle Mum‘s living room.

corner sofa

It looks so innocent and unsuspecting doesn’t it?

Now as much as I know that it will be very happy in its new home, I couldn’t help but feel sad when it was gone. I lay down on the floor in the space that it had left for a little while, thinking about everything that had happened on or around the sofa over the course of the last nine years and realised what a central role it has played in our lives.

I bought it on a bit of a whim. I was feeling a bit bored and sad one Thursday evening and so left everyone at home and went for a mooch around DFS. I have always wanted a big corner sofa and that evening I fulfilled a life long ambition.

“That was fun,” I told my partner of the time when I got home. “I just spent a ludicrous amount of money on a sofa!”

Seriously, is there any situation where spending money you don’t have doesn’t cheer you up just a teeny bit? Like the sporks I bought in John Lewis at the weekend just because they were so shiny.

The sofa though was worth every penny. It is quite probably the comfiest sofa in the whole wide world and can fit about 27 people on at any one time. You can even sleep two adults on it, as I have proven after several parties. It has been the scene of Sunday hangovers, late night liaisons, emotional endings and beginnings. Belle can’t remember us ever having a different sofa; it has literally grown up with us.

Getting rid of the sofa signified a very definite and deliberate full stop. Although it represents a fresh start that is going to be exciting and invigorating for all of us, it doesn’t mean it wasn’t hard to say goodbye.

Is it weird to feel so attached to a piece of furniture? Is there anything in your house that you would find hard to part with?




  1. 10 June, 2014 / 3:52 pm

    Getting a corner sofa is one of my ambitions! Also agree that spending money you don’t have is a GREAT feeling.

  2. 10 June, 2014 / 6:48 pm

    Your sofa was very lovely and I don’t think it’s unreasonable that you were attached to it at all! Why it was purple and everything. However moving on is good, and I’m sure you and your new sofa will be very happy together. I’m ridiculously attached to my laptop, to the point were I stroke it, which is fairly odd really.

  3. Hilda Hazel Wright
    11 June, 2014 / 12:23 pm

    I’m attached to loads of my furniture, the stuff that I’ve really loved when I’ve bought it and been so happy to have! Of course there is plenty of functional stuff that I don’t care about, but so much that I do. Its good to really appreciate things.

  4. 11 June, 2014 / 12:24 pm

    Haha, and not just your late night liaisons! End of an era indeed, but the new one is so pretty :)

  5. Nicky
    11 June, 2014 / 12:31 pm

    It is sad! I had an attachment to your sofa too and I didn’t even live with it!! I am looking forward to your new sofa’s new home in Taunton xx

  6. 12 June, 2014 / 8:55 am

    it looks like a lovely sofa, I would love a big old comfy corner piece

  7. 12 June, 2014 / 1:01 pm

    YES! I had a proper wobble when I got rid of my marital bed post-divorce. It was weird that a piece of furniture could represent so much!

    I’m very happy with my new bed though, we are having lots of lovely sleep times together :)

  8. Jill
    28 March, 2016 / 8:11 pm

    Not so weird.

    Casting real people: families/blended families/roommates/children/extended family/grandparents. Do you have a piece of furniture that is as much a part of your family as the members themselves? Do you gather around the antique table that, for generations, has been the place to roll the dough, stuff the turkey and carve the pumpkin? Are you in the market for a new piece of furniture that will be the start of something great for your family? We want to hear your heartfelt story about how that one piece of furniture has shaped your home life. We are looking for real people in the North East area (New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Delaware, Rhode Island) with genuine stories regarding your current furniture or future furniture purchases. Paid Opportunity! Email a photo and your story to

  9. Ellie
    28 January, 2017 / 11:04 pm

    I just got rid of a bed i’ve had for years and I’m struggling. Made me quite upset. Came across this and it made me feel rational, thanks.

  10. William C Tomlinson
    13 October, 2017 / 4:13 am

    I’ve lived at my current location twice already and a friend of mine helped me get a recliner that I have had for over 3 years but when I stayed somewhere for 3 months I moved away he kept it for me and when I finally came back down to where I’m at now he brought it back to my apartment because he saved it for me I have been through many moments for the past three to four years of my life with this recliner and I have became a emotionally attached to it and since I am moving to another state he says he cannot hold on to it because he doesn’t have room for it anymore so I’m being forced to sell it for extremely cheap or give it away and I’m really sad because I don’t want to sell it or give it away but a friend of mine can’t hold on to it for me so I’m really emotional right now and really not sure what to do

    • Jo Middleton
      13 October, 2017 / 12:44 pm

      Oh no! It sounds like you need to find a really good home for it – somewhere where you feel like it will be really appreciated, even if it doesn’t bring you in much money, and then at least that way you can take comfort from someone else getting as much joy from it as you.

  11. Eman AlGhasra
    5 January, 2018 / 9:46 pm

    And I thought I was the only one! I am very attached to my laptop. I bought a new one because my career demands a stronger, faster laptop. But I can’t bring myself to using the new one, I simply feel like I don’t want to ditch the old laptop, it’s been with me for 4 years! I feel sad. I don’t want to sell it because it will be sold for a very cheap price and I also don’t want to just give to someone who won’t take care of it. GOD WHAT DO I DO!

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