Save money with My Favourite Voucher Codes

Calling all bargain hunters! Today I want to tell you all about on of the newest voucher code kids on the block –! Bear with me, it is more exciting than it sounds…

Last weekend was Belle’s 11th birthday. Finding school friends for parties in the middle of the summer holidays is always tricky so this year we went for a bit of a family sleepover (yes I slept on the floor…) with Belle’s favourite food – delivered pizza.*

With delivered pizza I get to score twice – Belle thinks I am super cool and generous, but I get to save money, as we are voucher code fiends. It’s only been in the last few years that I have discovered the joy that is saving money simply by googling something, (thank you to Boyfriend for that – he really was made for a career in procurement), but now there is no going back. Why on earth would you pay full price for something if you could just tappety tap and get money off? It would be madness.

There are a couple of things I really like about My Favourite Voucher Codes, things that I think gives it a bit of an edge on other sites.

The first thing is that they give 20% of their net profits to charity. 20% is a lot. Even better, users get to submit their ideas for the charity they would like to see supported and every month they have a poll, so you get to decide where the money goes. So really it would be a crime not to buy yourself a lovely treat online. (Pretty much.)

The second thing I love is their funky little app. I don’t know about you, but my memory is hopeless and I really struggle to remember to check for vouchers and cash back before every single purchase. I just get too excited about the shopping, and normally remember about 2.7 seconds after I place my order.

With the My Favourite Voucher Codes app though it’s like having Boyfriend with me all the time, sat on my shoulder whispering ‘don’t forget to check for a code!’ Once you’ve installed it, it just sits as a little icon on your browser tool bar and tells you if there are any current voucher codes or offers on the site you happen to be on. Click on it and it expands to show you all the deals.

My favourite voucher codes

I think this is so clever, and it will definitely help prevent my 2.7 second post-order anguish.

So ‘fess up – are you a voucher code geek? What are you favourite things to save money on?

*Her second favourite food is non-delivered pizza.




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