Welcome to week two of ‘A week in tweets’. Thank you so much to everyone who joined in last week. This week, by popular request, I’ve added a linky, so you can come and share a link to your very own week in tweets. Remember they don’t have to be real tweets, they can be a retrospective reflection on the week, a complete fabrication – whatever you like.
This week I decided to set myself a theme.
I moved to Bristol last summer, and when I tell people, the first question is normally ‘where did you move from?’
“Bridgwater,” I say.
Reactions fall into two camps. Some people have never heard of it, and just nod and smile politely. Those who’ve been say “Ah, I see…” and make that sideways jaw movement you do to a friend behind a third friend’s back when the third friend has just introduced you both a her new boyfriend, who is clearly a moron.
I’ve wanted to move to Bristol for years, and thought now I’m here, I should celebrate the fact.
Monday – When people ask #whyImovedtoBristol, I explain that I used to live in Bridgwater. ‘But you look so…normal!’ says one new acquaintance. #nfb
Tuesday – Off to @The SteadyTable writing group to write, chat and eat cake. Must do Actual Writing this time. Not just tweet. #whyImovedtoBristol
Wednesday – Drive to meeting. Take the suspension bridge. Worth 50p if only to think to self ‘I’m driving to a meeting across the suspension bridge’ #whyImovedtoBristol
Thursday – Sat in traffic wondering #whyImovedtoBristol. See a man in shorts casually walking along playing a tambourine and singing. Remember again.
Friday – Planning weekend. Love having more choices than ‘go to Wilkinson’s’ or ‘go to another town’. #whyImovedtoBristol
Saturday – Stroll to the city farm. Cast cursory glance at goats then head for café that looks like Gaudi built a treehouse. #whyImovedtoBristol
Sunday – Arranged to meet @bishopstonmum for a coffee next week. Never spoken until today. Feel nervous. Like on a blind date. #whyImovedtoBristol
*WAILS* My parents moved out of our family home of the last 30 years in Bishopston last week and relocated to Devon / Cornwall border. I miss Bristol already! (P.S. If you haven’t tried it already, Lovely Tart on Gloucester Rd has to be visited. It’s run by my bestest, oldest friend in the whole world and they do INCREDIBLE cakes.)
Aha! Tart was one of the very first places I went for tea and cake! It jsut looked so delicious. And it was :-) How are they coping with Costa next door? Whenever I go past Tart always seems packed. I think local people are too ashamed to be caught in Costa!
That suspension bridge is a big part of the reason I moved to Bristol almost two years ago. I wouldn’t even have noticed the tambourine man though. I moved here from Brighton.
Me too. Whenever I used to visit I’d come over the bridge, and look out over the city and just think ‘I want to live here!’
I’ve only ever lived in smaller places though – what’s it been like coming from somewhere as vibrant as Brighton?
Haha, I love the Monday tweet. Bridgwater really seems to have that effect on people, doesn’t it? My OH’s best friend moved there for his girlfriend and boy has he got some stories to tell whenever he comes up to Bristol :)
Goodness – he actually moved there BY CHOICE?? He must really love his girlfriend…
It does have a certain ‘uniqueness’.
Fabulous. Now if I did a #whyimovedtomelksham week of tweets they would contain the complete opposite!! Why DID I move to Melksham?! Off to link up now x
My first visit to Bristol was for the Half Marathon in 2009. I though it was gorgeous. Except the cobbled bit around mile 10. Having rashly signed up for another go this September, I look forward to being there again. Throw me a Mars bar!
My first week in Tweets all done (on my personal blog rather than the work one) and I’ve really enjoyed reading everyone else’s too.
She is really lovely and even better – not originally from Bridgwater ;)
They just thought it was a fair compromise as when they bought their house he worked in Bristol and she had to drive down to Taunton for work every day. So with Bridgwater being somewhere in the middle, it kind of made sense.
Bristol is a lovely place… you shouldn’t knock Wilkos though!! :) x
That’s the classic photo of Bristol isn’t it? Have my own version as my header on my blog :) My favourite thing at the weekend was a walk around the harbour with a stop for a pint in one of the many pubs on the way.
You paint quite a picture of Bristol. I’ll have to visit more often.
How strange! I just started following you and I only moved to Bristol in January. The husband only agreed because I love the city so much and my family are based here. He is still wondering if we made the right decision 3 months on but I am still convinced he will come around. I love how we live in easy access to the hustle and bustle of a city but have a village on a door step and the country side a short walk down the road.