As you know from my recent laundry hacks post, one of my worst chores ever is washing clothes. It’s not so much that it’s difficult or messy, it’s just that you never get a sense of satisfaction from it because it’s never truly done. Even if you’ve done all the washing, there’s still the clothes you’re wearing, and then you’re right back to square one the next day. I know that technically this is true with all chores, but there’s something about seeing that one pair of pants at the bottom of the laundry basket that just makes me want to sigh and give up.

Not only is it the clothes in the basket that annoy me, but the clothes scattered all over the house that are supposedly ‘drying’. It’s officially autumn now after all, and raining as I type. Unfortunately for me, I live in a small house with no room for a tumble dryer or dishwasher or anything fancy. I don’t even have a very good airer, so usually end up hastily clearing away towels from banisters and t-shirts from the top of doors when people come over.

My current airer is a standard massive plastic thing that takes up about half my lounge, in a very unsexy way. Lately I’ve been spending rather too much time looking at the range at Airers4you, imagining my dream drying scenarios. This is probably information I should keep to myself, but you know I’m not good at that. View Post


It’s a good question isn’t it? Do stain removers really work? Well, read on for my Oxi-Action Powder review and find out…

In the Slummy single mummy guide to housework, stain removal does not feature highly. I’m so busy throwing crumbs behind the sofa and hiding dishes in cupboards that I just don’t have the time for soaking my whites. I don’t even separate the whites in my washing. Come on.

I’ve always had this idea that stain removers, along with other household things like carpet cleaners and weed killers, don’t actually work – they’re just one of those myths, like anti-wrinkle creams. We know they can’t ever do what they say on the tin, but we really want them to, so we buy them anyway.

That was before though. Before Vanish asked me to actually try their stain removers, rather than just scoff at them in the supermarket. It has been quite a revelation. They’re not foolproof, but this is my honest account of how I’ve got on…

Vanish reviewFirst I tried it out on our white towels, which normally end up pretty grimy, covered in mascara and Dove’s ‘gradual self-tanner’, (which I discovered just makes you all smeary and then comes straight off on your towel). For some reason, my towel had also acquired some strange blue stains in patches all over it, that looked like Belle might have secretly used it to clean up an ink spillage.

With a scoop of Oxi-Action Powder in the wash, they came out lovely and white, although to be fair, my mascara usually does anyway, as it’s pretty cheap and not waterproof. Still, the mystery blue stains came out too, which was pretty impressive.

Next, a real test. I’ve got this one jumper that I’ve had for years. For the last six months though it has been annoying me – every time I put it on, I remember that it has a faint spaghetti Bolognese stain right in the middle on the front. Every time I go to wear it, I end up putting it straight back in the washing basket, washing it, drying it, hanging it back up, and the whole process starts again. I was pretty excited then to think it might actually disappear. And do you know what? With a bit of Vanish gel on it for ten minutes before the wash, it did! As if by magic! Poof! Nice.

Vanish reviewThen Boyfriend tried it out on his dress shirt, which, like me and my jumper, he keeps putting on and forgetting has stains on it. This he soaked beforehand, in warm water with a scoop of the Oxi-Action Powder and it came out lovely sparkly white.

In the process of soaking, we also discovered that Vanish is excellent for getting rid of stains in white ceramic sinks. Seriously, our kitchen sink has never looked so clean. Top tip there for you.

The one thing it didn’t manage to get rid of was blood stains. Belle had a little middle-of-the-night nose bleed, and although we tried the next morning rubbing Vanish gel in pre-wash, and then using it in the machine too, it wouldn’t shift it. In a way though, I find this sort of comforting. You wouldn’t want a murder scene to be rendered spotless with a quick wipe round with the Vanish would you?

And of course if you really can’t get rid of a stain then you can always cover it! Custom patches are a godsend here – a way to cover up stains and decorate your clothes at the same time.

Do you have a Vanish review you’d like to share? Do you think stain removers work?


Sunday evening, eight o’clock.

The children have just gone to bed and you’re about to enjoy a cup of tea and perhaps a rich tea finger or two. You sit down, ready to get comfy on the sofa, making that ‘ahhh!’ noise that proper old ladies make.

And then it hits you, and you sag visibly.

“Shit,” you say, “I forgot to wash the school uniform.”

The start of a new school term is even worse. Despite your best intentions, you leave it until the last Saturday of the holidays to make your annual pilgrimage to Clarks, and as you enter the shop, you count at least 27 other families there already, clutching their tickets, staring hopefully at the display and occasionally just throwing themselves down on the floor and crying, beating at the carpet tiles with their fists.

The children are just as bad.

These scenarios are all too familiar to me, which is why reader, when we moved to Bristol, I chose a school for Belle without a school uniform.

Forget SATS, forget OFSTED, I just want to be spared the pain of Clarks on the first Saturday in September.


A couple of weeks ago I was tagged in a meme by The Fabulous Mom Guide. The subject of the meme was ‘ten things I tell myself every day’

This was a tricky one for me. My internal monologue witters on incessantly, but is it consistent, does it tell me the same things day in day out? I had to listen for a while to find out, and this is what I came up with – ten things I think about at various times most days:

1. When I first wake up – “OK chubby, today is going to be the day you show a bit of self-control and don’t eat any crap.”

2. On walking up to my study – “Gosh, there really is a lot of dust on those skirting boards. I should do something about that.”

3. About 11am – “Just one biscuit really wouldn’t hurt, you have worked very hard today so far.”

4. About 11.05am – “Step away from the biscuit tin. No, not one more. OK, one more, and then put the lid on and walk away. WALK AWAY!!”

5. At intervals during the day – “I really must write that post today about the ten things I think about every day.”

6. On hearing the washing machine beeping but being in my study and too lazy to walk down and switch it off – “I will just let it beep once more and then it will stop. Gah! Once more. Pause. Gah! Once more. Pause. GAH!”

7. On walking back up to my study, having turned the washing machine off – “I wish I hadn’t had a biscuit while I was down there. Those skirting boards are really dusty.”

8.From 3.30pm onwards – “I probably should go downstairs and do something wholesome with the children. I’ll just have a little look on twitter first.”

9. Around 5.30pm – “Goodness, what happened there? I really must go downstairs now.”

10. Lying in bed – “Tomorrow will be the day I clean the skirting boards and don’t eat any biscuits.”

As you can see, my mind really is a thrilling place to be.

Now I have to pass the meme on, to other people with more interesting thoughts than mine. I’m going to tag three very lovely new friends – Bristol bloggers who I have met for the first time in the last couple of weeks – Ella at Purple Mum, Hilary at Bishopston Mum and Kath at Knitty Mummy.

What thoughts dominate your brain on a daily basis? Please tell me they’re as dull as mine…
