9 Strategies For Managing Your Digital Assets

In today’s digital world, we constantly generate and consume a staggering amount of content daily. From videos and photos to documents and financial records, our digital assets have become an indispensable part of our lives. As a small business, it is easy to get overwhelmed by the volume of data management required as you create, edit and distribute your content. Recent research has also highlighted the need for proper digital asset management to avoid loss of time and money, poor asset accessibility, and so on. Below are the top nine strategies for managing your digital assets.

1. Audit your digital assets

it’s essential to audit your digital assets regularly to ensure that your digital footprint is accurate and up-to-date. Begin by creating a comprehensive list of all your digital assets, encompassing an array of files, accounts, and devices. It’s crucial to meticulously scrutinise each item on the list, evaluating whether they are still relevant, modern, and secure. Eradicate any files or accounts that are surplus to requirements, upgrade passwords and software, and confirm that all devices are fortified with up-to-the-minute security software. 

Integrating digital asset management tools can streamline and coordinate your digital assets more efficiently. By continuously reviewing and auditing your digital assets, you can maintain your organisational structure, safeguard your personal information, and protect your digital identity against malicious activity.

2. Create a digit asset management plan 

To create a top-notch strategic plan for managing your digital assets, you must identify the ones integral to your business needs. Such assets may comprise valuable documents, intellectual property, and financial records. Once you have identified them, the next crucial step is determining the optimal way to store, back up, and safeguard them. You may leverage cloud-based storage solutions, invest in external hard drives, or use high-end digital asset management software. Establishing strict protocols for creating and sharing new digital assets, such as access permissions, standard file naming conventions, and document version control, is essential.

3. Assign team roles

Digital asset management is not a job for one person. You must give distinct responsibilities to your team members and their required rights. For instance, you can create a governance team to help you develop, execute, monitor, and scale your digital assets management system. You can also assign roles to digital asset managers to be in charge of all aspects of the daily operations of your company’s digital asset ecosystem. Remember to train your teams. It will be extremely expensive if your employees cannot utilise the assets or spend longer than necessary keeping and retrieving them.

4. Incorporate DAM in your branding 

Aside from supplying content to the transient audience, branding material can make a ton of difference in gaining your consumers’ trust and loyalty. Make digital assets an integral and consistent element in your brand experience. For instance, you may use them to establish a link between your online and offline operations, such as prospect data collection during exhibits and subsequently using it as follow-up invites to webinars. Your prospects are less prone to go cold if they recognise your brand through digital assets management. 

5. Manage digital assets from a single source

Provisioning your digital assets from a sole source can offer a streamlined and simplified process for managing your digital assets. A centralised platform allows you to access and manage all your digital assets, including files, documents, images, and videos, from one place. For instance, you may easily use platforms like Swissmoney to manage all your digital assets from anywhere. The strategy can also be helpful if you seek ways to boost team collaboration while ensuring every team member works with the most updated asset versions. Moreover, maintaining consistency across all digital assets can make asset management and organisation easier. 

6. Save time by automating workflows

It is undeniable how much time automation can save you by replacing manual jobs. Automating many digital assets management processes, such as tagging and file format conversion, can be time-saving. You may configure the tool to automatically handle and avoid manual tasks, so feel free to consider this. You can automatically apply fresh changes and make needed changes if you deliver your digital assets from the automation system.

7. Implement a dependable security procedure

Protecting your digital assets is one of the crucial steps if your business utilises blockchain-backed investable types such as NFTs, cryptocurrencies, asset-backed tokens, and tokenised real estate. Consider the consequences if hackers steal or erase critical digital assets like product photographs or marketing brochures. Your efforts and money spent on generating such items will be lost, and your organisation’s capacity to sell items and create income will be severely affected. There’s also the problem of theft of intellectual property to consider. Unsurprisingly, the UK MoD turned to hackers to identify and report vulnerabilities to secure its digital assets. If malicious actors acquire or exploit them, it can result in severe financial loss and a loss of competitiveness for your firm.

8. Keep an eye on your product analytics

Analytics is vital in digital asset management because it allows you to measure performance and acquire insights about how your clients and stakeholders utilise them. Using this knowledge, you can readily find shortcomings and make data-driven judgments to optimise. Do you own an ecommerce business? Top tactics to ensure actionable analytics include defining your metrics, data visualisation, A/B testing, and so on. These approaches enable you to identify the assets contributing more to your bottom line and adjust your strategy accordingly.

9. Consider new technologies

With the present new tech emerging almost daily, you risk losing to your competitors if technology leaves you behind. While all the above are legit strategies to manage your digital assets, you can improve them significantly with new technologies. Technology is the bedrock of every business today, and your industry isn’t spared. You may integrate cutting-edge technologies like AI and machine learning into your digital management procedures. Meanwhile, several organisations are building AI-powered blockchain intelligence systems for privacy, risk, and compliance, which can assist in improving digital asset security.



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