Why Not Giving Your Kids Everything They Want Is Good for Them

When it comes to our children, we often want to give them the best of everything. We want to make sure they have all the toys, clothes and gadgets that they could possibly want. But is this really what’s best for them? In this blog post, we will discuss some of the benefits of not giving your kids everything they want. We will also talk about how to simplify life and live in a minimalistic way. Why less is more, and how you can teach your children these values!

Consumerism and kids

As parents, we often feel like we need to keep up with the Joneses. We see our neighbors and friends buying their kids the latest and greatest toys, and we feel like we need to do the same. But what we don’t realize is that by doing this, we are teaching our children that material possessions are what’s important in life.

We are consumeristic beings by nature. We are also constantly bombarded with ads and commercials telling us that we need the latest and greatest products. And as parents, we often fall into the trap of thinking that we need to give our children everything they want. But is this really good for their understanding of the world and their values.

Make space

It’s a simple concept, but one that is often lost in today’s society. By living more simply and having less stuff, you will actually be teaching your children some important life lessons.

One of the most important things you can teach your children is that material possessions are not the most important thing in life. There are more important things so consider simplifying the style of your home. If you’re in the process of considering where you live or renovating, selecting features of your home that make life easier are a great way to go.

For example, you might choose to have less furniture and more space. This will allow your children to have more room to play. And when they’re not playing, they can be doing other things like reading or spending time with family. You might choose to have less rooms in your home and make what you have multi-purpose. You can break up a room into different areas by using hard flooring that’s easy to maintain, along with rugs to signify different spaces.

Carpet can also be a great way to define space and make a room feel cozy. Waterproof hybrid flooring might also be a wise choice since it’s much easier to keep clean than other flooring options, making it ideal for families with small children.

Appreciate what you have

When you give your children everything they want, you are teaching them that material possessions are the most important things in life. You’re also not giving them a chance to learn how to appreciate what they already have.

It’s important to instill values of appreciation and gratefulness in our children from a young age. By doing this, we are setting them up for a more fulfilling and content life.

You don’t need to spend a lot of money to instill these values. Just take the time to notice the things you are grateful for each day and share that with your children. You can also model appreciation by expressing gratitude when others do something kind for you.

Remove clutter

When you’re trying to place a higher value on the items you have, consider removing these items from your home:

  • Toys that your children never play with
  • Old clothes that you don’t wear anymore
  • Items that are broken and you’re not planning on fixing
  • Papers and junk

Not only will you feel better when you declutter, but you’ll also have more time and energy for the things you love. You may even find that your children are less stressed and can focus more on their playtime when there is less visual stimulation in the home.

When you declutter your home, you’re also decluttering your life. This can lead to more peace and contentment.  And when you’re more content, you don’t feel the need to keep up with the Joneses. You can live a simpler life and focus on what’s really important to you.

Delayed gratification

One of the best things you can do for your children is to teach them delayed gratification.  This involves waiting to receive a reward. For example, you may tell your child that they can have a toy if they wait a week.

Teaching your child delayed gratification will help them in many areas of their life. They’ll learn that they can’t always have what they want right away. They’ll learn to be patient. And they’ll learn that good things come to those who wait. All of these are valuable lessons that will serve your child well as they grow up.

There are many benefits to delayed gratification. Studies have shown that people who are able to delay gratification are more successful in life. They’re able to set goals and work towards them. They’re able to control their emotions. And they’re able to resist temptation.

So why not start teaching your child the benefits of delayed gratification today? It’s a valuable lesson that will serve them well throughout their life. You might also want to consider getting rid of some of the electronic devices in your home.


As a society, we are constantly bombarded with the message that in order to be happy, we need to buy more stuff. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, consumerism is one of the main sources of unhappiness in our lives. The good news is that there is an antidote to consumerism: minimalism. In this blog post, we have discussed the benefits of living a minimalist lifestyle and how to simplify your life. We trust it helps you transform your life.

What other ways can you think of to simplify your home and life? Share them in the comments below!


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