5 plastic free Easter eggs for Easter 2022

Looking for plastic free Easter eggs this year? Or maybe you want a vegan Easter egg? I’ve picked out five of my favourites so you can enjoy your Easter treats guilt free.

best plastic free easter eggs

Happy nearly Easter!

I’m not in anyway religious, but I’m happy to jump on the bandwagon of any religious festival that requires the eating of chocolate eggs. Judge me if you will but there we are.

One thing that has always annoyed me though about Easter and Easter eggs in particular is all the waste that goes with them – all those chocolate eggs in huge plastic shells, just waiting for the wrappers to be torn off so that the plastic can get chucked in a lake and eaten by a pregnant dolphin, or whatever it is that happens to it. It’s definitely something like that. But then of course the fishing industry does more damage to fish than plastic, so perhaps veganism is really the answer. Not that Easter eggs normally have fish in them, but still, the principle is sound.

One really easy change you can make this Easter is simply to look out for plastic free or vegan Easter eggs, or ideally both! I’ve picked out five of my favourite options for you, plus if this has got you feeling the vegan Easter vibe why not have a go at making my vegan hot cross bun recipe?

Golden duck eggs from Coco 

Coco chocolatiers – where creativity and cocoa collide! (That’s their slogan, I didn’t come up with that.)

I bought a load of Christmas gifts from Coco this year because I love the idea of combining chocolate and art – isn’t it a fun concept? All of their packaging is designed by different independent artists, including Marco Oggian, who created the artwork for these milk chocolate duck eggs.

Their Easter range also includes praline filled mini eggs and Easter spiced chocolate bars and there’s a dark chocolate vegan box of eggs too.

Plastic free Easter eggs


Bean-to-bar Easter eggs from Chocolarder

I think this might be a personal favourite from the point of view of just how much care and thought has gone into the production of these plastic free Easter eggs. Based in Falmouth, Chocolarder is one of the only small batch bean-to-bar chocolate makers in the country. They use antique chocolate making machinery and organic cocoa beans imported from single estate, family run plantations in Colombia, Sierra Leone, Madagascar, Peru and the Dominican Republic.

They have a range of five plastic free Easter eggs, three of which are also vegan, including a vegan milk chocolate egg made with oat milk. A couple of their eggs are Cornish inspired – think foraged wild gorse flower – there’s a dark one with just two ingredients, using cocoa beans from an all female cooperative of farmers in Congo, and this year they made their first limited edition Easter egg made using wasted orange peel from the local beach café. 10/10 for green credentials.

plastic free and vegan easter eggs

Guylian seashell Easter egg

I don’t feel like any chocolate based holiday can really pass without the mention of Guylian – it’s a classic right? This plastic free Guylian egg is made with 100% recyclable cardboard and includes a chocolate egg and a box of the classic seashells. Available from most retailers including Sainsbury’s, Morrison’s and Waitrose.

Plastic free easter eggs

Sea salt Easter egg from Love Cocoa

Fancy buying a plastic free Easter egg and planting a tree at the same time? The good news with the Love Cocoa Easter eggs is that you can, but without even having to get out your trowel, as they plant a tree on your behalf for every product you buy. For their vegan sea salt Easter egg Love Cocoa has teamed up with Maldon, to create an egg garnished with hand-harvested crunchy sea salt flakes.

They also do a non-vegan, but still plastic free, salted caramel milk version. Bonus points for coming in a box that looks like it would be great to keep your pencils in afterwards.

Maldon sea salt Easter egg Love Cocoa


Tony’s Chocolonely egg-stra special chocolate eggs

No YOU like Tony’s Chocolonely chocolate because it reminds you of Willy Wonka and makes you think back to that childhood dream of finding a golden ticket. Oh come on, let’s be real, that’s why everyone likes them. Good job Tony’s Chocolonely, you nailed that.

This super cute box of 12 individually wrapped eggs would make a great standalone gift, or you could use it for an Easter bunny egg hunt – hide the eggs and give your children the box to collect them in. Actually, I wouldn’t mind if someone did that for me, it sounds fun.

Tony's Chocolonely easter egg


1 Comment

  1. 4 March, 2022 / 9:53 pm

    Thanks for sharing this sweetie!

    Danielle | thereluctantblogger.co.uk

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