Simple Steps To Transition Back To Your Natural Hair

go back to grey hair

It’s normal to experiment with different hairstyles and colours. However, at some point, everyone wants to return to their original colour, even if they can’t remember exactly what that is!

You can’t just dye your hair and get your natural hair colour back. It takes time and patience but it is worth it!

The first thing to note is that cutting your hair can make the transition faster but that you don’t have to cut it, you can transition and keep your current hairstyle.

Condition Often

The first step is to choose high-quality natural products that will help your hair stay healthy as it grows. This means choosing products from something like the Olaplex range which is made with natural ingredients, designed for different types of hair, and are excellent at nurturing hair.

Once you have chosen your product make sure you choose a deep conditioner and use it at least twice a week. As your hair grows and starts to return to its original colour it is potentially going to be more fragile than usual. The right product will help it to stay healthy.

Cut Often

You may have decided to maintain your existing hairstyle. However, that doesn’t mean you’re not going to cut it while you let your hair transition. You still need to have it trimmed to keep it looking tidy and maintain your pride in your appearance.

You should note that trimming the ends every six to eight weeks can help to speed up the growth process, potentially decreasing the time it will take to transition.

As your hair transitions, you may feel like cutting it once the natural colour has reached your shoulders. There is nothing wrong with doing this but it is a personal decision and one that only you can make.

Consider Dyeing

In general, if you are going back to your natural colour you will want to avoid dyeing your hair again. However, if your current colour is a long way from your natural colour, you may like to dye your hair closer to your original colour. This will make it less obvious as your roots grow out and easy to transition smoothly to your natural colour.

Of course, if you use a hair dye it should be a natural one that won’t o any further damage to your hair.

Consider Your Style

You may want to stick with your current hairstyle. However, in some cases, it can be better to have a selection of hairstyles available to help you complete the transition successfully. This could mean braiding for a month or two or even adding a wave.

It will help distract attention from visible roots and protect your hair as it grows out.

Avoid Heat Styling

While transitioning you should, if possible, avoid heat styling. If this isn’t an option reduce it as much as possible. Heat styling is likely to dehydrate your hair and increase the risk of breakage. This can make your hair look bad when you are unable to do much about it.


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