How To Choose Furniture for a Small Space

Limited space in one of the rooms in your property does not necessarily mean that you cannot add some great looking furniture to make the most of it. With this being said however there are many homeowners who do struggle with small spaces, and feel that there isn’t much they can do with it. Not only can small spaces be furnished with style, but they can also be furnished in such a way which offers the feeling of a wider and more amplified room than it was before you started.

There are many businesses which specialize in great looking furniture for such a room, and if you visit Papaya and other retailers like it you can get some real inspiration as to what works best. In terms of general rules when furnishing a small area, here are some things to bear in mind.

Light and Dark

The way in which we perceive space is often dictated by how our eyes and brains receive dark and light colors. It is for this reason that light colored furniture, with a darker floor color, will be the perfect way to add the sense of more space in the room. You can compliment the darkness with cushions on sofas or ornaments on light colored tables, to strike the balance between the tones.

 Consider Transforming Furniture

Once upon a time transforming furniture would have consisted of a collapsable table which had to be stored away, these days we have much greater options to play with. A sofa which turns into a bed in your living room, a washer/drier combo in the laundry room to provide extra space or stackable chairs which seamlessly fold into one another to create a single seat. These are great space saving ideas which add functionality to any room.

Modern Furniture

Generally speaking modern furniture is built in a more sleek and stylish way, which focuses harder on style than size. You may find that when it comes to a sofa for example, a modern design will take up far less space than a chunky, overstuffed version which we would have once seen in  home stores.

All Purposeful

A great rule of thumb when you are buying items for a small room is whether or not it actually has a purpose. It is easy to fall into the trap of buying too much stuff, even for a small room, and this thought process may help you to avoid buying unnecessary items for this room in particular. Make sure that everything in the room is fulfilling a purpose.

Wasted Space

Finally it is important that you aim to avoid wasted space. This is something which we often see in the corners of rooms or surrounding an awkwardly placed table. You have to approach this in a way that maximizes space, and this means there is no room for dead space at all.

Take your time picking items for a smaller room as it requires a great deal more thought and planning than if you were to buy furniture for a large space.


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