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Many people have taken this time stuck in quarantine to be super productive around their homes or to learn a new skill, or something noteworthy. I don’t know where they get all that motivation, I prefer to stay snuggled up reading a book, divulging my sweet tooth.
You can only read and snack for so long before getting a bit stir-crazy though. So, I decided it was finally time to tackle my to-do pile. Yes, it was a literal pile actually. I resolved to work on something that I have been putting off for a long time: repairing some clothes I had stacked on a pile in my closet for years. If a button popped off a shirt, or a zipper got stuck on a purse, I would set it on this pile to fix “on a rainy day” because I liked the pieces too much to get rid of. Apparently, I was not waiting for a rainy day to fix them as it has rained quite a few times in the last few years and well… The pile was still there, staring at me every day I’d walk into my closet.
As I said in a previous post, any time is a great time to work on reducing clutter. This pile of clothes was definitely taking up space and also, I want to be able to wear these items again one day! I had kept them for a reason after all.
So, I finally (forcefully?) made time to work on the pile. Most notably, I sewed on a few shirt buttons, repaired the zipper on a pair of pants, patched a hole ripped in a skirt and reattached the sole on a pair of favourite shoes. Resoling shoes? That sounds like a lot of work and very complicated. Actually, it was super easy (and I’m angry at myself for just now finding the time to do it. Imagine all the shoe-wearing I have missed out on just because of laziness…). But, with a simple trick I was able to fix this shoe problem stat! Just some leather glue that dries in a minute and – bam – a renewed pair of shoes, ready for a night out on the town again.
Now, I’m no seamstress, but it felt good to finally have this pile of ‘to-dos’ ticked off and some space gained in my closet. And it only took about two hours to get through it all. Best of all – my wardrobe has been updated with a few new pieces. So, once quarantine is over, I will have some ‘new’ outfits just waiting to be worn.
Even though I would rather have done something else, tackling these clothes woes turned out to be a bit therapeutic – who knew! Patching a hole, mending a seam, or fixing a hem doesn’t have to be as laborious as we make it out to be sometimes. Take some time this quarantine or this summer to organize, mend, or reduce your clutter with simple tricks!