Ideas to Keep You Busy while Staying At Home During Summer


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Although summer is just around the corner, it looks like it will be a very different season from the one that we are used to. Many families will already be feeling the effects of lockdown, and this is going to get so much more intense when the weather heats up and the days get longer.

While there’s no shortage of celebrities with outlandish ideas for staying busy during the pandemic, for most of us, it’s going to be a constant battle with daytime TV, hyperactive children and the latest grim news reports from the outside world.

But before you throw the kids in front of endless loops of Hey Duggee, there are a few things that might just do the trick in surviving the summer months at home.

YouTube Channels for Staying Fit

We will all need to work twice as hard to stay in shape this summer. While the kids will always find their own ways of letting off steam, for us adults, it’s all too easy to get lethargic by settling down on the sofa.

Thankfully, there’s no shortage of excellent YouTube fitness channels that are ideally suited to helping the whole family fight the flab. In particular, Joe Wicks’ PE workout has proven to be hugely popular among kids and adults alike. While the first few sessions can be adamant, once you get into the swing of it, then you’ll find it much less painful.

We should also note that there are plenty of great video games that are designed to help you and the kids get more active. In particular, Just Dance and Wii Fit could prove to be excellent at keeping you in shape from the comfort of your living room.

Entertainment Basics: Video Games & Cards for Everyone

We all know that playing games is a great way to pass the time – now more than ever. And there’s a lot to choose from. Kids will love classic board games like Buckaroo, Kerplunk and Operation. Obviously, most people now game on a computer or video console. So, if this is the case, try and encourage your family to play those fun multiplayer games so that no one is left out. Nintendo’s Switch and Wii consoles are perfectly designed for multiplayer gaming, and there are many top titles like Super Mario Party, Animal Crossing and Overcooked that should be able to keep the little ones suitably entertained.

Adults, on the other hand, will probably prefer something a little more grown up. There are deals across many different gaming platforms, so you’ll definitely have a chance to save some money. We see a lot of promotions across various sectors in the entertainment industry. From sales on Sony PlayStation Store and free trials on Disney+ and Prime, to bonuses at iGaming brands – there are a wide range of deals customers can take advantage of. If you’re into casino games or you enjoy the occasional poker with your friends, there are sites where you can create lobbies and play using game money. Using a bonus for casino entertainment can come in handy if you’re eager to do a little exploring and see what different sites have to offer.

Cooking and Helping Around the Home

Of course, it can’t all just be fun and games this summer.  While there will be no shortage of household tasks, the trick is to try and get everyone involved. So don’t banish the children from the kitchen the next time that you have to make food, but see if you can get them to help out on some family-friendly recipes. Not only is it great fun, but it will help the little ones understand the importance of nutrition too.

Not all of us will be blessed with a big garden, but even something like helping to water the houseplants can be useful, and it will certainly fill up a few hours. Above all, it’s about getting everybody involved so that nobody’s feeling bored and restless. And once summer’s out the way, then hopefully school can come to the rescue!

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