Want To Be A Surrogate? Here’s How To Qualify


The most incredible gift that you can give is the gift of life. If you are interested in becoming a surrogate mother and helping a couple realize their dream of having a family, you will first need to know if you are a qualified candidate.

The process of surrogacy is protected by an extremely advanced screening process. You may have the desire, and be willing to take on the responsibility of carrying someone else’s child to term, but it is possible that you may not be able to complete the full process. The screening is in place to not only protect the potential child and their family but to protect you as well.

To become a surrogate mother you must submit to a gauntlet of medical and psychological testing along with being able to meet several other standards. If surrogacy is something that you are interested in, the best place to start is by knowing whether you are a potential candidate.

Previous Healthy Birth

To qualify for surrogacy, you must have already given birth to a healthy child with little or no complications during your pregnancy. This acts as proof of your fertility and ability to carry a child to full term. It is preferred that you be currently raising that child yourself as opposed to putting it up for adoption or acting as a private surrogate in the past.

Healthy Lifestyle

Carrying a surrogate child is a huge responsibility, and making sure that you are keeping your body and mind in the best possible condition is very important. You should not be a smoker, a regular drinker or take any kind of recreational drugs, and you should lead a healthy and active lifestyle. Your diet will be considered, as well as any allergies or health concerns that could complicate a pregnancy.


The healthiest and most fertile years for the average woman are between the ages of 21-38. This is not to say that some exceptions can’t be made in private surrogacy arrangements, but if you are considering applying to a surrogacy clinic, you will have to be within that age range to be considered as a candidate.

Psychological Testing

You will have to agree to undergo some fairly intensive and lengthy psychological screenings. This is standard procedure whether you pursue surrogacy privately or through a clinic. You will likely have to speak to a therapist and agree to allow them to administer a variety of testing to ensure that you are of sound mind. Becoming a surrogate mother and managing the stress of that process requires a solid footing emotionally and mentally.

BMI (Body Mass Index)

Surrogacy agencies have very strict guidelines when it comes to your BMI. If your BMI is over 32, you are at a much higher risk of developing diabetes during the pregnancy. This can not only cause health issues for you but also for the child. There are rarely exceptions to this rule as the risks are considered much too high for all parties involved.


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