How I saved over £600 a year on my TV and broadband with Hoppy

In association with Hoppy

There are quite a few areas of my life where I pride myself on managing to be Not Old. I know how to use social media, I don’t say THE YouTube and I even know who Logan Paul is. (Although I do not feel that my life is enriched by this.)

And then there are other things where I just feel CONFUSED, like I need a six-year-old to come round and explain it to me, like remote controls. Or politics. It’s a horrible feeling, because you know that deep down you are a smart and capable women, but your brain just won’t process whatever it is. You read about it, and the individual words make sense, but together it’s like a different language.

One of these areas of weakness for me is my broadband and TV subscription. We’ve been with Sky for about the last ten years, almost entirely because I am too scared to switch. It feels like so much has changed since I first had a TV. How would it even WORK if I didn’t have Sky anymore? Do you still use the dish? Do you have to have any kind of BOX? Do you need an aerial? If I switch broadband who do I have to tell and how long am I without the internet? Honestly, I’m completely hopeless. You should have seen me peering at the back of my television, looking baffled. It was pathetic.

My Sky contract expires at the beginning of December though, and I am determined to educate myself and stop paying more than I need. I just checked my bank and my last direct debit to Sky was £71 for TV, phone and broadband. HOW?? I don’t even have sports or films. It’s so embarrassing. I can’t even check the bill as I’ve forgotten my login details and am too scared to sort it out in case I accidentally sign up for box sets.

It was ideal timing then when I had an email from Hoppy, asking if I wanted to try out their services.

The main aim of Hoppy is to simplify your home management. In fact, Hoppy is the number one FREE home management site. Rather than having piles of paper everywhere and seemingly endless to do list – checking gas prices, getting the car booked for an MOT, finding someone to fix the leaky tap – Hoppy lets you store and manage all of your information and tasks in one place. It’s one site, where you can do everything from finding a reliable tradesperson to comparing mobile phone tariffs.

Hoppy home management

With a Hoppy account you can set up reminders for tasks, link up with other family members and even store documents online, so you’ll never find yourself on the floor of the spare room again, rummaging through piles of paperwork to try and figure out when your home insurance is due for renewal. Your Hoppy dashboard lets you know about upcoming tasks and helps you to keep yourself and your home organised and all in one place.

Hoppy dashboard review

I started off then by having a look at the broadband and TV packages. All you have to do is pop in your postcode so that Hoppy can check coverage and broadband speeds in your area, and you’re given a big list of suggestions, which you can easily filter based on your individual preferences.

At a glance it certainly looked like £71 was a little ‘over the odds’ shall we say, which spurred me on.

TV comparison with Hoppy

One of the things I discovered is that if you want to switch broadband suppliers, then as long as you are switching between companies using the Openreach network, which includes people like BT, Sky, EE and TalkTalk, you don’t even have to speak to your current provider – the new guys do it for you. This was a MASSIVE relief, as it was calling to cancel Sky when we moved house last year that landed me with a new 18 month contract. Those guys are just so damn persuasive.

I was surprised too by how many TV packages offer you Sky channels, even without a Sky subscription, although the more I thought about it the more I wondered if I even needed a TV package at all. We already have Netflix, and after doing some reading around, and checking up on my TV, which apparently does have built-in Freeview, I decided that probably I could do without any kind of paid TV service.

I searched again.

Broadband comparison with Hoppy

It’s pretty conclusive isn’t it? By using Hoppy to do just a little bit of research I could save over £50 a month – that’s £600 a year. If I can save that just by switching my TV and broadband then I’m sure I can potentially save an awful lot more through Hoppy. Don’t need a mobile phone contract included? Airband is a fibre broadband provider whose mission is to help people living in the countryside get better internet speeds. They’ve designed a new package called Fibre 40 specifically to help people with the cost of living crisis.

Mobile phone contracts for a start – I currently pay for Bee AND Belle’s phone as well as my own, and normally spend over £110 a month, even though I tried to save money when my contract was last up for renewal by keeping my handset and switching to SIM only. (Funnily enough neither of the girls have been super keen on this as an option, which seems a bit unfair, but hey ho.)

For now though I’m happy to start with the phone and broadband. I’ve checked my contract end date and as soon as I’m free at the beginning of December I’ll be using Hoppy to double check the deals and start saving some serious money.

How do you think Hoppy could help you organise your household? Do you have any weak spots where you know you need help? Leave a comment and let me know!




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