5 amazing things to do in Canada


Canada is a beautiful holiday destination whatever your interests, and there are loads of hidden gem activities and things to see and do there in such a vast and awe-inspiring country. No matter which part you want to visit, you’ll find something you like doing there. Look for a cheap flight to Canada (they’re cheaper than you think) and book yourself a Canadian holiday for 2019, either with your partner, friends or all the family.

If you’re looking for things to do while you’re there or inspiration for which area to visit, here is a roundup of five amazing things to do in Canada!

CN tower Canada

Notre-Dame Basilica

If Montreal is somewhere you’re thinking of visiting, then the Notre-Dame Basilica is definitely a must-see attraction. It’s Montreal’s oldest Catholic church and is known for its intricately designed interior as well as beautiful exteriors. The church includes amazing stain glass that chronicles the history of the city. You can explore the Basilica on its own or include it in one of the many lovely walking tours in and around Montreal to take in the rest of the sights.

Niagara Falls

No list of Canadian sights could be complete without at least mentioning the splendour that is Niagara Falls. If you see anything in Canada, make sure this is one of the places you go. Three magnificent falls, two American and one Canadian, mark the point at which the Niagara River rumbles over the Niagara Escarpment. The views are absolutely stunning, both in the day and at night so make sure you take your camera.

Niagara Falls

Old Montreal

Another classic thing to do in Montreal is to visit the old city. Stroll, bicycle or take a horse-drawn carriage through the narrow cobblestone streets of Montreal’s famous Parisian-style historic district, filled with cultural landmarks, museums, boutiques, sidewalk cafes and restaurants. A more leisurely experience to take in, you can take your time shopping and exploring to make it one of the more relaxing days on your holiday.

Stanley Park

Moving away from Montreal now, this beautiful park is set in Vancouver, another of Canada’s beautiful cities. It’s North America’s third largest park and draws in over 8 million visitors every year, many of whom may skate or walk past you on the Seawall, a scenic, 5.5-mile path running along the water on the park’s perimeter. As well as the park’s amenities there is also a nearby aquarium and nature centre so you could spend all day here.

Northern Lights Tour

If you fancy splashing out, this four-day tour is an amazing way to see the Northern Lights right from your hotel room. The tour takes you from Vancouver through the stunning countryside right to where you can best see the lights as they appear. See the beautiful lights from the idyllic scenery of Marsh Lake and even, ride a snowmobile into the heart of the Yukon and ice fish at Caribou Lake, experiencing the heart of this breathtaking wilderness. This would be the perfect trip for photographers and nature lovers alike so make sure you pack your camera and your snowshoes!

Northern Lights


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