Review: The Epson EcoTank ET-2750 printer

‘Does the printer have ink?’

Belle is shouting this up the stairs at me at about 11.23pm on a Sunday night. I am in bed already.

‘Umm…’ I reply, making a bit of a sceptical face, ‘I’m not sure.’

I hear heavy sighing.

I could raise the point that 11.23pm on a Sunday is not really the time to be starting to think about printing things, but also I know that ‘buy ink for printer’ has been popping up as a reminder on my phone now for about three weeks.

Printer ink is one of those things that grates on me, like car repairs. I begrudge having to spend money on something just to then have to KEEP spending money on it. Printer ink is the worst because I stupidly bought one of those cheap printers that FEELS good value, until you realise that replacing the ink is going to cost you more than the printer did in the first place and that you will need to do it roughly every eight sheets of paper.

You’re feeling my pain I can tell.

You can imagine then my SURPRISE AND DELIGHT to be asked to review the Epson EcoTank ET-2750, which comes in a box that says this:

Epson EcoTank ET-2750 review

14,000 pages?? Will I ever even print that much now in the whole of the remainder of my life? Doubtful. In which case this could very well be a printer that NEVER RUNS OUT OF INK. (Note: I’m sure the ink would dry up eventually if I didn’t use it – Epson says the ink can last for up to three years, which feels like a much more reliable claim.)

*cue an interesting discussion here where Belle raises the issue of Schrödinger’s cat. Would I ever KNOW the printer still had ink or not unless I used it or would I have to assume it always did and did not have ink? The Epson EcoTank ET-2750 has ink indicators on the side though so I don’t feel it’s quite the same.*

It’s a very stylish looking printer and I was EXTREMELY happy about how nicely it fits on the shelf in our spare room, with just the right amount of room for the paper to be able to stand up. That was hugely satisfying as our old printer lived under the sofa and had to be dragged out every time you wanted to use it, which was not fun.

Best Epson printer

The slightly worrying thing about the Epson EcoTank ET-2750 is that you have to fill it up manually with ACTUAL INK. For someone as clumsy as me this prospect was more than a little daunting. Sometimes I nearly fall over just when I am standing still – how would I manage to fill four separate ink reservoirs without permentantly dying one of the cats magenta?

Epson printer ink

Fortunately Epson had anticipated my concerns and made the Epson large format printer ink supplies set up super easy.

Basically you just lift up the lid, rest the ink bottle on the side to line it up, and then tip it so it fits over the valve. No squeezing is required, you just let the ink do its thing. It even stops itself when it’s full. Pop the lid safely back on the ink and watch the cats breathe a sigh of relief.

Epson EcoTank ET-2750 review

Epson EcoTank ET-2750 review

Epson EcoTank ET-2750 review

The ink levels are really easy to see on the side of the printer too, as you can see the actual ink through a little window. Running out of ink is never going to be a surprise again – you’ll never be half way through an important document only to discover the next page coming out blank.

The Epson EcoTank ET-2750, like most printers nowadays, has WiFi connectivity and an app that you can download onto your various devices to print quickly and easily even from your phone. There is a lot more flexibility in the settings compared to my old printer, and it’s really simple to change the size and layout of your print job, including arranging multiple pictures on one sheet. It prints really well right up to the edge too if that kind of thing floats your boat.

Also, we were only testing this by printing photos onto ordinary plain paper, and the quality was really good.

Epson EcoTank ET-2750 review

I printed a picture OF THE PRINTER. it’s like the time I went to a model village and the model village had a model of the model village in it, and that one had a model of the model…

Epson EcoTank ET-2750 review

It’s not the quietest or the fastest printer I’ve ever known, but given the small amount of printing we actually do, speed is a small price to pay for knowing I’ll very likely never have to have that 11.23pm on a Sunday night moment again.

Ticking that reminder on my phone was very satisfying indeed.


Find out more about the Epson EcoTank ET-2750 here.

We were sent the Epson EcoTank ET-2750 for the purposes of this review. All opinions are my own.



  1. Mary Jane Scott
    15 July, 2019 / 3:28 pm

    Just bought this printer. Disappointed that you cannot scan wifI, Have to have memory card or direct connection to computer. Really annoying that every day I am having to clean the nozzles which takes about 5 minutes as they get blocked really easily. Would not buy again.

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