REVIEW: Bee proves than dreams can come true with Joe Browns

I’ve got Bee here again today, wearing some lovely new clothes…

Its 2008. I’m 12. My much cooler friend Lauren walks into our geography classroom. Instead of the usual tween gossip mag filled with brand new information about the Jonas Brothers, she’s carrying a catalogue.

“It’s the new Joe Browns catalogue”, she says, “It came in the post this morning.”

“Oh yeah, cool” I say, acting like I know what she’s talking about. I then find out that Joe Browns is a super cool clothes website where Lauren gets most of her clothes. Being 12 and spending most of my money on Maltesers I’m not known for my amazing fashion sense. I stare at the catalogue wistfully as Lauren points out all of the things her Mum has agreed to buy her. I imagine that if I owned a t-shirt or even a hair clip from Joe Browns, I’d immediately be transported to the Cornish coast where I would surf, have long blonde windswept hair and listen to Jack Johnson while drinking coconut smoothies with a group of beautiful friends laughing around a camp fire.

Lauren seemed to be purchasing half of the catalogue. Needless to say, I was extremely jealous.

Five years later. My mum asks me, “would you like to review some clothes for a website? You can pick some things and they will send them to you”.

“Ur, alright then” I reply, not really caring.

“I’ll send you the link” she says.

I open my email a while later to see that none other than Joe Brown himself is offering me £50 worth of free clothes in exchange for a review. The chubby 12 year old inside me jumps up and down with delight. “YIPPEEEE!” she squeals, “DREAMS CAN COME TRUE!” I spend a while choosing clothes from the website, feeling sentimental as I realise this is exactly how I’d wanted myself to turn out in five years time.

In the end I went for a print dress and a leggings/skirt combo. They are lovely quality, practical and pretty too. I am definitely now the coolest person I know.

Joe Browns trouser skirt

Joe Browns trouser skirt

Joe Browns dress

Joe Browns dress




  1. Bailey C.
    18 April, 2013 / 4:13 pm

    I am seriously in love with the dress! Really wishing I wasn’t in the US and it didn’t cost an arm and a leg to ship!

  2. 19 April, 2013 / 5:20 am

    I love the dress too, such bright colours. Hubby tells me i wear too much black. We have camper vans all around our house, we love the surf style so i will definitely be checking out Joe Browns

  3. 19 April, 2013 / 11:03 am

    The dress is gorgeous. I only recently discovered Joe Browns myself (at the ripe ol’ age of 30!) and bought a beautiful tunic-cum-dress which makes me feel exactly as you described – free and fun loving and a little bit cool!
    Great post!

  4. 19 April, 2013 / 11:24 am

    Bee is gorgeous! I loved this post!!!

  5. Lisa Troccoli
    19 April, 2013 / 11:40 am

    Lovely post, think I have been in her shoes before x

  6. 19 April, 2013 / 11:48 am

    Great blog, you look really cool! My friend also spends all her time eating malteisers, except in South Africa they are called chuckles!!!

  7. 19 April, 2013 / 11:48 am

    Love that last pic of you, you look gorgeous :)

  8. Nesbo
    19 April, 2013 / 12:10 pm

    Great post! And you definitely look super cool!

  9. Vixash
    19 April, 2013 / 5:50 pm

    Oh Bee, you look gorgeous – not that you don’t always look gorgeous of course. When you have grown bored of them (as if!) Ping them my way. Or, failing that I could just hop on line and have a little online retail therapy myself! In fact, I am going to do that RIGHT NOW xxx

  10. 19 April, 2013 / 6:01 pm

    Great post! I love Joe Browns, so surf. Gorgeous dress!

  11. Mand
    20 April, 2013 / 2:29 pm

    I love Joe Browns- they have a great sale as well. So much better than chain store stuff!

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