I love my Filofax

There, I’ve said it.

I love my Filofax. I love looking at it on my desk, I love sniffing it and I especially love walking around with it, carrying it proudly under my arm, and casually getting things out of it. (When I’m out with other people obviously, not just around the house on my own. Although…)

Since I got my Finsbury Personal Organiser* a couple of weeks ago, it has been settling in nicely with my other stationery items, and I’ve taken it on quite a few outings with me too. Oh yes, and it’s handy for writing things in too, but that’s secondary really to the sniffing.

Seriously though, it is very useful. I’ve always been much more of a pen and paper person. I have a Blackberry Torch, but I never use the calendar or address book. I prefer a white board and a stack of 17 or so notebooks for keeping track of my work.

One thing I love about my Filofax, now it’s getting towards the end of the year, is that I can have the 2013 diary insert in ready, and write next year’s appointment in the same place, rather than have to crack open a new diary or calendar and have two on the go at once. I’m also very excited about the different extras that you can buy to go in it. Father Christmas, if you are reading, I would like a Filofax themed stocking this year please.

Here’s a few photos so you can see what me and my Filofax have been up to:


Settling in on my desk at home. The whiteboard markers have been showing it round.

"Filofax on the train"

On the train on the way to London, my Filofax has a little peep out of my handbag.

"Yellow filofax"

Most importantly though, does my Filofax match my nail varnish?

*This is its official name – long, like a pedigree dog. I’ve thought about calling it Finn for short, but I have a nephew called Finn, so that could get confusing. “Have you seen Finn?” I might ask my sister. “I think I left him in my handbag?”



  1. 30 October, 2012 / 4:05 pm

    I was just fondling MY filofax! I got the Pennybridge organizer (it is also an iPad case) when Laura and I were in London on our honeymoon last week. It’s not yet available in the states. It’s a nice royal purple. I get to write things down in my calendar on the left, and avail of the net and any other screen-based goodness on the right. Totally going to help me as I embark on the book launch of Licking the Spoon (lickingthespoonbook.com). Thank you again for including my last book in a Slummy Single Mummy post!

  2. 30 October, 2012 / 4:34 pm

    I’m currently sitting here with my filofax on my lap keeping me warm :) I’ve just invested in the A5 size and i’m totally in love too. Annoyingly it’s starting with the 2013 diary so I still have to deal with my less cuddly diary for the moment but I’m counting down the days until 1 January 2013 when it can be by my side every day :) Enjoy yours x

  3. 30 October, 2012 / 4:36 pm

    I love your Filofax too! I’m still debating whether I should get one in Raspberry. But then I’d have to give up my Mslexia diary and, as far as statements go, it doesn’t get much cooler than Mslexia, does it? Sigh. Choices, choices (and, of course, #thirdworldproblems)

  4. 31 October, 2012 / 11:09 am

    I too love my Filofax – an A5 Chameleon in Raspberry – yum! But I have a 2012 Dodo Pad insert in it (of course) and the beginnings of the 2013 year too – I love the fact that, as the year progresses, I can remove the earlier pages from each year and store them ‘off-site,’ so to speak, so that it doesn’t become too bulky. This is the link to all the Filofax diary inserts: http://www.dodopad.com/shop/calendar-year-diaries-calendars/filofax-compatible-organisers #justsaying

  5. 3 November, 2012 / 4:38 am

    I loved reading your post, very funny!

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