Ultimate cheesecake recipe

Today I have a recipe for you, a recipe for the ultimate cheesecake.

We were out for lunch at a lovely restaurant today called At The Chapel in Bruton, to celebrate my sister’s birthday, when I came across said cheesecake recipe. While we were finishing our lunch, the venue was being prepared for a wedding party, and the wedding cake, made of cheese, was taking pride of place on the bar.

"cheesecake recipe"

Please pass the crackers

To make this beautiful cheesecake for yourself, follow my simple cheesecake recipe:

  1. Place one massive cheese on a large wooden board.
  2. Place a slightly less massive cheese on top.
  3. Then add another large, but more manageable cheese.
  4. Finally, finish the tower with an ordinary sized cheese.




    • 16 June, 2012 / 8:11 pm

      Haha! No, but fortunately I wasn’t a guest at the wedding, so was only allowed to look!

  1. 16 June, 2012 / 11:44 pm

    haha, I love that! pass me the crackers….

  2. 1 December, 2015 / 11:53 pm

    yum that looks so delicious!

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