Happy Easter everyone!
I hope you’re having a lovely day, and that getting up in the middle of the night the hide the eggs you’d forgotten to hide last night wasn’t too much of a wrench.
As you sit relaxed on your sofa, Lindt smeared across your face, why not check out these slightly less tasty treats, courtesy of Pets Lady.*
These are a few of my favourites:
Lol Why is it that men spend hours watching YouTube videos of pranks / people falling over ./ high speed police car chases??
Or maybe it says more about the quality of men I know!!
The online maternity boutique
I don’t think it’s a quality thing Michelle, I think it’s just a boy thing. FOr some reason people standing on rakes/falling off stuff/walking into sheet glass walls is just hilarious if you’re a boy :-)
why would you subject your obviously unhappy child to this just for the sake of a photo??
I’ve no idea – it’s madness isn’t it??
Ok two things
1. I’m not going to be sleeping tonight because of very scary bunny.
2. You and your young boyfriend should add badly stuffed animals to your trawling, very funny.
Sorry about that. They ARE the stuff of nightmares…