Easter cookery for kids

Belle is a massive fan of all things wholesome. She loves crafts, painting, and especially baking. I on the other hand, do not. I’m much more a nice quiet trip to the cinema type of parent.

So yesterday, in the spirit of the Easter holidays, I outsourced my parenting, and booked Belle into a cookery class. It was the perfect solution – she enjoyed herself, and I did some work in the adjoining cafe, looking up and waving now and again.

I was a little bit disappointed with the class in general, as the promise of ‘making easter biscuits and carrot cakes’ was really more ‘decorating easter biscuits and carrot cakes’, but Belle did her best to pretend to enjoy herself, and to block out the rather annoying boy at the table next to her who kept shouting ‘does anyone know any jokes?’ if the group were quiet for more than 30 seconds.

After half an hour let loose with the icing-in-a-tube, Belle produced these two rather lovely biscuits:

Easter cookery for kids

Biscuits duly iced and pre-prepared carrot cakes spread with icing, she then decided to go off-piste, and to come up with her own Easter ideas. She had a rather furtive look about her, clearly concerned that any sort of unplanned fun would be frowned upon.

Easter cookery ideas

Here’s what she made. I think it’s quite adorable.

Easter crafts for kids

Parenting duties complete – albeit by someone else – we went home to enjoy an afternoon tea of milkshakes and marzipan bunnies.

Will you be partaking in/paying for any Easter craft activities this weekend? Do let us know…



  1. knittymummy
    5 April, 2012 / 4:20 pm

    I like the idea of that course. We are making baskets for my kids and neice and nephews to have an easter egg hunt on sunday

    • 6 April, 2012 / 4:59 pm

      It was nice, but perhaps a bit young for Belle. We were expecting more actual baking, rather than just decorating stuff.

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