A Christmas quiz!

Are you a quiz fan? I love a good quiz. The problem is that I’m a really bad mix of over-competitive and terrible at general knowledge. It’s very frustrating.

I do like puzzles though that don’t require me to know my capital cities, and so to get you in a festive mood, I thought I’d set a little puzzle for you here. It doesn’t actually have a festive theme, but… it is a quiz, and it is Christmas, so this is officially a Christmas Quiz. Fact.

All you have to do is work out what the letters stand for in these phrases and expressions. What’s the prize? Nothing but the warm glow of success.

Let me know if you get stuck and I might give you a little clue.

16 O in a P =

9 P in the S S =

7 S on a F P P =

2468 W D W A =

57 H V =

13 L in a B D =  

64 S on a C B =

180 M S at D =

168 H in a W =

7 B for S B =

10 G B H on a W =

366 D in a L Y =

200 P for P G in M =

2 H are B T O =

225 S on a S B =

21 S on a D =

64000 D Q =

15 M on a D M C =

212 D F is the B P of W =



  1. Pingback: A Christmas quiz!
    • 4 January, 2012 / 12:10 pm

      Done! It only took me about half an hour to remember where I put them…

  2. actuallymummy
    29 December, 2011 / 5:05 pm

    Whaaaa..t?? I haven’t a clue where to even begin! Sorry – nappy brain x Prosecco = not much brain activity ;)

    • 4 January, 2012 / 12:10 pm

      A dangerous combination indeed :-)

  3. 4 January, 2012 / 8:25 am

    I got 64 squares on a chess board and 180 maximum score in darts…366 days in a leap year…

    Then I’m stuffed!

    • 4 January, 2012 / 12:15 pm

      Is that the best you can do? I thought you were a clever man? I’m disappointed in you Mr Shev…

      • 4 January, 2012 / 5:18 pm

        I’m only clever at clever comebacks. The day after.

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