The current voting intentions of the average stay-at-home mom in America

Every American election is fierce competition, but it appears it will be a tighter-than-usual race this year. Each side is looking to gain as much of an advantage as possible and seeking to gain as many voters from as many demographics as possible. One of the most well-regarded demographics is the woman voter. Every election cycle, each presidential candidate does their best to show the female voter they are a better option. Showcasing they are the ones who will look out for them the most with their administration, and this election is no different.

Below, we will examine the voting intentions of American female voters and the importance of their vote in deciding the next president, and why these polling numbers are proving to be so pivotal when it comes to setting campaign agendas and even election betting odds.

How important is the female voter?

Since women gained the right to vote in America, they have become an essential demographic for presidential candidates. It took some time, but women have slowly become the primary demographic who will go out and vote. In the last election, 63% of registered female voters came out to vote, compared to 59.5% of male voters. This shift has only increased the importance of the female vote and it shows that if you can predict the larger share of the vote, then the more likely you are to pick the right candidate if looking at the 2024 election betting odds and winning some money on the election yourself.

Of the woman voters, one of the most coveted groups is the stay-at-home mom. This group tends to vote in larger quantities than other groups of women. Stay-at-home mom voters were very helpful in Joe Bidens winning the 2020 presidential campaign. Presidents frequently direct their messaging to issues that resonate with women in this subgroup more than any other voter. With women voting more often than men overall and stay-at-home moms being a good slice of that demographic, presidential candidates know that if they can get this slice of the female vote, even with a diminished male vote, they can still walk away with victory.

What are the voting intentions of women going into this year’s election?

The female vote is well-known as the deciding factor in this year’s election, but the question is what direction they are leaning toward. Since 1996, women have tended to vote for Democratic candidates, and this year seemed to continue that trend. Polling shows Biden gaining 50% of the female vote while Trump has garnered 40%, and this division has been growing. However, the percentages are closer with stay-at-home moms, with Biden having 49% of the vote compared to Trump’s 43%.

As mentioned, stay-at-home moms are often the voters that presidential candidates try to persuade to vote for them the most. This year’s election is especially tricky for candidates on account of the abortion topic being front and center in many women’s minds. There is an expectation that this topic will draw out swaths of voters looking to vote for a candidate who represents their views. Making candidates pay even more attention to this demographic. Some of the other issues at the top of stay-at-home moms minds are things such as

  • Childcare
  • Abortions
  • Cost of living
  • Guns

Stay-at-home moms want to know that they can raise their children in a safe environment where assistance is obtainable if necessary. They want to know that if they wish to move, they will have the option to.

In regards to abortion, 64% of women want abortion to be legal in all or most cases. Even women who may not personally believe in abortions may wish for other women to have a choice, and this will affect their voting decision.

Ultimately, they will vote for the candidate they believe provides the best plans to address these topics. Current trends suggest they believe that Biden, in his first four years, is best equipped to address their driving issues. However, Trump seeks to showcase his plan to address these issues and hopes that female voters, primarily stay-at-home mom voters, will come to his camp.


The woman voter is increasingly becoming one of the most deciding votes in presidential elections. Traditional media and polling will always emphasize the direction in which female voters are trending. However, the stay-at-home mom voter is the subgroup that attracts all the headlines within this demographic. These voters tend to have different concerns than women who live in urban areas and vote more frequently than urban-centered women. This year, historical trends continue with women leaning toward the Democratic candidate Joe Biden. Ultimately, both parties know that election day is the only poll that matters. The female voter may be leaning one way today, but polling has shown to be wrong in the past, and the stay-at-home mom voter trends are constantly fluctuating. With so much time left before the start of the election, these numbers could dramatically change with new events reaching people every day.



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