10 tips to make your money mean more

Make your money go further

Finances can be a nightmare to deal with. You don’t want to worry about money every waking moment, but you also cannot ignore potential money problems whether in your personal life or for your business. Even if you manage to stay on top of your finances (but just barely), you might not be getting the most out of your earnings, sales, and more. 

So what can you do? People are always looking for ways to make their money mean more, but they often opt for get-rich-quick schemes or side hustles that have potential but take a long time to get off the ground. If you want to make your money mean more now, consider these tips for business owners and individuals. 

Improve Your Budget 

Better money management always starts with a better budget. It might be that you don’t even have a budget right now, which is where you are going wrong. Studying your average outgoings and knowing how much is coming in will help you determine how much you can spend and how much you can afford to save without putting yourself or your business at severe financial risk. From here, you can make better spending decisions and ensure you spend money in the right areas. 

Escape Debt 

Escaping debt brings many benefits to the average person. Not only can you get out from under that dark cloud, but you can also improve your credit score and boost your chances of being approved for other essential life things like a car, house, and more. However, escaping debt is hardly straightforward, but it becomes easier once you improve your budget and outline the best places to send and spend money.

Improve Your Processes 

You might be wasting money (and time) without realising. If so, improving your processes is a fantastic way to make your money and activities more efficient. If you are an insurance broker, you can find exceptional tools that help the entire process and allow you to maximise the use of your data for better results. For individuals, using apps to track spending and automate payments to prevent arrears is effective and gives you less to worry about. 

Establish Your Emergency Fund 

You never know what could happen in the future, and no amount of financial planning can prepare you for sudden emergencies. That said, there is one solution that can make it easier to navigate tricky and potentially damaging waters. Paying into your emergency fund each month can help you feel more confident and capable of overcoming problems in your industry or personal life (or both). Hopefully, you never need to withdraw from this fund, but knowing it is there provides peace of mind.

Look At Promising Investments 

Investments can help you generate funds and put you in a stronger financial position without lifting a finger. However, it’s not enough to invest in whatever you feel like. You must find promising investments for your business or personal portfolio. A small business may not have this luxury, yet anyone looking for small ways to secure their financial future and get in on the ground floor will identify various businesses in green industries or similar spheres. 

Search For Rewards 

There are a plethora of loyalty programmes and reward schemes to save money and improve your financial standing. These points reward you for shopping and give you alternative ways to pay for things you enjoy doing like going on holiday or treating yourself. Likewise, reward programmes that send you money for getting others to sign up can also generate a decent amount, giving you a buffer for the month and paying for rent, your mortgage, or your weekly shop. 

Cut Down On Essential Costs 

Everyone has essential costs, but it may be worth considering how to save money on these costs. Of course, you need to eat. You need clothes. You need to get from A to B and sometimes C and D before getting home. If you shop at more expensive supermarkets, try cheaper options because you might find they are the same quality. Shopping for second-hand clothes can also bring some cool and unique finds that will make you stand out and look good. 

Don’t Be Afraid to Shop Around 

The subscription-based culture we have surrounding entertainment and connectivity is irritating, but it will never change unless people like you try to do something about it. When renewal time comes around, don’t be afraid to shop around for better deals. Often, companies will prefer to keep you as a customer so they will be happy to keep costs more affordable or even throw in extra services for free. 

Ease Luxury Spending 

Understanding the difference between necessities and luxuries is a vital step forward when trying to make your money mean more. For businesses, you need to think about the bigger picture. While you might try to impress clients, it’s always better to focus on purchases that will benefit the company first. If you’re trying to improve personal finance, cut down on frivolous spending and treats. This doesn’t mean abandoning them altogether because you still need to enjoy yourself. Still, don’t make it a weekly habit. 

Have Financial Goals 

You will struggle to get the most out of your money if you don’t know what you want to achieve. Financial goals will make this easier for you as you’ll have something to work towards. This will help you make better decisions and allow you to view your progress. You can make changes and reconsider your approach if you notice negative spending trends. Your financial goals will also provide motivation that can help you stay on track even if it doesn’t feel like you’re making progress. 


It is always an uphill battle to make your money feel like it means more but these tips can help your business or home environment make effective changes to your financial health and future. Although there is no such thing as a quick fix, you can make gradual improvements and adjustments to help every penny matter more and set you up for a stronger financial future. 



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