Homemade party rings recipe

If you like the look of this homemade party rings recipe, why not check out my homemade Jaffa cake recipe or homemade Tunnock’s tea cakes too!

homemade party rings

Nothing says party like a party ring does it?

When I said out loud in my office today that I thought I might go home and experiment with a homemade party rings recipe, the response was overwhelming. Much discussion ensued about the key foods that make up a good party – egg sandwiches, pink wafers etc – but the consensus was that if you turn up to a party with a packet of party rings then you win. You get the girl.

Can you EVEN IMAGINE then how popular you would be if you turned up to a party with HOMEMADE party rings?

Having already experimented with homemade Jaffa Cakes, homemade Jammie Dodgers, and a rather dubious batch of homemade Chocolate Hobnobs, which didn’t make the blog as I didn’t want to be sued for the cost of your resulting dental work, I thought I would have a go at making my own homemade party ring recipe.

Follow my simple party rings recipe and you too can wow your party guests as you present them with a beautiful plate of Instagram ready treats.

homemade party rings

Can you spot someone on the floor underneath this party ring? Endeavour likes to hang around nearby me, whatever I happen to be doing. It’s a bit disconcerting when you’re trying to go to the toilet.

homemade party rings

Homemade party rings recipe – ingredients

If you’ve ever eaten a party ring you’ll know that essentially it’s a pretty basic kind of biscuit. In fact, the more I think about it, the more I’m starting to question exactly why I like party rings so much? Let’s not pull at that thread though, because we’re here already, and obviously you’re as keen as I am.

For your homemade party rings you will need:

  • 100g plain flour
  • 15g cornflour
  • 50g caster sugar
  • One medium egg yoke
  • 75g unsalted butter, cubed
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 150g royal icing sugar and food colouring of your choice

How to make homemade party rings

I made my party ring biscuit dough the old fashioned way, just like my old school home ec teacher Miss Prince taught me –  none of this food processor nonsense. Start by working the flour, cornflour and butter into breadcrumbs with your fingertips, and then add in the sugar, vanilla and egg to bind the mixture together into a dough.

Roll out your dough on a floured surface to about the thickness of a pound coin, and then use a big biscuit cutter and a smaller biscuit cutter to cut out ring shapes.

how to make your own party rings

Transfer these to a lined baking sheet and cook at 180°C/160°C/Gas 4 for about 10 minutes. I learnt from my Jammie Dodger experiment that you need to take them out BEFORE they start to turn brown. You want them slightly firm to the touch but pale. Pop them onto a cooling rack and leave to cool.

I made about 24 biscuits from my ingredients but it totally depends on the size of the cutters and how thinly you roll. The biscuits don’t come out really crunchy like the original party rings but they have a nice, crumbly texture.

Meanwhile, you can make your icing.

Sift the icing sugar into a bowl and very gradually add a little bit of boiled water, stirring well. You’re looking for something not too runny to it drips off the edges, but runny enough that it smooths itself out rather than staying stiff on the biscuit.

Split your mixture and add a different colour to each batch. I made mine in three classic party ring colours – one yellow, one light pink and one dark pink. You can then mix and match in different pairs.

how to make your own party rings

(NOTE: You could use regular icing sugar, but it wouldn’t set like royal icing sugar and so wouldn’t give you quite the same party rings effect.)

Once your biscuits are cool, you get to do the fun bit – the icing.

To create that iconic party ring look, use a knife to apply a thin layer of icing to a biscuit. (I had one knife for each colour.) Using a contrasting colour, add 4-5 lines of icing, an then drag a cocktail stick through the lines at right angles. Repeat for each biscuit using different icing colour combinations and then leave to set.

homemade party rings recipe

And there you have it. Beautiful homemade party rings to wow your friends and impress your neighbours. Now you just need to sit back and wait for the inevitable party invitations to roll in.

You’re welcome.

Enjoyed this homemade party rings recipe? Why not share it or pin this picture for later?

how to make homemade party rings recipe



  1. 13 April, 2018 / 9:16 pm

    Ooh well this isn’t making my transition to eating more healthily very easy I seen this post and instantly thought yum! They look fantastic definitely need to try making these

    • Jo Middleton
      16 April, 2018 / 11:25 am

      Do have a go – I’d love to see how you got on! I went out on Saturday night leaving about 15 biscuits behind and when I came home a few hours later Belle had eaten all but ONE, so they must be good!

  2. 13 April, 2018 / 11:02 pm

    These are cute little cookies. Fun to do and eat!

  3. 15 April, 2018 / 4:44 pm

    yummy :))…looks delicous and colourful! Perfect ! :D :) Thank you for this recipe and the idea ,) Have a nice evening and best wishes from val passiria hotel ;) yours, Clara :) <3

  4. 30 April, 2018 / 8:13 am

    These look incredible and SO easy to make too! Something to get the kids to help me with, I think!

    • Jo Middleton
      30 April, 2018 / 9:55 am

      They were much easier to make than I thought! It’s all about the consistency of the icing :-)

  5. Emma hussain
    12 May, 2018 / 8:07 pm

    They do look really good

  6. Debbie Smith
    13 May, 2018 / 8:29 am

    oh my goodness thank you these look outstanding my little boys fave biscuit ! and he has a bday coming up these will go down a treat fab post xx

  7. jo liddement
    13 May, 2018 / 4:19 pm

    These look amazing and so easy to make.

  8. Dean T
    13 May, 2018 / 11:56 pm

    Simple enough for even me to make!!! Look delish

  9. Sue McCarthy
    14 May, 2018 / 8:07 am

    They look amazing, just like the shop bought ones. But I bet they taste better!

  10. 14 May, 2018 / 12:28 pm

    These look so delicious!

  11. justine meer
    14 May, 2018 / 3:02 pm

    My daughter would love this, thanks am going to have a try at these x

  12. Kim Willing
    14 May, 2018 / 7:31 pm

    What a great idea and so pretty.

  13. Danielle Vedmore
    17 May, 2018 / 9:31 pm

    They look fab!! Just like the real thing!

  14. Abigail Cullen
    21 May, 2018 / 11:37 am

    Wow, these look rather nice!

  15. Anna Lord
    22 May, 2018 / 5:57 am

    They look very professionally made! I’m impressed.

    • Jo Middleton
      22 May, 2018 / 9:36 am

      Thanks :-)

  16. 22 May, 2018 / 10:08 pm

    This is the best blog post I’ve ever come across! I can’t wait to make these myself.

  17. 23 May, 2018 / 12:50 am

    This look amazing. Can’t beat a party ring!

  18. Sheila Reeves
    25 May, 2018 / 6:50 am

    These sound really nice, i find bought ones too hard so these sound perfect!

  19. Maria hackett
    25 May, 2018 / 1:44 pm

    oh wow!! these would be very popo]ular!

  20. Abbie Perryman
    23 May, 2023 / 11:12 pm

    I was craving Party Rings but i can’t eat them due to an allergy but omg these were so bloody amazing. I recommend :)

    • Jo Middleton
      25 May, 2023 / 8:35 am

      Really glad you enjoyed them Abbie!

  21. Debra
    1 May, 2024 / 6:07 pm

    Do they store ok ? (In an airtight tin) I want to make them for my grandsons birthday party but will have to make them 2 days before

    • Jo Middleton
      2 May, 2024 / 12:06 pm

      I ate them more quickly than that because they were yummy but I’m sure they’d be fine for a couple of days!

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