Four genius ideas from Kleeneze

Over the last couple of weeks I’ve diarised family birthdays, created an emergency card and present kit and reorganised my medicine box, so I feel I may as well just give in, buy myself a floral pinny, don a pair of beige stockings and become an actual 1950s housewife.

It could be quite fun. Apart from the fact of having to earn money. That’s trickier when you spend all of your time glazing fruit loaves.

Still, perhaps in spirit at least?

Do get myself in the mood, I had a browse at the cleaning section of the Kleeneze website. If I am to become a domestic goddess I definitely have to get over my dislike of anything that involves getting my hands wet.

It was a revelation! Who knew that cleaning wasn’t just swooshing your hand around the sink a bit after you clean your teeth? There are all sorts of cleaning products out there that I didn’t even know existed. Here are four of my favourites.

Over sink caddy

Now this I was genuinely excited about. It’s somewhere to keep your cloths, but without getting that annoying pool of manky water on the side of the sink. Seriously, whoever comes up with these things is a genius. Plus it’s only £1.47! Bargainorama.

Over sink caddy

Dish drying gloves

Look! I need never get my hands wet again! Actual tea towel gloves. The genius just keeps coming doesn’t it?

Dish drying gloves

Grout whitening pen

You know how sometimes you take a chunk of paint out of the wall and colour it in with a felt-tip pen so that no one notices? (What do you mean no?) Well, if you are of that bent then this is a must. I’m not sure you’re exactly supposed to colour over the dirt, but it definitely looks like a good cheaty way to spruce up a bathroom.

 Grout whitening pen

Sonic cleaner

I’ve heard that a toothbrush is handy for cleaning things like tiles but this looks much easier – an electric toothbrush equivalent, meaning less work for me and more time for afternoon gin and tonics! Hoorah! I reckon I could quite get into this housewife thing.

Sonic cleaner




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