This is a sponsored post about the HMV music app. I have been compensated for this #shop by Collective Bias. All opinions are my own.

HMV digital, HMV music app, #shop

I’m no techno thicky.

In fact, there is loads of stuff I am actually quite good at. I can tweet, I use Google+, I even understand the principles of Facebook edgerank, which I think is pretty impressive. I have a block though when it comes to music. You might think then that I wouldn’t exactly be the best person to tell you about the HMV music app, but I actually think it makes me the ideal person, as I can explain it to you slowly, old person to old person.* View Post


I need some help.

I have fallen out of love with my Blackberry.

When I went on on a bit of a whim last year and got myself a great deal on the new Blackberry Torch I was pretty pleased with myself. I had a touch screen and a keyboard – I was king of the world. But apart from that, what exactly is it good for? The longer I’ve had it, the more I’ve come to realise just how hopeless it has become next to other phones.

It just doesn’t do anything.

People are always telling me about great new apps I can get to do this and that, and I keep having to say ‘I can’t get that on my Blackberry’. My hopeless, crappy Blackberry. While Boyfriend is playing Need For Speed in HD on his HTC I get Shoppers Paradise. I mean look at it – it’s hardly cutting edge graphics is it?

"shoppers paradise"

So shit yet so addictive…

There is a wordpress app, but it takes so long to load It’s quicker just to switch on the laptop.

I recently downloaded the latest updates for my Blackberry, and that was a complete disaster too – I now have terrible battery life, icons popping up all over the place and a sluggish screen that takes a week or so just to turn around if I move it. Come on Blackberry, what’s the matter with you??

Between us at home, we can’t even figure out how to properly switch it off without taking out the battery. It is ridiculous.

*deep breath*

So, I think I can safely say I want a new phone, but what do I get? Bee has an iPhone and Boyfriend uses Android, so I’ve got two different phone camps battling it out for my attention at home – I need some impartial advice.

Which is the best mobile phone for combining work emails, twitter, decent battery life and a good selection of apps, but that doesn’t may me look like a drug dealer?

Please help!


Last night I gave in to my most self-destructive instincts and went to see Sex and the City 2, knowing full well that I would come out feeling poor, fat and completely lacking in style. It’s a bit like drinking – you know you’ll feel bad about yourself the next day, but it’s fun at the time.

I’ve read some pretty shocking reviews, and it has been criticised heavily for the product placement bonanza, so as I pulled up at the cinema in my TVR Tuscan I was feeling a little anxious, hoping that I wasn’t wasting my one child free night out per fortnight. I stepped out of the car, smoothed down my Chanel shift dress and checked the time on my Rolex, gazing admiringly as the last of the day’s sun sparkled across its jewel encrusted face. I was just on time.

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