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Simple_dorset_life is the fictitious Instagram account of a character in my debut novel, Playgroups and Prosecco, published by Penguin Randomhouse.
Simple_dorest_life is meant to be that Instagram account that we can’t stop looking at, even though it makes us feel bad about ourselves because we can barely be bothered to walk upstairs to have a wee, let alone walk all the way to the beach just to practice yoga as the sun rises over another glorious morning.
If you’ve enjoyed this account, and are always going to choose a Jaffa Cake over a kale smoothie, then you might like my blog too (this is where you are now). You can also buy Playgroups and Prosecco from Amazon now, to read the full story.
All images featured on the Instagram account are from Unsplash, which is a fantastic resource full of very talented photographers.