Turning An Empty Nest Into A Fresh Start

I’m not sure about you, but the idea of an empty nest always sounded a bit… I don’t know, idyllic?

That’s what a friend said to me in the months before she sent her children off to uni. I only agreed. It conjured up images of early retirement, an extended holiday where I could finally rediscover what it’s like to have a tidy living room, one less person to worry about in the house. The only caveat here for my single-mum friend is… she has twins. In just one car ride to the station, she sent both her kids out into the wider world. That morning she woke up to a full house, and in one fell swoop, came back to the reality of an empty nest.

For anyone going through a similar time, it’s almost always a rattling experience at first. But the idyllic dream of reclaiming your independence is something you can take into your own hands.

A Space That Works For You

Have you ever sat and wondered what you could do with your kids’ rooms once they’ve gone? What once might have felt like selfish thoughts: scrolling through idealhome.co.uk, turning one room into a yoga studio, another into a reading nook. Maybe you’ve always wanted to make that ultimate guest room for your friends who’ve been promising to visit since… forever. Well, now is your time.

Breathing new life into a room is also a practice in breathing new life into yourself. Even if you are repurposing a bedroom for practical reasons, the creative act of redecorating a space will replenish your soul to no end. Not to mention decluttering. Marie Kondo famously said that clearing out must be a solo project, so grab the opportunity to do it on your own terms, with KonMari.com as your new buddy.

Downsizing (or Right-sizing)

When her twins left, one of the first things my friend noticed was how much space she actually had. Empty corners where her son’s music gear once sat, floorspace appearing out of nowhere now her daughter’s clothes weren’t everywhere.

The decision to downsize in this situation is natural, if a little overwhelming. It’s a time to ask whether your home is serving your needs any more. In fact, my friend took an even bolder leap. She looked beyond just her home and asked herself, “What place will fit my ideal lifestyle?”. She moved away from her family-centric commuter town and replanted herself in a creative city full of like-minded people.

Taking a leap like this is easier said than done, especially on your own. But there are ways to make the transition easier. Selling your home can be stress-free, with services like Sold.co.uk that aim to simplify the process. They cover the legal negotiations, cut out estate agents and their hidden fees, and sell the home on your terms, so you can look to your next adventure without dwelling too long on the past.

Embrace the Change

Living in a family home without your loved ones is a bittersweet prospect. Staying in a house full of memories can be stifling, but adapting to somewhere that serves you first and foremost can be an exciting and profound act of self-care.


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