defend your fall home with autumn armor

It takes a few prep steps to defend your fall home against all manner of things. The weather, pests, and even criminals are a threat at this time of the year. From having your home serviced to inspecting the roof, here are some home-saving suggestions to get you through autumn.

Get Defensive Against Pests

Pests are active all year round, but some are more active during the fall. How you get rid of them is down to you, and you can choose humane efforts or something stronger if needed. From rats to spiders, an infestation can cost a lot of money and cause untold damage. Some can even be devastating to your home. You can learn how to get rid of ants pretty easily. However, termites will usually require a professional exterminator before they eat your timber!

Book a Whole Home Service

A home service every few years isn’t a bad idea. So what does this mean? A modern house requires specific functions to operate how it should. We usually aren’t aware of these, but they are there. Your home needs efficient pipework, safe heating systems, and robust electrical circuits. Any one of these requires a professional, and messing around with them can be deadly and illegal. For example, furnace servicing needs an expert to prevent carbon monoxide.

Defend Your Fall Home Against Criminals

Animals and servicing are one thing. But there is always a threat from other people. Home burglary is something that we all have to worry about. But you don’t have to make it easier for them. Fall can be a busy time for burglars since we have holiday gifts at home. Given that around 34% of burglars use the front door, it makes sense to ensure these are locked and difficult to open. Also, make sure shrubs and trees aren’t overgrown and easy to climb.

Don’t Forget About the Roofing

The very last thing you want is for the roof to be damaged during fall and winter. Rainwater is devastating when there is a roofing issue, as it causes all kinds of other problems. As a result, the costs can spiral! Fortunately, all it takes is some quick checks and small tasks. If possible, inspect the roof for loose tiles, cracks, and missing pieces. Address these immediately by calling a professional roofing service in your area. Try not to repair these yourself, or it can get worse.

Defensive Damp and Mold-Proofing

One of the main reasons to keep your roof healthy is to prevent issues such as dampness. Moisture in the home can attract pests, unbalance the warmth, and cause mold to grow. During fall and winter, mold can be particularly prolific. When you spot the early signs of mold, it can be too late. Prevention is better than the cure when it comes to mold. So try to keep your home dry and fresh. Mold sprays and washes, anti-mold paint, and mold-resistant items will help.


Taking a stand against common household pests can help defend your fall home. It also helps to think like a burglar and check entry points. You should also be aware of mold during the fall.



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