Combining collagen protein powders with other supplements: benefits and risks

Fitness has never been this prevalent until now, with fitness gurus flooding our social media feed, advocating to build muscle as the best way to shed weight for good, while others are too busy endorsing collagen protein powder and other supplements. Speaking of supplements, is it safe to combine protein collagen with these? Does it pose certain risks? What are the benefits, if there are any? Keep reading to learn more.

What are the potential benefits of combining collagen protein powders with other supplements?

Proteins are best absorbed in our bodies if consumed with other nutrients. As the most abundant protein in our body, we still need collagen for various needs like improving skin health through elasticity, promoting tissue repair, and ensuring smooth joint movement. The other vitamins and nutrients below are just a few samples that go well with collagen:

Antioxidants. These nutrients are needed to help ward off radicals from our bodies, so consuming this along with collagen in the form of vitamin E or green tea extract will significantly boost our skin conditions apart from our overall health.

Vitamin C. We need vitamin C to boost our immune system and to help keep our cells healthy. Taking collagen protein with this vitamin can boost collagen production, benefiting our skin.

Probiotics. Gut health is crucial, and probiotics are our rescuers since they help support our gut to absorb more nutrients. Once taken with collagen, it boosts the body’s ability to absorb nutrients more effectively.

Calcium. Calcium is crucial for our bone health, and there are studies stating how people who consume a combination of collagen, calcium, and vitamin D have significantly lower protein levels that promote bone loss, and they also have a lower loss of mineral bone density.

Magnesium. If you’re looking to improve your joints and connective tissues, then you should take magnesium and collagen together since these two are essential nutrients that promote better muscle and tendon health.

Are there any nutrients that shouldn’t be taken with collagen together?

As of the moment, researchers are still studying the full extent of what collagen can do for our bodies, and so far, there aren’t any vitamins and minerals that make a bad pair with collagen. If anything, you should avoid doing the following when you’re consuming collage protein supplements:

Consuming too much sugar. Everything should be consumed in moderation, but if you cut off sugar from your diet, especially artificial ones, then it would greatly improve your body. Sugar hinders your body’s ability to repair itself, and it also exhausts the collagen reserve at a fast pace.

Poor sleeping habits. Sleep is crucial for our health since it lets our bodies recover plus it also prevents wrinkle formation, so make sure you get at least eight hours of uninterrupted sleep nightly.

Alcohol consumption. Drinking alcohol is all fun and games until it messes with your body from the inside. Consuming it dehydrates our bodies, and it also damages our other body functions. Collagen-wise, it depletes collagen production, making our skin flaky and dry.


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