Activities To Pursue In Your Free Time To Maintain Good Brain Health

When you have free time, it can often be good to pursue engaging and entertaining activities to fulfill your time and keep your brain active. While you should relax and rest at times, you might feel the need to do something fun to fill your time. 

Those who often feel uninspired about what to do when they have free time need not worry anymore. This guide will share the best activities to pursue in your free time to maintain good brain health.

Online games

Whether or not you are keen on gaming, online gaming can be fun for everyone. There are games available for most ages and abilities. They can be educative, entertaining, or informative (depending on what you choose).

Online gaming can be rewarding and fun. Playing free games that don’t involve gambling is a safe option that will solely entertain you during your free time. You could play online games such as chess to distract your mind and unwind. Being able to play these on the go or on your computer will enable you to relax anywhere when you have time to spare.

Pursue physical exercise

Frequent physical activity is crucial for the health of both your body and mind. Exercises that improve blood flow to the brain, such as swimming, running, yoga, or walking, encourage the development of new neurons and improve brain function overall. Endorphins are hormones that lower stress and elevate mood, and exercise has been shown to increase their release. 

These things help you think more clearly, remember things better, and have a lower chance of experiencing cognitive decline as you age. Regulating sleep patterns is an important aspect of physical activity and brain health. To get the most out of your regimen, try mixing strength training, aerobic workouts, and balance and coordination-boosting activities.

Jigsaw puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles have a timeless appeal and are a great activity to pursue for all ages. Whether you want to spend weeks doing one when you have a spare hour or two or a day, they are a great activity to enjoy and distract your mind. 

Jigsaw puzzles come in all shapes and sizes and help to keep your brain active, which is good for cognitive function and brain health. You don’t need to pursue complex ones if you are a newbie. If they are simple and fun, they can be highly engaging and entertaining. 

Improve your language skills

Improving your language skills is a great way to spend your free time. You could choose to sharpen your current language skills and add to your vocabulary or choose to learn or improve another second, third, or eighth language. 

Grab a notepad, use the Internet (or a knowledgeable friend or family member), and start writing down new words and phrases that you don’t know. Sticking to five or ten words or phrases every time you get free time will help you remember them and slowly build your skills.


A great brain exercise to do to stay mentally sharp is cards. Most games will help various parts of your brain work while allowing it to relax. Solitaire, blackjack, hearts, and more are fun games to play with family and/or friends, which will help you unwind while keeping your mind active. 

Whether you have a spare evening or ten minutes with a friend, it is a great hobby to pursue to keep your brain occupied and entertained. 


Reading is a great activity to pursue when you have free time. You can do it in bed, on the sofa, or on a commute. It helps you pass the time and expand your mind. Whether you choose to read fiction or non-fiction, you can enjoy the freedom of doing this anywhere. 

The great thing about reading in 2024 is that you can read from an e-reading device like a Kindle. You can easily put this in your pocket or a bag and read wherever you are. 

Learn a new skill

Acquiring a new talent is similar to working out your brain. Learning new abilities, such as taking up a musical instrument, picking up a new language, or becoming proficient in a trade like knitting or carpentry, activates multiple brain regions, strengthens neural connections, and enhances cognitive function overall. 

Learning necessitates the use of attention, memory, and problem-solving abilities—all essential for preserving brain function. Learning something new can also give one a sense of accomplishment, a confidence boost, and a constructive way to release tension. Your mental health can be further improved by learning resilience and patience from the trials you meet during the learning process.

Socialize indoors or out and about

Keeping up solid social ties is essential for brain function. Through talks and encounters, socializing exposes you to fresh ideas, viewpoints, and challenges that can question your preconceived notions. Participating in social activities, such as going to events in the community, joining clubs, or just hanging out with friends and family, can lower stress and enhance mental health. 

Social contacts improve memory, increase cognitive performance, and offer emotional support—all critical for preserving mental health. Socializing can also introduce you to new interests and activities, further expanding your horizons and stimulating your mind.

Meditation and mindful activities 

Mindfulness and meditation practices can significantly improve brain health by lowering stress and increasing attention. Focusing on the present moment through these activities helps to declutter the mind, ease anxiety, and relax the mind. Frequent meditation can expand the amount of grey matter in the brain. 

Further, mindfulness promotes the unjudging observation of your thoughts and feelings, which can improve cognitive function and emotional state. You can reap major benefits from incorporating even a short daily meditation practice, such as increased stress resilience and improved mental clarity.

It makes great sense to use your free time wisely. Although you will want to relax and rest at times, you will want to keep your brain engaged and enjoy your time while pursuing activities, too. 


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