How Do Red Light Potentially Ease Neuropathic Pain?

Red light therapy for Neuropathic Pain 

Neuropathic pain! Isn’t it a never-ending nuisance?

Be it a simple headache or intense chronic nerve pain, it manages to affect you from top to bottom. 

Well, this is pretty common. It’s because 1 in every 20 people in the Western world happens to suffer from neuropathic pain. 

There are different treatments for the issue which is a piece of good news. However, red light therapy has recently grabbed the attention of experts and general people. 

There are varying ranges of wavelengths in the light spectrum that use different tricks to ease issues affecting your nervous system. 

So, in case you wish to treat nerve pain, Red light therapy is an effective alternative

What is Red Light Therapy?

Red Light Therapy is simply a natural method. It uses low-level light to heal or treat different conditions. 

The light bears red wavelengths (630nm-660nm) and near-infrared wavelengths (810nm-850nm). 

They penetrate your skin and stimulate positive biological activities within the cells and tissues. As a result, it gives you different therapeutic benefits like:

  • Wound healing
  • Neuropathy pain relief
  • Anti-Aging and Skin Health
  • Inflammation Reduction
  • Reduce Anxiety And Depression

Neuropathic Pain: An Overview

What Is Neuropathic Pain?

Neuropathic pain is an intense chronic pain associated with your nerve. It mainly happens when a disease, injury, or damage affects your central and peripheral nervous system. 

Those two transfer pain signals between the brain and spinal cord from the muscles, skin, organs, and other body parts. 

  • The CNS is made up of your brain and spinal cord. 
  • The PNS contains sensory, motor, or mixed nerves. They run throughout your face and the rest of the body— organs, muscles, skin, arms, legs, fingers, and toes. 

The nerve pain is mostly described as: 

  • Shooting
  • Tingling
  • Numbness
  • Burning
  • Pins And Needles

Causes Of Neuropathic Pain 

Different circumstances affect the nervous system. As per a study, about 30% of neuropathy cases result from diabetes. However, hundreds of other diseases can cause it too.

  • Diabetes
  • Chronic stress
  • Inflammation
  • Genetic disorders
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Facial nerve conditions
  • Infections
  • Stroke
  • Parkinson’s disease 
  • Exposure to toxins
  • Vitamin deficiencies
  • Trauma
  • Surgeries 
  • Tumors
  • Alcohol and Smoking

Traditional Treatment Methods


1. Psychological counseling

2. Therapies


  • Red Light Therapy
  • Physical therapy
  • Relaxation therapy
  • Massage therapy
  • Acupuncture

3. Medications 



  • Antidepressants 
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Topical ointments— capsaicin, lidocaine, or menthol

4. Neuropathy surgery


5. Quitting alcohol and smoking

6. Home Remedies


  • Exercise and Yoga 
  • Herbal remedies
  • Warm bath 

How RLT Works for Neuropathic Pain?

Red light therapy mainly uses Near-Infrared Light for Neuropathy pain. It has longer wavelengths that get into light-sensitive chromophores in the cells. With deeper penetration, it helps stimulate the activity of mitochondria, cellular energy production, and the growth of fibroblast tissues. 

This increases blood flow and improves oxygen and protein delivery to treated areas. Consequently, it improves nerve function and alleviates pain associated with neuropathy. 

Benefits Of Red Light Therapy for Neuropathy

Minimizes Stress and Inflammation

As Red Light penetrates the skin, your energy-producing structures within the cells i.e. mitochondria absorb the light. There, the red light boosts cellular energy production which further works to reduce oxidative stress. Result— it decreases inflammation.

When the inflammation subsides, your immune system won’t attack healthy nerves. So, consequently, RLT prevents further nerve damage. 

Stimulates Nerve Cell Growth and Regeneration

Nerve cells respond favorably to light wavelengths, particularly NIR ones. They go deep into the tissues to the point where the wavelengths reach peripheral nerve cells. 

Once reached, the light stimulates the production of a neurotransmitter in PNS called adenosine triphosphate. It’s a kind of energy currency of cells. The process enhances the ability of nerve cells to grow and regenerate. This helps restore normal cell signaling which further works to ease neuropathic pain.  

Promotes Schwan Cell Proliferation 

Schwan Cells are repair-supportive neuronal cells that form the myelin sheath around nerves. It’s essential for rapid and effective nerve signaling and helps protect and regenerate nerve cells. 

So, when Red Light reaches PNS, it activates signaling pathways that help promote cell division and growth. This results in stimulating Schwan Cells and repairing nerve issues. 

Stimulates Fibroblasts Growth

When exposed to RLT, cells in connective tissue called fibroblasts activate and increase the production of collagen and other proteins. This is essential for repairing affected tissue. 

As RLT enhances the activity of fibroblasts, it helps form connective cords between nerve cells and axons. This supports the regeneration of myelin sheath and helps with nerve repair overall. 

Improves Blood Circulation

Red light therapy tends to stimulate the release of nitric oxide. This helps a lot in widening blood vessels. 

Consequently, it increases blood flow and oxygen delivery to the affected areas which further improves nutrient supply. Consequently, the process leads to enhanced blood circulation, better tissue health, and healed nerve cells. 

Best Red Light Therapy Devices for Neuropathy

Top Devices and Their Features

BIOMAX 900: Best red light therapy for neuropathy

  • 300 LEDs
  • 7 Wavelenghts 
  • 160 and 190 MW/cm2
  • Panel Height and Width 36 inches by 12 inches

BIOMAX 450: Best red light therapy for foot neuropathy and targeted areas

  • 150 LEDs
  • 7 Wavelenghts 
  • 155 and 180 MW/cm2
  • Panel Height and Width 19 inches by 12 inches

How to Use Red Light Therapy for Neuropathic Pain?

Selecting The Right Device

Red Light Therapy must have these perks: 

  • Higher power output 
  • Different range of wavelengths 
  • Maximum coverage 
  • Ease of use 

When it comes to Neuropathic pain, try out BIOMAX 900 red light therapy. Its power output ranges between 160 and 190 MW/cm2. This can help a lot in alleviating Neuropathic pain. 

Plus, you’ll get 7 wavelengths. It has 4 NIR+, 2 R+, and a trace of blue light that ensures deeper penetration. 

The coverage is wide. Not only does it emit light to your head but also all over your body. So, when the device flashes light from top to bottom, it can help make the headache go away. 

Usage Guidelines

Step 1: Clean Your Skin

Wash your face with a mild cleanser before using red light devices.  

Step 2: Position the RLT Device At A Distance 

Keep yourself 6-12 inches away from the device. Expose your bare skin, especially the affected areas of neuropathy to the red light. 

Step 3: Start The Session Depending On The Pain Severity 

If you’re new, start the session with 5 to 10 minutes. Continue the therapy this way for 2 weeks. 

Then gradually increase it to 15 or 20 minutes as your skin acclimates to the therapy. 

Consider doing it 3 to 5 times a week for around 4 weeks. 

Safety Tips and Precautions 

  • Do consult a neurologist or expert beforehand to know about the treatment in detail. 
  • Read the manual instructions that come with BIOMAX 900 and use it accordingly. The manual has all the key details — Recommended treatment times, frequency, and positioning of the device on the affected area. 
  • Don’t keep yourself too close to the device and for too long. It can overheat your skin, damage your tissue, and worsen nerve pain. 
  • Skipping the session, overexposure, and doing it carelessly can cause damage to your skin. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How Does Red Light Therapy Help Neuropathy?

Red light therapy helps increase blood flow to the affected areas which improves oxygen and nutrient delivery to the nerves and eases pain. 

How To Ease Neuropathy Pain?

Red light therapy can be an effective method to lower neuropathy pain. 

How Do You Calm Down Nerve Pain?

Using Red light therapy for 15 or 20 every day for 3 to 5 times a week can work to calm down nerve pain. 

Does Tylenol Help Nerve Pain?

Different case studies and research papers indicate that Tylenol isn’t very effective in easing nerve pain. 

Reduce Your Nerve Pain With Red Light Therapy

Indeed Red Light Therapy is safe, it’s better to consult a neurologist beforehand to know if you can use it. If you’re eligible, ask them for more details such as the session period and frequency. 

RLT devices have helped different consumers in easing Neuropathic pain. If they did the same to you, share your stories and experience. 



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