5 Cities you should visit to explore other cultures

Traveling can offer you a unique experience to broaden your horizons and understand the world from a different point of view. Although we may think our way of living is the norm, when we travel, we find that people around the world have completely different lives. In this article, we will explore five cities that offer a rich cultural experience. Whether it’s their history, traditions or art, these are great destinations for anyone looking to explore other cultures.

1.   Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo is a great example of a city where modernity and tradition coexist. The capital of Japan creates a perfect balance for people who want to experience a little bit of both.

If you are interested in history, you could explore Tokyo’s historic temples and shrines. These provide a glimpse into Japan’s religious heritage, as well as showcase the ancient Japanese architecture. Some of its oldest temples, like the Senso-ji, date back to the 7th Century. Often, in these temples, you can learn about traditional rituals and imagine what life was back then.

One of the most famous rituals when you visit Tokyo is a tea ceremony, called “chanoyu”. This centuries-old tradition aims to show the principles of harmony, purity and tranquility. Being part of it will feel like a serene experience, and you will gain a deeper understanding of the Japanese philosophy.

If you are more interested in the modern side of Tokyo, you can explore districts like Shibuya, with its iconic crossing and great nightlife and youth culture, and Shinjuku, which is a great source of entertainment and shopping for both locals and tourists.

Japanese food is famous around the world, so when in Tokyo, don’t forget to explore the different food markets, like the Tsuki Outer Market, to try fresh seafood. You can try the classic dishes of sushi and ramen, or explore contemporary fusion cuisine.

2.   Istanbul, Turkey

Probably due to the fact that the city spans two different continents, Istanbul is a melting pot of cultures. It’s a diverse and rich city with a lot to do and learn.

One of its standout features is the architecture, which represents the long and diverse history of the city. Buildings like the Hagia Sophia reflect the religious history of the city and showcase beautiful Byzantine architecture. Another building landmark worth visiting is the Blue Mosque, one of the most iconic examples of Ottoman architecture.

If you want to experience the more bustling side of the city, you can visit the Grand Bazaar, a huge market that has over 4000 shops in total. There, you will find spices, textiles, jewellery, ceramics and more. Although it can be quite touristy, you can get a glimpse of authentic Turkish craftsmanship.

To explore the whole city and see the views of Istanbul’s skyline, going on a cruise on the Bosphorus Strait is a great idea. From the cruise, you will see the blend of European and Asian architecture that runs through the cities’ most popular buildings.

Because of its geographical position, Istanbul’s cuisine is a fusion of different cultures, using ingredients coming from both Europe and Asia and getting inspiration from the Middle East. Typical dishes like kebabs and baklavas are a must, as well as Turkish tea and coffee.

3.   Doha, Qatar

Doha, the capital city of Qatar, has quickly transformed into a cultural and economic hub. This combination offers a more modern take of the city while being able to explore the traditional and historic side of it.

Doha is known for its art and architecture. The Museum of Islamic Art offers an extensive collection of Islamic art from around the world, offering a deep dive into Islamic tradition.

Due to the city’s rich history and culture, in 2010 they opened the Katara Cultural village, a big area with an amphitheatre, an opera house and more spaces to host different activities. Along with some of the activities hosted in Katara Cultural village, multiple cultural events regularly take place in Doha, organised by local institutions like Qatar Museums and Years of Culture. Years of Culture, for example, is a program aimed at strengthening the cultural ties between Qatar and other countries around the world by organising exhibitions, workshops, festivals and other events both in Qatar and in the country picked as partner. This year, Qatar partnered with Morocco and is hosting a series of events both in Doha and in Morocco’s major cities.

Doha’s culinary scene uses a lot of spices and slow cooking. Some of the dishes you should try are the classic Arabic stew called saloona, Qatar’s national dish with slow-cooked meat and rice called majboos, and warak enab, which are stuffed vine leaves.

4.   Marrakech, Morocco

Visiting Marrakech is a sensorial experience thanks to its colors, smells and tastes. The city is known as “the Red City” due to the color of its buildings. Their architecture, religious history and cuisine provide a rich cultural experience.

The Medina of Marrakech is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This area, full of people, streets and historic buildings, is the perfect place to explore and get a taste of Moroccan culture, as well as observing their daily life and traditions.

If you want to explore more of Moroccan’s lively culture, visit the Jemaa el-Fnaa square, with a market that offers a range of produces and souvenirs. At night, the square becomes an entertainment center full of musicians, street performers and vendors.

To live the full culinary experience, try some traditional dishes like tagine, prepared in a typical clay pot with the same name, bestilla, a mix of sweet and savory flavors, and couscous, which you can find with a variety of different ingredients.

5.   Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Rio de Janeiro is known for its festive atmosphere and their multiple festivals honoring music and dance. However, if you visit the city, you will also enjoy its landscapes and cultural richness.

Rio’s Carnival is one of the most famous festivals in the world. Each year, millions of tourists visit the city just to enjoy the carnival. This event features parades, samba dancing and beautiful and vibrant costumes. Attending this Carnival offers an immersive experience of Brazilian culture. As proven in the carnival, music is an integral part of Rio’s culture. Samba is their most famous genre, and watching a live performance or even attending a lesson is a good way to experience the rhythm that defines Brazilian music.

If you are visiting Rio de Janeiro, you will have to visit the iconic statue of Christ the Redeemer as well as the Sugarloaf Mountain. Not only can you learn about Rio’s cultural and religious backstory, but you will also be able to get a panoramic view of the city.

When it comes to Rio’s cuisine, its vibrant food culture offers a multitude of dishes influenced by African, Caribbean and Portuguese cuisine, with ingredients such as fresh seafood, tropical fruits or black beans.

Anywhere we travel, we can discover interesting parts of new cultures and immerse ourselves into a different world. These cities and their architecture, market, festivals and food helps us understand the world a bit better. The different experiences in these cities promise unforgettable cultural adventures.


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