How to make Grandma core work in your bedroom

Alright, lovelies, gather round! Today we’re diving into one of the quirkiest and most delightful interior design trends taking the world by storm: Grandma Core. Yes, you heard it right! Forget minimalist Scandinavian vibes or sleek, modern aesthetics. This is all about embracing the cosy, nostalgic charm of your gran’s house. So, dust off those doilies and let’s talk about turning your bedroom into a whimsical, retro haven.

First things first, what on earth is Grandma Core? Think floral patterns, knitted throws, antique knick-knacks, and, of course, sturdy wooden beds. It’s about creating a space that feels warm, lived-in, and filled with memories, even if your life is more “Instagram stories” than “tales of yore.” Basically, it’s like living in an episode of “The Great British Bake Off,” but without the soggy bottoms (hopefully).

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of Grandma Core bedroom essentials. The cornerstone of any good Granny-inspired boudoir is the bed. We’re talking wooden beds here, folks. None of that flat-pack, allen key nonsense. You want a bed that creaks reassuringly when you sit on it, like it’s sighing in contentment at the end of a long day. A wooden bed adds that perfect touch of rustic charm and stability – it’s like getting a hug from a tree. Preferably oak, because pine can be a bit of a softie.

Speaking of beds, let’s not forget about the bedding. If it’s not floral, you’re doing it wrong. Channel your inner Laura Ashley and go all out with the patterns. Mixing and matching is key here – the more clashing, the better. Throw in some lace-edged pillowcases and a hand-knitted blanket that looks like it might’ve been made by your great aunt Mabel during a particularly long episode of “Coronation Street.” Remember, it’s not about perfection; it’s about personality.

Next up, let’s talk lighting. Overhead lights? Absolutely not. You want a soft, ambient glow, like the one your gran gets when she sees you’ve brought her a packet of her favourite biscuits. Think lamps with fabric shades, preferably adorned with tassels or fringing. Fairy lights are a nice touch too, strung haphazardly like you really couldn’t be bothered to do it properly, but it somehow looks perfect. Bonus points if they’re shaped like something whimsical – flowers, stars, or tiny teapots.

Now, onto the walls. You can’t just slap on a coat of magnolia and call it a day. No, no. Wallpaper is your new best friend. The bolder, the better. Floral, paisley, or even a nice toile – whatever tickles your fancy. And if you can find a wallpaper border that matches your duvet cover, you’re on the right track.

But wait, there’s more! Accessories are where you can really have fun. Raid charity shops and car boot sales for treasures. Look for anything with a bit of history – vintage photo frames, porcelain figurines, old books with spines that crackle when you open them. And don’t forget the doilies. Pop them under your lamps, your photo frames, and even your house plants if you’re feeling adventurous. They’re like the icing on the Grandma Core cake.

One cannot overlook the importance of a good rug. We’re not talking about some bland, beige thing that blends into the background. No, you want something with a bit of pizzazz. A Persian rug, perhaps, or something with a floral motif. It should feel like a gentle massage for your feet as you pad around in your slippers, ideally the fluffy kind that your gran would approve of.

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room – the scent. What we’re definitely not going for here is the actual smell of old Grandma’s. Do not unbottle the ‘eau de retirement living’ just yet. It’s more subtle than that. Grandma Core isn’t just about how things look; it’s about how they feel and smell. Scented candles are your secret weapon here. Opt for comforting, homely scents like lavender, vanilla, or freshly baked cookies. If candles aren’t your thing, those plug-in air fresheners work a treat too. Your room should smell like a hug, if that makes any sense at all.

In the end, Grandma Core is all about creating a space that feels inviting, cosy, and full of character. It’s a nostalgic nod to the past, with all the comforts of modern living. So, embrace those wooden beds, layer on the florals, and let your inner granny shine. And if anyone dares to question your décor choices, just smile and offer them a biscuit. After all, who can argue with a room that feels this lovely?


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